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Tehran time does it again.

opposed it.

Since you are issuing certificates of who is a fasadi and who isn't what about the barelvis who form a big majority in Pakistan??

Their religious sentiments are also attacked and hurt again and again by a minority. But then that minority is founder of Pakistan as per you and cannot be fasadi

What about the bralevis?? Please give some certificate to them too
Curious to know as what's that Iran State Affiliated Media tag? Does state has a say in it?
Newspaper and twitter in two different directions... Here is the link to newspaper, appreciating Pakistan ...today's link

Follow the twitter account , you may find what you looking for ... https://twitter.com/tehrantimes79?lang=en

Intelligence chiefs meet in Islamabad to discuss Afghanistan
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on topic, some factions in Iran definitely aren't liking the Taliban Pakistan situation. some memebers here mentioned that they couldn't find articles corresponding to the tweets, but I've confirmed some articles from the previous tweets, but not the one in this thread.
Newspaper and twitter in two different directions... Here is the link to newspaper, appreciating Pakistan ...today's link

Intelligence chiefs meet in Islamabad to discuss Afghanistan

My intention is about particular affiliation given the exact news piece that Tehran Times has been reporting. Not the official news but those rants. Let someone well versed with Iranian State media to answer it.
LMFAO glad to see our beautiful Iran makes people jump up and down and create 1000's of threads.

Talk about the news being shared. You shouldn't be bothered too much about the people and cause a diversion in discussion.
My intention is about particular affiliation given the exact news piece that Tehran Times has been reporting. Not the official news but those rants. Let someone well versed with Iranian State media to answer it.

Talk about the news being shared. You shouldn't be bothered too much about the people and cause a diversion in discussion.
Brother. Despite Western propaganda Iran has many different voices within its political system. Might seem strange to you because you guys are not used to it. The official government stance is the one that matters.
Mostly IRNA and IRGC linked Mashreghnews Agency. Press TV in english. They represents the state policy.

But State allows a media outlet which claims to be Iran State-Affiliated Media; to peddle fake news continuously? I mean, there should be an official shut-up call for the propaganda news given the relations between both countries. For any Pakistani, it will be used as an official go ahead to blame Pakistan. The other day, Ahmedinijjad was investigating something against Pakistan which is not even a fact in first place. Before that, it was the same Tehran Times blaming Pakistan for Panjshir fall. I hope you are getting the point that in this time of propaganda & media warfare; the late response & any official statement rejecting such baseless claims, wouldn't be enough given the damage by fake news as such.
@Muhammed45 do you find the above tweet on this link .. if you verify .. can't verify the above tweet .. https://twitter.com/tehrantimes79?lang=en
More Pakistanis defending this then Iranian themselves ...we have many Iranians here in pakistan more loyal to Iran ...
A very unusual position we are facing where all GCC and Iran are on the same page about Taliban. And only Pakistani are defending their position.
@Muhammed45 do you find the above tweet on this link .. if you verify .. can't verify the above tweet .. https://twitter.com/tehrantimes79?lang=en

A very unusual position we are facing where all GCC and Iran are on the same page about Taliban. And only Pakistani are defending their position.

Qatar just visited yesterday and still present day plus running the airport together with Turkey.. Plus KSA has said it will recognize them and the same with Iran and will send delegations in few days time to attend the ceremony.. Don't base your life on conspiracies but follow the real politics instead don't consume junk but real facts.. TB actully release water to Iran after their delegations meet in Tehran and ethablished diplomatic relations
Since you are issuing certificates of who is a fasadi and who isn't what about the barelvis who form a big majority in Pakistan??

Their religious sentiments are also attacked and hurt again and again by a minority. But then that minority is founder of Pakistan as per you and cannot be fasadi

What about the bralevis?? Please give some certificate to them too

Anyone who issues certificates can twist them into a batti and stick them.
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