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Tehran time does it again.

How many threads have you seen on PDF started by Iranians bitching about Pakistan? I have seen a whole bunch of Treads here started By Pakistanis bitching about Iran just in the last month. It seems to be some kind of a Pakistani pass time!
That's because Pakistan doesn't have proxies running amok and leaving devastation in their path as Iranian proxies are doing in Pakistan.

Secondly, we are too nice to you, we even handed over Jundullah people over to you while you were handing out visas and refuge to Indian agents to operate out of your sistan province and direct/launch attacks into Pakistan.
That's because Pakistan doesn't have proxies running amok and leaving devastation in their path as Iranian proxies are doing in Pakistan.

Secondly, we are too nice to you, we even handed over Jundullah people over to you while you were handing out visas and refuge to Indian agents to operate out of your sistan province and direct/launch attacks into Pakistan.
What Iranian "proxi" is operating in Pakistan?
Some Pakistanis are too deep into Shia-Sunni nonsense, spread by religious figures getting funds from abroad that they will not remember our ancestral and cultural links.
Thanks, i felt this tweet. And when they get questioned they get angry and then call PDF mods. emotional and reactive!
Secondly, we are too nice to you,
SHut the hell up brother, you dunno wtf you're talking about. If Pakistan was really that "NICE" to Iran, Pakistan would have at least activated the IPI pipeline....but noooo...Pakistan seems to be loyal to what the $$ bag providers - US and Saudis.
Lip service from media houses won't get Iran out of sanctions .
Iran is not a poor country like your Pakistan were we have to beg others to lift our sanctions. We will break our sanctions as we have been. The U.S has put the harshest sanctions regiment on Iran in order to bring our oil exports down to 0. Not only have they failed to do so, we have even sent oil shipments to other U.S sanctioned countries, namely Syria, Venezuela and now Lebanon and your Boss the U.S have been too impotent to do anything about it!!! Some of you clowns have wrongly taken the U.S's inability to effectively choke out Iran economically to mean that the U.S and Iran are some kind of secret "allies" 🤪:omghaha:
That's ok though you guys can believe what ever the hell you want!8-)
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