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Terrorist attack in Islamabad | 17 dead 41 injured, rescue underway.

Well, The TTP and LeJs of today have similar excuses for their actions. But terrorism is terrorism... irrespective of the motives and their justification. The armed Lashkars of Jinnah sent to kill and rape Kashmiris to forcefully annex Kashmir were no different than the TTP of today.

TTP is fighting to impose its lifestyle on others. LEJ is fighting against a particular sect of Islam. They both are way different from each other in motives. And both of them are way different from Jinnah who saved people of AJK from first the brutal regimes of first Dogra ruler and then Indian govt. It was actually a service to humanity. Or else today the people of Mirpur would like other parts of Kashmir would be protesting at the death of their sons and rapes of their daughter at the hand of Indian army. Now they don't do that since they are not living under Indian occupation thanks to Jinnah's actions.

Would haves and should haves do not determine reality. No govt officially has blamed Modi for causing the Gujrat Riots (Not even Pakistan). The closest someone has come is to blame him for inaction during the riots to contain them.. Well we all know from experience that incompetence does not translate to complicity :) .. Right ?

Well obviously he wasn't personally involved in killing Muslims. Even if that might be his personal wish. :). He is accused of deliberate negligence when he knew that what's coming for gujrat Muslims after the train incident.

Again more BS, just provide a reliable source and get done with it. I am not interested to hear your stories.

Not going to give you the source. You have my permission to get lost. :)
Of course. That's what happens when someone catches you with your pants down. :lol:

And this happens when someone doesn't know a sh!t about history but still spends hours while debating with Pakistan that Kashmir is India's so called integral part.
And this happens when someone doesn't know a sh!t about history but still spends hours while debating with Pakistan that Kashmir is India's so called integral part.

Yes I am not aware of Hari Singh massacring his people, as you said earlier. So provide a source to prove it. It is as simple as that. :lol:
In modern day India and Pakistan Jinnah was the first person to mastermind and execute the cross border terrorism. He was the pioneer and left a trail which Pakistan is following religiously with all possible justifications.

Jinnah saved millions. His inaction might lead to more bloodshed of Muslims of Kashmir like it happened in parts of IOK. So actually he saved humanity. Or else AJK would be in the same situation as IOK.

Kashmir was a independent state and using insurgents to capture is by force, killing and raping innocent civilians is called Terrorism!

It was an independent state ruled by an oppressor. In fact people of Kashmir themselves revolted against days before first tribal set his foot on Kashmir.

As far as Modi is concerns no one blamed him for starting riots or killing people. So serving "India by killing Indians" theory does not apply here.

He is accused of negligence. A negligence that was deliberate. So I think serving India by killing Indians makes sense here.

You might find it easy to justify the massacre of Innocent Kashmirs Muslims by terrorist sent by your great leaders as service to Muslims. Well I've no other choice but to thing in this way as you've been keeping that ideology (terror-ology) close to your heart and executing it till today irrespective of geographical location be it India, Afghanistan, NA, EU or Pakistan or China

You might also find it easy to start your history of events from tribal invasion while the fact remains that people of Kashmir(jammu) already revolted against the dogra ruler and in response dogra ruler was busy oppressing massacring Muslims days before any tribal invasion. Tribal invaded just because of the oppression of Kashmiri mulims by a hindu ruler. Something even worst then 2002 gujrat was happening in Jammu 1947.

Yes I am not aware of Hari Singh massacring his people, as you said earlier. So provide a source to prove it. It is as simple as that. :lol:

Not going to provide the source. Search for it. I know internet is full of it.
TTP is fighting to impose its lifestyle on others. LEJ is fighting against a particular sect of Islam. They both are way different from each other in motives. And both of them are way different from Jinnah who saved people of AJK from first the brutal regimes of first Dogra ruler and then Indian govt. It was actually a service to humanity. Or else today the people of Mirpur would like other parts of Kashmir would be protesting at the death of their sons and rapes of their daughter at the hand of Indian army. Now they don't do that since they are not living under Indian occupation thanks to Jinnah's actions.

Well, LeJ and TTP give similar reasons for attacking Pakistani civilians as you are giving defending the terrorism unleashed by Jinnah on the people of Kashmir. Defending Islam etc and what not.. So as I said, its the methods that define a terrorist and not the ideology.
Use of armed non state actors against unarmed civilians is called terrorism and that's what Jinnah did in 1947

Well obviously he wasn't personally involved in killing Muslims. Even if that might be his personal wish. :). He is accused of deliberate negligence when he knew that what's coming for gujrat Muslims after the train incident.

So how does dereliction of duty translate to Terrorism. By that definition the whole of Pakistani army and ISI can be termed as terrorists since they have failed (some intentionally:) and some unintentionally) in preventing terrorists from going on a rampage in Pakistan and allowed the most wanted Terrorist in the world, OBL, to live happily within Pakistan's Cantonment town for years
Well, LeJ and TTP give similar reasons for attacking Pakistani civilians as you are giving defending the terrorism unleashed by Jinnah on the people of Kashmir. Defending Islam etc and what not.. So as I said, its the methods that define a terrorist and not the ideology.
Use of armed non state actors against unarmed civilians is called terrorism and that's what Jinnah did in 1947

Not really. Only you can see the similarity. Or some other modi fanboys on this forum can see the similarity. He used armed men against an oppressive regime and helped people who already revoled against that regime. Something way different from TTP, Afghan Taliban, Lashkar e Jhangvi, Indian army etc.

So how does dereliction of duty translate to Terrorism. By that definition the whole of Pakistani army and ISI can be termed as terrorists since they have failed (some intentionally:) and some unintentionally) in preventing terrorists from going on a rampage in Pakistan and allowed the most wanted Terrorist in the world, OBL, to live happily within Pakistan's Cantonment town for years

Again you are mixing things. Obama himself admitted Pakistan's role in nabbing OBL. So your logic that you wanted to create is all bogus.
Not really. Only you can see the similarity. Or some other modi fanboys on this forum can see the similarity. He used armed men against an oppressive regime and helped people who already revoled against that regime. Something way different from TTP, Afghan Taliban, Lashkar e Jhangvi, Indian army etc.

I hope you do know why did Pakistan fail to capture Srinagar airport in 1947 which allowed Indian Army to land its troops in J&K to halt the Pakistani terrorists? Because the non state actors sent in by Jinnah got too busy in plundering and raping Kashmiri people on the outskirts of Srinagar and lost the opportunity to capture the undefended Srinagar airport before the Indian army could send its troops. armed me against oppressive regime indeed :)

Again you are mixing things. Obama himself admitted Pakistan's role in nabbing OBL. So your logic that you wanted to create is all bogus.
Now you are grasping at straws. You still have the Pakistani man who helped CIA kill OBL rotting in jail for doing the same. The US govt is on record saying that they kept the information about the raid from Pakistan because if they shared it, OBL would have been tipped off.. Pretty clear who is being bogus :)
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