The Dravidian here means Brahuis of Balochistan/Gedrosia area not Tamils of South India. Genetically and culturally, Brahuis differ very much from South Indian/Tamils and are pretty much indistinguishable from Balochs.
Refer to Zagros farmers paper, who were Neolithic migrants from West Asia to Mehrgarh. Modern day South Indians most likely shifted their language to Dravidian from Austro-Asiatic. Can a Bengali or Sri Lankan claim Yamnaya or some European civilization just because he speaks an Indo-European language?
And honestly, what connections do Tamils have with Sumerians/Levantines or Elamites/Iranians? They genetically differ a lot, if anything only Brahuis have that connection.
Lol, I guess they put some drugs in their fish. Now he's claiming Tamils are related to Sumerians and Elamites. Anything but Sri Lanka and Andaman Islands