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Terrorist bombing of Moscow Airport Jan. 24, 2011

On balochistan, two things.. a) it's very low intensity. b) the Baloch people do not vote for seperatist political parties.

If five big uprisings that have taken place in regular intervals over the last 60 years ('48,'58-59,'63-69,'73-77 and last in 2004) and over 3700 Pakistani soldiers killed is not a big enough one for you, nor is a indication of many of the Balochi's reluctance to be a part of the Pakistani Union, I wonder what is .

And the second part I think more has to do with the resignation to reality than one borne out of willingness and love.

Any way this is my last reply on this topic and its going the offtopic way.
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Don't bother reasoning with the detractors.

The simplistic approach is to wrap oneself in self-righteousness and tsk-tsk your way around any informed debate.

The harder approach, and one that is ultimately required to stop terrorism, requires understanding the causes of such actions and working to address the root causes. Injustice breeds injustice; violence begets violence, but the simplistic mind refuses to engage with reality.

The oppressors of Kashmir will never admit that root causes are always germane to any discussion. They would rather brush everything under the rug as an 'internal matter'. These are the people who would turn a blind eye to Darfur or Rwanda or even the Holocaust as 'internal' matters that need not concern the rest of the world.
Don't bother reasoning with the detractors.

The simplistic approach is to wrap oneself in self-righteousness and tsk-tsk your way around any informed debate.

The harder approach, and one that is ultimately required to stop terrorism, requires understanding the causes of such actions and working to address the root causes. Injustice breeds injustice; violence begets violence, but the simplistic mind refuses to engage with reality.

The oppressors of Kashmir will never admit that root causes are always germane to any discussion. They would rather brush everything under the rug as an 'internal matter'. These are the people who would turn a blind eye to Darfur or Rwanda or even the Holocaust as 'internal' matters that need not concern the rest of the world.

Then why do you guys say that 1971 East Pakistan was an internal matter or that Baluchistan is an internal matter?

Stick to one thing. You can't have it both ways.

BTW, this 'root cause' thingy sounds good to you only as long as you don't lose a near or dear one in a terrorist strike.

God forbid, but if you do, you'll know what you're saying.

God forbid, but if you did, there will be no 'root cause' then. There will be a terrorist and there will be the dead body (or rather body parts) of a loved one.
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Then why do you guys say that 1971 East Pakistan was an internal matter or that Baluchistan is an internal matter?

There is no large scale cultural extermination and human rights abuses going on in Baluchistan. As for Bangaldesh, if the claims against Pakistani army are true, then it is a shameful period for us and it is good that they got their freedom.

BTW, this 'root cause' thingy sounds good to you only as long as you don't lose a near or dear one in a terrorist strike.

God forbid, but if you do, you'll know what you're saying.

God forbid, but if you did, there will be no 'root cause' then. There will be a terrorist and there will be the dead body (or rather body parts) of a loved one.

Of course it is painful when a loved one dies in a terrorist incident. It is just as painful if an innocent loved one is killed by a drone strike. The only solace possible, after the fact, is that the situation should be resolved so more incidents don't happen and more people don't have to lose their life.

The aim should be to stop the cycle of violence by addressing the core issues, rather than wrapping oneself in self-righteousness.

Even when a terrorist strike happens in Pakistan, of course we want to kill the terrorists. But we also want to think of a long term solution by reeducating people and eradicating extremism, so more attacks don't have to happen.
There is no large scale cultural extermination and human rights abuses going on in Baluchistan. As for Bangaldesh, if the claims against Pakistani army are true, then it is a shameful period for us and it is good that they got their freedom.

Of course it is painful when a loved one dies in a terrorist incident. It is just as painful if an innocent loved one is killed by a drone strike. The only solace possible, after the fact, is that the situation should be resolved so more incidents don't happen and more people don't have to lose their life.

The aim should be to stop the cycle of violence by addressing the core issues, rather than wrapping oneself in self-righteousness.

Even when a terrorist strike happens in Pakistan, of course we want to kill the terrorists. But we also want to think of a long term solution by reeducating people and eradicating extremism, so more attacks don't have to happen.

I agree with some of what you say, but

Just check ANY thread about a terrorist strike in India, Russia. US or some such and you will see all kinds of root cause apologists and dumb conspiracy theorists there

And check any thread on terrorist strikes in pakistan, china etc and the same guys are singing a different tune altogether.

You will hardly find indians playing apologists for terrorists in any place. the point we make is - terrorism is not a cause in itself, its a tactic. lets not mix the two.
Obama ready to help Russia probe airport blast


U.S. President Barack Obama pledged on Tuesday to help Russia investigate the deadly terrorist attack on Moscow's Domodedovo Airport, the Kremlin said.

"The U.S. president said he was ready to provide any assistance to punish those who committed this crime," a Kremlin statement said following a phone conversation between Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

At least 35 people were killed and 180 injured when a suicide bomber detonated an explosive device in the arrivals zone of Russia's biggest airport on Monday. A total of 110 people have been hospitalized, with many in a critical condition.

"The U.S. president extended his deep condolences for the death of innocent people. He wished swift recovery to all those who were injured in this atrocious terrorist act," the Kremlin said.

The Russian president has instructed the government to implement thorough checks of passengers at major transportation facilities.

Obama ready to help Russia probe airport blast | Russia | RIA Novosti

The New York police department has sent an officer to Moscow to collect information about Monday’s terrorist attack on the capital’s Domodedovo airport, the CBS television channel said on Wednesday.

A powerful blast struck the busy international terminal of Russia's biggest airport on Monday evening, killing 35 people and injuring scores.

The channel said the information gathered by the officer, who arrived on Tuesday, will go toward helping U.S. law enforcement agencies prevent similar incidents.

The New York police have developed a special program for studying terrorist attacks abroad. The police officer who was sent to Moscow also works in Tel Aviv as part of this program.

The officer was also in Moscow in March 2010, when two bombs detonated during the morning rush hour at the Lubyanka and Park Kultury metro stations, killing 40 people and injuring over 100.
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Moscow police deputy head fired after terror attack


Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has dismissed the deputy head of Moscow's police after a deadly terrorist attack at Russia's biggest airport was blamed on poor security, the Kremlin said on its website on Wednesday.

Major-General Vladimir Chugunov had been in office since 2001.

A powerful blast struck the busy international terminal of Moscow's Domodedovo Airport on Monday evening, killing 35 people and injuring up to 180. Conflicting reports suggest the attack was carried out by a female Black Widow suicide bomber accompanied by a man, or a man on his own.

Medvedev blamed the tragedy on poor security at the airport, which he described as "chaos," and demanded that Interior Ministry and Federal Security Service (FSB) officials responsible for security be punished.

Wednesday has been declared a day of mourning in Moscow for victims of the attack. Flags are flying at half mast across the capital and the surrounding region and TV companies have been advised by the mayor's office to cancel all entertainment programs as a sign of respect.

Moscow police deputy head fired after terror attack | Russia | RIA Novosti

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Wednesday sacked a federal transportation security chief in the wake of a terrorist attack on Moscow's Domodedovo airport.

"I have signed a decree relieving [Maj. Gen. Andrei] Alekseyev of his duties as head of the Interior Ministry transport security directorate," Medvedev said.

More dismissals will follow, he warned.

He ordered Interior Minister Rashid Nurgaliyev to "shake up" the entire transport police to ensure daily transport security.

"If people don't understand how to work, we'll find other people," Medvedev said.

He earlier criticized airport security and said those responsible would be "punished."

Russia needs a modern color-coded security system in the transport sector similar to the systems in use in the West, Medvedev said.

Moscow is observing a day of mourning on Wednesday for the victims of the January 24 terrorist attack.

Monday's blast at the airport arrivals zone claimed the lives of 35 people and left scores injured. No group has yet taken responsibility for the attack, which comes less than 12 months after two female suicide bombers from the volatile North Caucasus struck the Moscow metro, killing dozens.

The identity of the terrorist or terrorists who carried out the blast has not yet been officially confirmed, with conflicting reports suggesting the attack was carried out by a female Black Widow suicide bomber accompanied by a man, or a man on his own.
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The posting prior to this one says preliminary investigation cannot yet determine if the suicide bomber was a woman assisted by a man or a man on his own. TV news reports in both Russia and the US initially said the ethnic identity of the bomber may be that of an Arab. Checynian terrorists have been killed and captured inside Pakistan so the reverse, al Qaida male or female Arab nationality bombers, is a distinct possibility, based on these two widely separated TV news statements of earlier this week.

The ranks of the Shahidkas are filled mainly with 15- to 19-year-old women. According to journalist Julia Jusik many of the women have been sold by their parents to be used as shahidkas, others have been kidnapped or tricked. Another group come from wahhabist families and are pressured to become shahidkas by their family. Many have been prepared to the suicide by way of narcotics and rapes. Several have been pregnant at the time. Mainly they are given no training at all in preparation for the suicides as no weapon skill is needed to strap on the explosives. Many don't even blow themselves up, but are blown up by remote control
The posting prior to this one says preliminary investigation cannot yet determine if the suicide bomber was a woman assisted by a man or a man on his own. TV news reports in both Russia and the US initially said the ethnic identity of the bomber may be that of an Arab. Checynian terrorists have been killed and captured inside Pakistan so the reverse, al Qaida male or female Arab nationality bombers, is a distinct possibility, based on these two widely separated TV news statements of earlier this week.
Your quote shows how lowly these terrorists can reach. No respect for the life-giver i.e. woman. Sold off, raped, forced, remote control detonation. Where is the fundamentalist world heading towards?

Do they seriously think that by conducting such lowly acts, the could scare an establishment into giving into their illogical demands? They are only making the lives of their fellow innocent civilian Muslim people more difficult by unnecessarily raising the spectre of suspicion among them and the rest of Russia.
Informants had warned of plan to attack a Moscow airport

MOSCOW: The two bombers who carried out the Moscow airport attack are thought to be part of a suicide squad trained in al-Qaeda strongholds in Pakistan and sent to target Moscow's transport system.

Russian security services warned in December that two teams were primed for attacks, provoking fears that other terrorists could still be at large.

Intelligence sources said that the squads had established a base at a house in Moscow, where the suicide belts to be used in attacks were assembled.
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Russian security sources said a male and female suicide bomber carried out the attack at Domodedovo Airport on Monday in which 35 people died and 180 were injured, 49 seriously. The attack was closely supervised by three accomplices, who watched from a distance and are now being hunted.

''This was an abominable crime in its senselessness and its cruelty,'' said the Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin. ''I do not doubt that this crime will be solved and that retribution is inevitable.''

The President, Dmitry Medvedev, blamed lax security at the airport and said the organisers of the attack must be brought to justice or ''eliminated'' if they resist arrest.

Mr Medvedev said the scene of the crime was anarchy. ''People were coming in from everywhere. The control of movement was partial at best and didn't extend to those who were meeting passengers.''

Intelligence services have been embarrassed by the revelation that informants had warned of an attack on a Moscow airport just weeks earlier. Experts said the tip-off was that a criminal gang in the Moscow suburbs was aiding a Chechen bomb-making squad and that a suicide cell was travelling from a training camp.

A newspaper close to the FSB security service published what it said was a warning to Moscow police issued in December that there was credible intelligence that a suicide squad made up of three women and one man from Chechnya was heading for Moscow.

The memo said the team had spent time in Pakistan and Iran and one of the women had a relation with a flat in Moscow that might be used as a bomb-making factory. Another group of five militants trained in Pakistan was also expected to go to Russia soon, it added.

A website linked to al-Qaeda said the group Islamic Caucasus Emirate, led by Doku Umarov, was poised to claim responsibility for the attack.

Telegraph, London; Associated Press
Your quote shows how lowly these terrorists can reach. No respect for the life-giver i.e. woman. Sold off, raped, forced, remote control detonation. Where is the fundamentalist world heading towards?

Do they seriously think that by conducting such lowly acts, the could scare an establishment into giving into their illogical demands? They are only making the lives of their fellow innocent civilian Muslim people more difficult by unnecessarily raising the spectre of suspicion among them and the rest of Russia.

Its really unfortunate how the fundamentalists have charted out their course of action. And the repercussions will be felt by thousands of people who have no connection whatsoever with the perpetrators.
Russ-Pak relations were showing signs of mending, now this incident may cast a looming dark shadow on that process.
what would be their punishment if a terrorist who killed many people is only 15 years old..i don't think here in india we can give him death or life imprisonment.
I served 6 years on the Alabama Department of Youth Services State Board and concurrent DYS Board of Education. Old terminology would be "Juvenile Reform School" system.

If a child age 15 had done such, and lived to tell the story of his or her guilt we would put them in our DYS hard lock up until adult legal age of 18, then transfer them into the adult prison system where whatever judgement the court had rendered, which would have been either the death penalty or life in prison would be the final outcome for the fomerly 15 year old once they turned age 18.

Equally important in the US we would seek out the adults responsible for misguiding into violent crimes such as this the 15 year old and they would be tried on charges of conspiracy to commit murder and have gotten either life in prison or the death penalty.

For some reason I thought India had outlawed the death penalty??? Someone feel free to confirm that or correct me.
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