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Tensions mount on Chinese-Indian border

At least the 1962 China-Indo war was related to the topic.

And you?......?

By the way i am working on a thread of ....war with very interesting

pictures gallery.....Just can't wait!! HAHAHA:smitten:


I've seen your repetitive posts about the 1962 war. You don't have the complete story, I suggest you open your eyes and do some real research, if the commies haven't blocked the sites that is.

Think about it, if China won such an outright victory in 1962, why did the PLA withdraw to the McMohan line? They could have put an end to the dispute back then, so why didn't they?

you don't know do you?

Now go find some answers.
Kindly requesting all members to refrain from personal attacks and other business that happened to occur in another thread, please take up your personal issues with the Moderators.

Now everyone come back on topic.
Mig-29; Will you stop trolling please!!

Whenever i was enjoying a heathy debate, you just pop in playing

your kid's game. Grow up for god sake!!:smitten:


Kiddo you also grow up and stop trolling here and there.:angry:
I've seen your repetitive posts about the 1962 war. You don't have the complete story, I suggest you open your eyes and do some real research, if the commies haven't blocked the sites that is.

Think about it, if China won such an outright victory in 1962, why did the PLA withdraw to the McMohan line? They could have put an end to the dispute back then, so why didn't they?

you don't know do you?

Now go find some answers.

Oh yes, you want a complete story??

Here you go, from REDIFF. com, your reliable source.

Now go and enjoy your SHAMEFUL defeat!!:smitten:

Neville Maxwell: 'The
Chinese were not going to
wait to be attacked...' :pakistan::china:
Posting this for thread relevance and geographical reference.

A1, your map is inacurate. There is a portion on the North East of AP(where it hangs down) with the Myanmar border shown here as part of Nagaland, which is actually part of AP. It is the northern part of Nagaland as shown on your map.
I doubt China will ever fight India over.....?

Your PM Nehru had the same dangerous thought in 1962,

What happened ? ......:smitten: :pakistan::china:

india was not nuclear then.....but not now ......i am sure the PLA would know better ....any war could turn nuclear........
^^ really? who decided that Dhaka belongs to BD and not India?

Ouch, truth hurts - india do not have any historical connection or legitimate claim over Arunachal pradesh other than inheritancefrom Brits. Instead of going nuts why dont indians lay down their proof.
I can see some Chinese and their extraterritorial cheer leaders achieving a state of near nirvana by indulging in their favourite past time of India bashing . The ignoramus being quoted as authority is an old India hater Neville Maxwell

" While serving as South Asia correspondent in The Times, Maxwell authored a series of pessimistic reports filed in February 1967. In the atmosphere leading up to the 4th Lok Sabha elections, he wrote that "The great experiment of developing India within a democratic framework has failed. [Indians will soon vote] in the fourth—and surely last—general election." An article written in The Guardian in the weeks prior to the election provided a contrary view, noting that "the Delhi correspondent of a British newspaper whose thundering misjudgments in foreign affairs have become a byword has expressed the view that Indian democracy is disintegrating.[3]"

Now, this is the clown being quoted by the Chinese Fan Club. The fan Club does not ask itself the simple question-'What is the basis of China's claim on Arunachal Pradesh(AP)?'.
1, Is it because they claim Tibet and therefore claim AP as south Tibet? But the whole world disputes China's claim on Tibet. But then the whole world's opinion has no meaning, has it? Since the whole world is full of 'Imperialists', 'Zionists', 'Fascists' and other forms of humans who dont matter.
2. Is it because Dalai Lama was born in AP (near Tawang)? But then Lord Buddha was born in India. Should India start claiming Japan or Kampuchea?

If the Mac Mohan Line was flawed what stopped the Chinese from taking up the issue with the British? The MM line was delineated in 1914 and the British were in India till 1947. That is enough time to sort out the issue. Why did the Chinese not speak up then?

Answer is very simple - The Chinese waited for the British to leave so they could strike a hard bargain with newly independant India and work things out to their favour.

I am surely sorry that Mr Maxwell's predictions have failed to fructify. Yes India is not perhaps the ideal democracy (who is?) and India is beset with numerous problems (who isnt?) just as most other erstwhile colonies. But India is here to stay. Much to the agony of some, India is not going to disintegrate or vanish as they wish. India will get stronger by the day and be a force to reckon with. China has to accept the fact that India is no longer the push over it was in 1962. India does not want war, but will give a fitting account of itself if attacked. Of course, the fan boys can keep jumping like good cheer leaders (hairy legs and all).
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I can see some Chinese and their extraterritorial cheer leaders achieving a state of near nirvana by indulging in their favourite past time of India bashing . The ignoramus being quoted as authority is an old India hater Neville Maxwell

" While serving as South Asia correspondent in The Times, Maxwell authored a series of pessimistic reports filed in February 1967. In the atmosphere leading up to the 4th Lok Sabha elections, he wrote that "The great experiment of developing India within a democratic framework has failed. [Indians will soon vote] in the fourth—and surely last—general election." An article written in The Guardian in the weeks prior to the election provided a contrary view, noting that "the Delhi correspondent of a British newspaper whose thundering misjudgments in foreign affairs have become a byword has expressed the view that Indian democracy is disintegrating.[3]"

Now, this is the clown being quoted by the Chinese Fan Club. The fan Club does not ask itself the simple question-'What is the basis of China's claim on Arunachal Pradesh(AP)?'.
1, Is it because they claim Tibet and therefore claim AP as south Tibet? But the whole world disputes China's claim on Tibet. But then the whole world's opinion has no meaning, has it? Since the whole world is full of 'Imperialists', 'Zionists', 'Fascists' and other forms of humans who dont matter.
2. Is it because Dalai Lama was born in AP (near Tawang)? But then Lord Buddha was born in India. Should India start claiming Japan or Kampuchea?

If the Mac Mohan Line was flawed what stopped the Chinese from taking up the issue with the British? The MM line was delineated in 1914 and the British were in India till 1947. That is enough time to sort out the issue. Why did the Chinese not speak up then?

Answer is very simple - The Chinese waited for the British to leave so they could strike a hard bargain with newly independant India and work things out to their favour.

I am surely sorry that Mr Maxwell's predictions have failed to fructify. Yes India is not perhaps the ideal democracy (who is?) and India is beset with numerous problems (who isnt?) just as most other erstwhile colonies. But India is here to stay. Much to the agony of some, India is not going to disintegrate or vanish as they wish. India will get stronger by the day and be a force to reckon with. China has to accept the fact that India is no longer the push over it was in 1962. India does not want war, but will give a fitting account of itself if attacked. Of course, the fan boys can keep jumping like good cheer leaders (hairy legs and all).

At this rate of preposterous statement, Indians can argue United States should be Indian territory because it was inhabited by “red Indians”. With these type of statements Indians becoming laughing stock. How China claim Arunachal is as not answer for how and why india lay claim on land based on inheritance from Brits. Indians don’t have any answer so trying to deflect on someone else short comings.

Once again, india do not have any historical connection or legitimate claim over Arunachal pradesh other than inheritance from Brits. Instead of going nuts why dont indians lay down their proof.
At this rate of preposterous statement, Indians can argue United States should be Indian territory because it was inhabited by “red Indians”.

The 'preposterous' historical connection of Dalai Lama with AP and hence South Tibet and hence China has been made by your new boss the Chinese. Please go and ask them about the preposterous statement fan boy.

How China claim Arunachal is as not answer for how and why india lay claim on land based on inheritance from Brits.

That is why you are such a good fan boy. The boundary between India and Tibet in 1947 was the MM line. It was an agreement between Tibet and British India in 1914. The Chinese captured Tibet in 1959 and said they dont believe in MM line and claimed Aksai Chin and AP. Why they claimed AP, as it is Southern Tibet and Dalai Lama was born there. AND our fan boy is asking India to give proof of validity of claim to AP!!!
There was no back stabbing it was Nehru that coined that song with out consulting China. China does have some legitmate claims and India should discuss these with China in the Interests of Peace.
There was no back stabbing it was Nehru that coined that song with out consulting China. China does have some legitmate claims and India should discuss these with China in the Interests of Peace.

No and yes.
No, the line was not coined by Nehru unilaterally. Nehru and Zhou Enlai mutually agreed to the Five principles of Peaceful Co-existance.

Yes, India and China should talk to settle the border issue. Only problem is that China is not willing to talk. They talk peace in Delhi and go back to Beijing and talk of dismembering India.
Ouch, truth hurts - india do not have any historical connection or legitimate claim over Arunachal pradesh other than inheritancefrom Brits. Instead of going nuts why dont indians lay down their proof.

who decided Bangladesh's borders? What connection do you have with your land that we don't? I would like to see some proof.

[Personally, I'm glad we're fencing BD off, that's 150 million people we need to keep out of our country. I don't mind economic cooperation, but immigration is a big NO-NO.]

coming back,

What will China gain from capturing a few peaks? India is sitting on each and every peak, it will be a long and hard fight, and imagine the repercussions once the war is over.

China will not solve the border dispute with India until we settle our differences with Pakistan. They're just keeping the pressure up. War just isn't worth their while at the moment. War is serious business, you don't fight for nothing.

Expect more such articles in the future.
Oh yes, you want a complete story??

Here you go, from REDIFF. com, your reliable source.

Now go and enjoy your SHAMEFUL defeat!!:smitten:

Neville Maxwell: 'The
Chinese were not going to
wait to be attacked...' :pakistan::china:

India lost the battle, I'll give you that.

But why did China retreat back to the McMohan line? You guys could have finished the entire episode once and for all.

so why didn't you? any idea?
Here I hav something for real chinese ,,,leave 62 behind its 2009 n so on ...so keep this thing in ur mind we were ill equipped that time but now we can retaliate in a better which u cannt expect..... so dont troll here n yeah I admit one thng the Failure n impotancy of our leaders ....but wait for a few years I will show u how we treat ur aggressiveness ......
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