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Tehran time does it again.

Exactly. What was their motive to quote such a preposterous article
Something has hurt iran, the question is what?
Iranian govt should have diatanced itself from any such reports but they r silent. Even ahmedinijad suddenly popped up with statements too.

Real issue identified. Thank You.
Prepare F-16. Time to bomb Mullah hideouts. Balochistan Airbase should be handed over to USAF. I recommend cruise missile attack on IRGC. The greater the pain the greater the suffering.
Woah woah, hold your horses sunshine.

Fencing and patrolling our border should send a strong enough message.

It’s always better to engage in diplomacy then to start a war that will make millions suffer.
Except that Tehran times is Iranian State affiliated Media and virtually mouth piece of your government,

Tehran Times is by no means the voice of the Iranian government.

According to shahid Ayatollah Mohammad Hossein Beheshti: "Tehran Times is not a state-owned newspaper, rather it must be the voice of the Islamic Revolution and the oppressed people in the world."

Over the years, Tehran Times came to be associated with technocrats at the Foreign Ministry - career civil servants who do not get swapped after each change of administration. And they are affiliated mostly with the centrist / moderate faction, to which former President Rohani also belongs. Therefore they do not reflect the views of the current conservative administration of President Raisi.

The question is why is Iranian State affiliated Media quoting Fake Factor Patil?

Many other so-called "state affiliated" media aren't. They don't all echo the same positions, because they are representative of different political factions.

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Unlikely. Nothing can be printed in the State Media without the approval of the current regime in Tehran.

Tehran Times is not state media. See above.

Furthermore, a wide rage of different views are expressed in Iranian media. They're just not translated into English if they reflect domestic political debates.

Here's an example of a completely different position on Panjshir and Afghanistan expressed by the editor of the pro-Revolution Keyhan daily, one of the country's most important publications:

The author is making fun of the reformists and centrist who have been calling for intervention against the Taleban.

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Curious to know as what's that Iran State Affiliated Media tag? Does state has a say in it?
My intention is about particular affiliation given the exact news piece that Tehran Times has been reporting. Not the official news but those rants. Let someone well versed with Iranian State media to answer it.

That tag is issued by Twitter, not by the media themselves. It's enough to be affiliated to the permanent staff of one particular institution to be labelled "state affiliated". But that doesn't mean the source acts on behalf of the current administration in charge.

Tehran Times is close to technocrats at the Foreign Ministry - career civil servants who do not get swapped after each change of administration, and who are affiliated mostly with the centrist / moderate faction to which former President Rohani also belongs. Therefore they do not reflect the views of the current conservative administration of President Raisi. Reformists / centrists no longer decide about Iran's foreign policy since Ebrahim Raisi was elected President this summer. However, they can take aim at the establishment's policy through their media, Twitter accounts etc.

But State allows a media outlet which claims to be Iran State-Affiliated Media; to peddle fake news continuously? I mean, there should be an official shut-up call for the propaganda news given the relations between both countries. For any Pakistani, it will be used as an official go ahead to blame Pakistan.

Other media strike a very different tone on Afghanistan.

Here for example, the influential newspaper Keyhan cited by Fars News Agency, ridiculing reformists and centrists who have been advocating intervention against the Taleban in Panjshir:

There's a considerable degree of press freedom in Iran, and authorities don't censor diverging views (unless a direct threat to national security). But Tehran Times articles and Tweets have been shared here in a disproportionate manner - there are many other media with differing views on the topic.

The other day, Ahmedinijjad was investigating something against Pakistan which is not even a fact in first place.

I can only second user Muhammed45 on the subject of Ahmadinejad: he is a largely sidelined character if not an outcast. Most of his closest aides have been jailed, he was barred from running at this year's presidential election, and he is now reduced to agitating against the establishment on hostile foreign media and broadcasters.

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Not a Majoosi sazish .. Iranian Mullah regime believes that their interests are more aligned with India.

Iran's largest English Newspaper (Tehran Times) and self-claimed largest news agency (Mehr News) don't publish such stories (to maintain plausible deniability?!) but their verified twitter handle keeps spewing venom against Pakistan. It's highly unlikely that it happens without Mullah regime's tacit approval

Mehr News is not Iran's largest news agency. And there is wide scale freedom of press in Iran. The Iranian media landscape is diverse, and on this very topic, different opinions were expressed in the media.

As an example, look up the reaction of influential pro-Revolution newspaper Keyhan as republished by Fars News Agency, taunting liberals who were calling for Iranian intervetion against the Taleban in Panjshir:

Compared to Tehran Times, Keyhan and Fars News's line is much more concurrent with the current Raisi administration, the IRGC and the Supreme Leader, who have the upper hand on foreign policy now. But dissident voices can't simply be censored by authorities.
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Iran's largest English Newspaper Tehran Times? Lol , with 10+k followers?

Are you posting in PDF, while sitting on camel back in a desert of Saudi?

Stop trying to be more Iranian than the Iranians themselves.

This is what they themselves claim:

"Mehr Media Group, made up of Mehr News agency and Iran’s best-selling international Daily, The Tehran Times, is one Of Iran’s Main stream News sources."

Mehr News is not Iran's largest news agency. ..
Stop trying to be more Iranian than the Iranians themselves.

This is what they themselves claim:

"Mehr Media Group, made up of Mehr News agency and Iran’s best-selling international Daily, The Tehran Times, is one Of Iran’s Main stream News sources."

How does this contradict what I wrote? It says "one of Iran's main stream news sources" not "Iran's largest news agency" (which is what you previously stated).

And yes, Iran's best selling English language daily is a centrist- / moderate-dominated one - how is that surprising? Liberals are more interested in the English language and most foreigners reading Iranian media prefer liberal newspapers over revolutionary ones. My point stands: between media like Mashregh News, Fars News, Keyhan on the one hand and Tehran Times on the other, the former are more representative of the current Raisi administration than the latter.
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I don't see how this contradicts what I wrote. It clearly says "one of Iran's main stream news sources" not "Iran's largest news agency" (which is what you previously stated).

And yes, Iran's best selling English language daily is a centrist- / moderate-dominated one - how is that surprising? Liberals are more interested in the English language and most foreigners reading Iranian media prefer liberal newspapers over revolutionary ones. My point stands, between media like Mashregh News, Fars News, Keyhan on the one hand and Tehran Times on the other, the former are more representative of the current Raisi administration than the latter.

So, you accept that Tehran Times is Iran's best selling English language daily. Mehr News wiki page does say that it provides the widest news coverage in Iran.

Tehran Times/Mehr News can by no means be ignored as they are among the largest (if not the largest) News providing services in Iran. Contrary to what you say, Tehran Times is generally considered pro-govt and hardliner.

My point stands, it is highly unlikely that TT can publish such outrageous reports about a neighbouring country without the tacit approval of the regime. Protests outside Pakistan Embassy Tehran further strengthen the assertion that this anti-Pakistan posturing has regime's backing ...
So, you accept that Tehran Times is Iran's best selling English language daily.

Yes but what exactly does it prove? Who reads newspapers in the internet era anyway?

Mehr News wiki page does say that it provides the widest news coverage in Iran.

I wonder by what metrics they define "widest coverage"? Mehr News don't rank first in terms of their journalistic output in any case. They don't have the largest number of foreign correspondents either (IRNA and IRIB have more).

Tehran Times/Mehr News can by no means be ignored as they are among the largest (if not the largest) News providing services in Iran. Contrary to what you say, Tehran Times is generally considered pro-govt and hardliner.

Here's another source from a veteran Iran expert (although hostile to the Islamic Republic) working for renowned Beltway think tanks:

Having soured on George Bush, Rafsanjani once more hoped for a different policy from the United States ( ... ) The Tehran Times, a newspaper with close ties to the Foreign Ministry, editorialized that “any sign of goodwill will be responded [to] by goodwill on the Iranian side.” Rafsanjani soon moved beyond press feelers and openly declared that improved relations “would not be in contradiction with Iran’s objectives.”

It is hard to see how much authority or leeway Rafsanjani actually had since his position was soon assailed by the conservatives. The Kayhan thundered against naïve leaders who believed that Iran’s problems would be solved only if the country reestablished relations with America. Yet another conservative stalwart, the Risalat, went so far as to stress that Iran’s integration into the global economy was bound to undermine its quest for self-reliance.

As you can see, Tehran Times functioned as a megaphone for Rafsanjani's centrist position advocating deescalation with the US. Whereas Keyhan and Resalat voiced strongly opposing views. The author of this publication, Ray Taykeh, is an academic. He's better informed on this than the PBS journalists.

My point stands, it is highly unlikely that TT can publish such outrageous reports about a neighbouring country without the tacit approval of the regime.

The establishment does not vet individual reports published by the numerous media outlets in Iran. If this was the case, why are bona fide conservative / pro-Revolution media not towing this line (I'm talking about conservative media whose orientation isn't questioned by anyone)?

Protests outside Pakistan Embassy Tehran further confirm that this anti-Pakistan posturing has regime's backing, to some extent at least.

These protests weren't state-sponsored. Also, they essentially gathered Afghan immigrants rather than Iranians.

Those among the Afghan community who wished to demonstrate in favor of the Taleban were free to do so as well:

Do you know how many protests directed against the government and even against the establishment are taking place in Iran?
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And what exactly does it prove? Who reads newspapers in the internet age anyway?

By what metrics is "widest coverage" defined here? A vague expression. Mehr News don't rank first in terms of their journalistic output.

Here's another source from a veteran Iran expert (although hostile) working for renowned Beltway think tanks:

As you can see, Tehran Times functioned as a megaphone for Rafsanjani's centrist position advocating deescalation with the US. Whereas Keyhan and Resalat voiced strongly opposing views.

The establishment does not vet individual reports published by the numerous media outlets in Iran. And if this was the case, why are the actual conservative / pro-Revolution media not towing the same line?

Neither were these protests state-sponsored. And they essentially gathered Afghan immigrants.

Those among the Afghan expat community who wished to demonstrate in favor of the Taleban were free to do so as well:

Do you know how many protests critical of the government if not of the establishment itself are taking place in Iran?
Seems clergy going against the will of reformist ????

EXCLUSIVE Iran resumes fuel exports to neighbouring Afghanistan
By Bozorgmehr Sharafedin and Julia Payne

4 minute read
Traffic jam and crowds are seen near Kabul's airport in Afghanistan August 16, 2021. SATELLITE IMAGE 2021 MAXAR TECHNOLOGIES/Handout via REUTERS.

Traffic jam and crowds are seen near Kabul's airport in Afghanistan August 16, 2021. SATELLITE IMAGE 2021 MAXAR TECHNOLOGIES/Handout via REUTERS.
LONDON, Aug 23 (Reuters) - Iran resumed fuel exports to Afghanistan a few days ago following a request from the new Afghan government, which feels empowered by the U.S. withdrawal to buy the sanctioned nation's oil more openly, an Iranian official told Reuters.
Seems clergy going against the will of reformist ????

EXCLUSIVE Iran resumes fuel exports to neighbouring Afghanistan
By Bozorgmehr Sharafedin and Julia Payne

4 minute read
Traffic jam and crowds are seen near Kabul's airport in Afghanistan August 16, 2021. SATELLITE IMAGE 2021 MAXAR TECHNOLOGIES/Handout via REUTERS. 's airport in Afghanistan August 16, 2021. SATELLITE IMAGE 2021 MAXAR TECHNOLOGIES/Handout via REUTERS.

Traffic jam and crowds are seen near Kabul's airport in Afghanistan August 16, 2021. SATELLITE IMAGE 2021 MAXAR TECHNOLOGIES/Handout via REUTERS.
LONDON, Aug 23 (Reuters) - Iran resumed fuel exports to Afghanistan a few days ago following a request from the new Afghan government, which feels empowered by the U.S. withdrawal to buy the sanctioned nation's oil more openly, an Iranian official told Reuters.

It's the Raisi administration + IRGC + Leadership. They are ignoring the reformist agitation about Afghanistan. The clergy isn't a homogeneous body when it comes to politics - you have liberal clerics, revolutionary ones, and also completely apolitical ones.
but if only u actually cared about Palestine. smh.

Me caring or not for Palestine doesn't mean that Iran has to ignore the Kashmir issue. Since when you lot become Palestine ? is Palestine your territory?
Woah woah, hold your horses sunshine.

Fencing and patrolling our border should send a strong enough message.

It’s always better to engage in diplomacy then to start a war that will make millions suffer.
We should solve all our problems aggressively. BLA isn't a tiny threat. These mullah are already creating unrest through zainabun brigade. Kulbhushan is a strong evidence. Even uzair baloch is an example. Why there is silence from our side? No reply to useless Iranian statements. Who is enemy of Iran? America and Israel. Iranian intelligence is cooperating with Indian RAW. I say we should assist CIA. Permanent solution of BLA is to destroy Iranian Baluchistan. Saudi proxies would love to target Iranian assets. It's time to start proxy inside Iran.
Iran's largest English Newspaper Tehran Times? Lol , with 10+k followers?

Are you posting in PDF, while sitting on camel back in a desert of Saudi?

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I think Iran should get Atom Bomb from Russia and drop those on Yahoodi Arab..

View attachment 777866View attachment 777867
hahahahaha. Please do it. Bomb each other. You probably thought that i am from arab. on one side there is camel, on other side there is spiritual terrorist. Please bomb each other and leave my country. Go somewhere else. F-16s ready. Please don't spread covid. I say bomb each and everyone who cross border illegally. GBU 1000 hahaha.
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