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On the fringes of jallikattu protests, Tamil nationalism attempts to emerge

LOL News coming in Person who started protest no even an Indian.
Centre revoked the 2011 notification that added bulls to the performing animals list, claimed at SC today. This will lift the ban on all the sports involving bulls.

Don't provoke us, you will end up getting your a$$ kicked. After the protests, Tamil nadu traders unions announced not to sell pepsi, coke on their shops and decided to promote our local brands.

The message is clear, when an IAF kargil war hero returned his medal to show his protest against the Jallikattu ban, that we are tamils first.
Centre revoked the 2011 notification that added bulls to the performing animals list, claimed at SC today. This will lift the ban on all the sports involving bulls.

Don't provoke us, you will end up getting your a$$ kicked. After the protests, Tamil nadu traders unions announced not to sell pepsi, coke on their shops and decided to promote our local brands.

The message is clear, when an IAF kargil war hero returned his medal to show his protest against the Jallikattu ban, that we are tamils first.

Then why don't you people secede from India? The only reason I can think of your lack of will for secession is your cowardice. You people want to enjoy the benefits of the union while the same time tries to promote your separatist ideals to hijack the central authority.

If you want to be a Tamil first then secede from Indian union and create a separate country so you can live with dignity.
Bose was Tamil ???? Thought he was Bengali

Most of Bose's fighters were Tamil as they formed the majority of labourers in Singapore, Malaysia and Burma those days. And lots of people from southern districts travelled to join him. It was a honour to have a member of INA in TN villages. We had one in our own village.
Most of Bose's fighters were Tamil as they formed the majority of labourers in Singapore, Malaysia and Burma those days. And lots of people from southern districts travelled to join him. It was a honour to have a member of INA in TN villages. We had one in our own village.

Yep he even managed to get create a Ceylonese Sinhalese arm for his INA, It was at the peak of anti colonialism, So many idealists joined him from many colonies


"When the Japanese occupied Malaya and Singapore in 1942, a large number of Indians joined the Indian Independence League (IIL) and the Indian National Army (INA) headed by Subhas Chandra Bose, the Indian freedom fighter who was striving to free India from the British, in collaboration with the Japanese armed forces.

Surprisingly, twenty five Ceylonese, under the leadership of Gladwin Kotalawela, also joined. A resident of Malacca in Malaya, Gladwin was the son of Sir Henry Kotalawela (who represented Uva in the Ceylon State Council for many years) and a nephew of Sir John Kotelawala, who was Prime Minister of independent Ceylon from 1953 to 1956.

There were many reasons why some Ceylonese joined the IIL, though it was an organization primarily dedicated to India’s independence. Some came with a thirst for freedom from British rule. They believed that a successful conclusion of the Indian independence movement would lead to the independence of Ceylon. There were others who were afraid of being suspected and punished by the Japanese for having pro-British leanings. And lastly, and perhaps most importantly, people joined simply to secure protection against the brutal and rapacious Japanese overlords.

According S.N.Arseculeratne, author of “Sinhalese Immigrants in Malaysia and Singapore: 1860-1990: History Through Recollections,” Gladwin Kotalawela felt that if India got her independence, Ceylon too would get it. When he joined the IIL, he told his wife, Muriel: “ If I should die, it will be for a good cause.” He would urge fellow Ceylonese not to believe that the British would come back. “If they do, the moon will turn blue!” he used to say. Kotalawela also believed that he would lead Ceylon after the exit of the British. As a scion of a wealthy and politically influential family in Ceylon, he had the necessary backing for entertaining such ambitions."

"In an interview to the Malayan daily “Perak Times” dated 31 October 2603 (which is the Japanese equivalent of 1943) he said: “ During the last few weeks, I have had informal talks with prominent Sinhalese residents of Syonan (the Japanese name for Singapore) and Malai (the indigenous name of Malaya) and discussed with them, in a general way, the interest taken by the Sinhalese of East Asia in the future of their country. I gather from these talks that the Sinhalese community out here, shares with the nationalists at home, strong anti-British sentiments and aspirations for the freedom of Ceylon from British rule.”

And on Indo-Ceylon ties Bose said: “Like their compatriots at home, the Sinhalese in Syonan and Malai are fully conscious of their centuries-old bonds of racial, cultural and spiritual unity between India and Ceylon. They are vitally interested in the Indian freedom movement in East Asia, as without Indian independence there can be no freedom for Ceylon.”
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When a collage boy came back to home after protest
Please provide authentic data not somebodies opinions.

The article provides a graph that was based on Indian Finance Ministry data. Spo stop talking nonsense.

The graph cleaely shows "For every Rs. 100 Hindi gov collects from TN, it gives back Rs. 40. Instead Hindi state UP gets Rs. 172 for every Rs. 100 it pays in taxes

Wow... Why ban a race?

PETA is just the tail wagging. It cannot do anything on its own. They can ask, plead. It is the INDIAN GOVERMENT that is to blame. It enacted laws that banned jallikattu in spite of requests not to do that from Tamil Nadu.

So blame the H-indian government. It is responsible for all the wasted time, energy, money and violence. Tamils suffered. Modi laughed instead of acting. He had one year to enact law. He did not act but said it is up to SC. If he can lift the ban now, he could have done it before. So he is the culprit.

Centre revoked the 2011 notification that added bulls to the performing animals list, claimed at SC today. This will lift the ban on all the sports involving bulls..

It reinforces what I just said above. Indian gov could have done it any time last year. It refused to do so. Now after all the demonstration it does so in just days. Do not trust Hindi dominated Indian gov. It wants to destroy all Tamil traditions.

Do you know this. Rajendra Cholan was a great Tamil king about 1000 years ago. He built a great temple Gangai Konda Cholapuram Temple. Although it belongs to Tamil people Indian gov took it over. It removes Tamil signs and put Hindi and English signs all over the place. When Tamils asked for Tamil signs, India refused saying only Hindi and English are official languages.

Then why don't you people secede from India? The only reason I can think of your lack of will for secession is your cowardice.

If you want to be a Tamil first then secede from Indian union and create a separate country so you can live with dignity.

We cannot take on the Indian army yet. We will fight Indian army and evict them at a time and place we choose. In 1974, Rajaram, a TN MInister in the DMK gov, asked America if it would help if TM gov declared independence. Just out of Vietnam, America was not interested in getting into another land war in Asia. There will be other opportunities in the future.
The article provides a graph that was based on Indian Finance Ministry data. Spo stop talking nonsense.

The graph cleaely shows "For every Rs. 100 Hindi gov collects from TN, it gives back Rs. 40. Instead Hindi state UP gets Rs. 172 for every Rs. 100 it pays in taxes

PETA is just the tail wagging. It cannot do anything on its own. They can ask, plead. It is the INDIAN GOVERMENT that is to blame. It enacted laws that banned jallikattu in spite of requests not to do that from Tamil Nadu.

So blame the H-indian government. It is responsible for all the wasted time, energy, money and violence. Tamils suffered. Modi laughed instead of acting. He had one year to enact law. He did not act but said it is up to SC. If he can lift the ban now, he could have done it before. So he is the culprit.

It reinforces what I just said above. Indian gov could have done it any time last year. It refused to do so. Now after all the demonstration it does so in just days. Do not trust Hindi dominated Indian gov. It wants to destroy all Tamil traditions.

Do you know this. Rajendra Cholan was a great Tamil king about 1000 years ago. He built a great temple Gangai Konda Cholapuram Temple. Although it belongs to Tamil people Indian gov took it over. It removes Tamil signs and put Hindi and English signs all over the place. When Tamils asked for Tamil signs, India refused saying only Hindi and English are official languages.

We cannot take on the Indian army yet. We will fight Indian army and evict them at a time and place we choose. In 1974, Rajaram, a TN MInister in the DMK gov, asked America if it would help if TM gov declared independence. Just out of Vietnam, America was not interested in getting into another land war in Asia. There will be other opportunities in the future.
The next visit to Ooty, I'll need a TN visa. :D
Is tghis a good reason for TN independence?

For every Rs. 100 Hindi gov collects from TN, it gives back Rs. 40. Instead Hindi state UP gets Rs. 172 for every Rs. 100 it pays in taxes.
Dude, you are wasting your time. You debate with reasonable people. Debating with brainwashed idiots will get you no where. With your debating skills you easily can draw common people who you normally find in whatsapp and facebook to your cause.

These people will go to any lengths to defend their fake country, and its incest loving seex maniac gandhi who they call their father.

They are brainwashed into thinking that a big country is good and makes a country strong, but India is not a strong country, its a big obese country. Too fat to do anything worthwhile and is paralyzed most of the time to take liberal reforms. India is the worst kind of E.U. They are scared that if they loosen the grip the countries which they have under their control will become real countries. So they have one of the most draconian laws to protect that from happening. If they have a scotland like referendum in their so called 'states', the fake country will split so fast it will break records.

These brainwashed morons have been brainwashed from an early age through their textbooks that they were conquered again and again because they were not united, conveniently forgetting that the conquering armies were much smaller than even their individual states which were fighting them one at a time, but they still lost. They lost because of incompetence, plain and simple.

Just continue drawing more and more people to your cause and in time you will be free from the Lunatic Asylum called India.

Seperate, liquidate All foreign religions including Hinduism, gas the left over Aryans masquerading as Tamils(Tamil Brahmians), get your culture bak together with strong pro-industrial policies. You will become like south korea or singapore in no time. If you continue to stay in slum called India, they will drag you down along with them without much progress.

I can easily tell its bs. give me a source or stop wasting my time tamil
Its simple mathematics. Where do you think money for backward states like uttar pradesh, bihar, uttarakhand, jharkand etc etc and funding the occupation in the north east and kashmir comes from? From economically well to do states like Tamil Nadu.
We can sit the whole year discussing this and nothing will happen. India will never let go of TN. Sorry to say, but it's a hard fact to swallow.
The article provides a graph that was based on Indian Finance Ministry data. Spo stop talking nonsense.

The graph cleaely shows "For every Rs. 100 Hindi gov collects from TN, it gives back Rs. 40. Instead Hindi state UP gets Rs. 172 for every Rs. 100 it pays in taxes

PETA is just the tail wagging. It cannot do anything on its own. They can ask, plead. It is the INDIAN GOVERMENT that is to blame. It enacted laws that banned jallikattu in spite of requests not to do that from Tamil Nadu.

So blame the H-indian government. It is responsible for all the wasted time, energy, money and violence. Tamils suffered. Modi laughed instead of acting. He had one year to enact law. He did not act but said it is up to SC. If he can lift the ban now, he could have done it before. So he is the culprit.

It reinforces what I just said above. Indian gov could have done it any time last year. It refused to do so. Now after all the demonstration it does so in just days. Do not trust Hindi dominated Indian gov. It wants to destroy all Tamil traditions.

Do you know this. Rajendra Cholan was a great Tamil king about 1000 years ago. He built a great temple Gangai Konda Cholapuram Temple. Although it belongs to Tamil people Indian gov took it over. It removes Tamil signs and put Hindi and English signs all over the place. When Tamils asked for Tamil signs, India refused saying only Hindi and English are official languages.

We cannot take on the Indian army yet. We will fight Indian army and evict them at a time and place we choose. In 1974, Rajaram, a TN MInister in the DMK gov, asked America if it would help if TM gov declared independence. Just out of Vietnam, America was not interested in getting into another land war in Asia. There will be other opportunities in the future.

Now have a good cry:


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