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Taliban in Afghanistan can no longer affect Kashmir and Pakistan should know it

View attachment 761678

View attachment 761679

Sorry I do not have bandwith now to search and post all the links.... You can do the searching by yourself.

Pakistan was actually much better situation than now if you talk about India.

It has changed and the gaps has increased in past 20 years.

All the above becomes meaningless and void when you consider the fact that india has the highest number of severely malnourished and extreme poor people in the world. india accounts for nearly 40% of the world's starving and malnourished. Over 732 million indians defecate in the open. india is also the biggest recipient of aid from america and recently india even started begging Kenya and other sub-saharn african nations for famine relief:

All the above becomes meaningless and void when you consider the fact that india has the highest number of severely malnourished and extreme poor people in the world. india accounts for nearly 40% of the world's starving and malnourished. Over 732 million indians defecate in the open. india is also the biggest recipient of aid from america and recently india even started begging Kenya and other sub-saharn african nations for famine relief:

Grow-up, Man.

What do expect that I will also post the links about the same situations of Pakistan?

There are many links and details available on the internet of Pakistan's sitations.

And it is a known fact that situations are not better than India or almost the same, being a smaller and less populated country.
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Grow-up, Man.

What do expect that I will also post the links about the same situations of Pakistan?

There are many links and details available on the internet for Pakistan on the same kind of topics.

And it is known that it is not better than India, being a smaller and less populated country.

WHAT is known? You are making up fairy tales again. I posted genuine facts that proved india as being probably the least developed, backward and most poverty stricken nation on earth. You have a hard time accepting this fact. Rather than waste time on a Pakistani forum, why don't you go and help your 100s of millions of malnourished and famine-stricken country men and women in india?
WHAT is known? You are making up fairy tales again. I posted genuine facts that proved india as being probably the least developed, backward and most poverty stricken nation on earth. You have a hard time accepting this fact. Rather than waste time on a Pakistani forum, why don't you go and help your 100s of millions of malnourished and famine-stricken country men and women in india?

Just hint- only two links.

I don't want to post & paste such links, be like a childish person.... like, your house is dirty, no your house is dirty.... and, fight can go on..
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Just hint- only two links.

I don't want to post & paste such links, be like a childish person.... like, your house is dirty, no your house is dirty.... and, fight can go on..

79 million is nearly 10x less than over 732 million defecating in the open.................:azn:
Do you know the population of India and Pakistan? Or, you don't?

India - 1,394,185,017
Pakistan -225,275,134

And, feeling proud that we have only 79 Million... Just great, na...

EXACTLY!............So rather than waste time on your sworn enemy's forum, go out and help your 100s of millions of staving, malnourished and destitute fellow indians.
EXACTLY!............So rather than waste time on your sworn enemy's forum, go out and help your 100s of millions of staving, malnourished and destitute fellow indians.

If anyone will read the language being used by you and me, they will be able easily recognized that the above lines and words better suit us or you.. Thanks
If anyone will read the language being used by you and me, they will able to easily recognize that the above lines and words suit me or you.. Thanks

I am a Pakistani on a Pakistani forum. I have a reason to be here. You are an indian on the forum of your most hated, sworn and FOREVER enemy. You and your kind have NO REASON to be here.
I am a Pakistani on a Pakistani forum. I have a reason to be here. You are an indian on the forum of your most hated, sworn and FOREVER enemy. You and your kind have NO REASON to be here.

Ask Mod to BAN me, it is very Simple, Right?
IF you had ANY dignity and REALLY cared about india, you would leave PDF and NEVER return.

You are too good, man. Now, this was remaining to hear :rolleyes1:

South Asians are good on that - Tujhe teri ......./........./........ Ki kasam, tujhe ye hi karna hai. Kasam hai tujhe ye chhod de mere liye.:D
View attachment 760669

India has been tacitly supporting the US in its endeavour to install democracy in Afghanistan. With those efforts having failed, India is now faced with the prospect of dealing with the Taliban all on its own. India does not have significant ties or communication channels with the Taliban. In terms of security, the Taliban poses a challenge to India. It is no secret that Pakistan’s Haqqani Network and the Taliban are collaborators. With the Taliban growing even stronger, and Pakistan’s ISI having good ties with it, India expects Afghani jihadis to be directed towards Kashmir.

Not only does India expect the same to happen, Pakistan is actually counting on it. The Islamic Republic of Pakistan acted as a double agent for the United States of American and also Taliban for the past many years. The U.S. was of the opinion that Pakistan is helping it fight the Taliban. Instead, Pakistan was helping Taliban target American forces and assets in Afghanistan, while gulping down billions in aid from the White House. For helping the Taliban, Pakistan thinks it has earned a favour with the terror organisation.

However, it is in for a big surprise. It is true that the Taliban is indeed growing from strength to strength in Afghanistan. However, once in power, if at all, the Talibani government in Afghanistan will be much more calculated in its foreign policy approach, especially with India. A Talibani government is not an ideal situation for India, but it is absolutely not as if we are unprepared to handle the challenge. In fact, the time is now ripe to make Pakistan know how insignificant and comical it is.

Pakistan thinks that Taliban will aid it in getting hold of Kashmir. It genuinely believes that once the Taliban comes to power in Afghanistan, it will divert a significant chunk of its fighter force to “liberate” Kashmir from India. What Pakistan forgets is that the ISI and Pakistan’s own terror groups, which are well versed with Kashmir, are not finding the window to attack India in Kashmir. As such, for jihadis from Afghanistan to do so would be next to impossible.

After the abrogation of Article 370 and the bifurcation of the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir, the valley has now become a Union Territory, and the military has further strengthened its hold in the region. The Ministry of Home Affairs, led by Amit Shah is directly in control of Kashmir. The political leadership of Kashmir, which was explicitly anti-India and pro-China has been brought in line. The Hurriyat has been dismantled, and Pakistan’s assets in the valley are being located and exterminated on a daily basis.

Incidents of mob gatherings and subsequent stone pelting on security forces have been brought to a near standstill. The Talibani jihadis can in no manner infiltrate into India, not get identified, and carry out terror operations successfully. India is prepared to take on the Taliban challenge in Kashmir, if it ever emerges.

Meanwhile, Pakistan has a lot to worry for itself. The Taliban getting stronger with each passing day is no good news for Pakistan, as Afghanistan might very well grow expansionist. If Taliban grows land hungry, the first casualty will be Pakistani territories. To add to Islamabad’s woes, its persecution of the country’s Pashtun tribes has hardly been given a miss by the Taliban, and it will most likely come to these territories to liberate them of Pakistani occupation.

Ties are not very rosy between the Taliban and its Pakistani version, meanwhile. Certain factions within the two Talibans have major differences, further aggravating Pakistan’s worries. Pakistan is dreaming in futility of partnering with the Taliban to take over Kashmir, when it is entirely possible that the Afghan jihadi group comes gunning for Pakistan itself.

Indians, their media and their Govt are worried to the core about the prospects of the Taliban taking over Afghanistan. India is on the verge of losing its billions of dollars investment plus its terror franchises in Afghanistan. Surely this year has brought down further bad news as it is still reeling from the wounds in Ladakh.

Why we are keep on parroting the same verse that Indian few billions are at stake. The main thing which is at stake is Indian ability to keep our more then 120 K of army bogged down at the Northern border and after Taliban coming into power our forces will be free from that side so they can only focus on the Indian border. Secondly Indian ability to armed, trained and paid BLA and TTP will be unable to launch the attacks on Pakistan or that facility will be reduced and India can't bleed us any more. India wants us to keep on bleeding so we can't develop and improve our economy and stuck with IMF and kept caged.
All the above becomes meaningless and void when you consider the fact that india has the highest number of severely malnourished and extreme poor people in the world. india accounts for nearly 40% of the world's starving and malnourished. Over 732 million indians defecate in the open. india is also the biggest recipient of aid from america and recently india even started begging Kenya and other sub-saharn african nations for famine relief:

Yes many malnourished Indian soldiers, daily construction workers defecate into Indus and Jhelum while stationed in Kashmir...like a million of them daily
I mean they donot feel that strong a kinship that they would go to war for it..correct me if I am wrong, but didnot people with Pashtun ancestry do bulk of the fighting against India over Kashmir?
Incorrect mate. You can count the number of Pushtuns that made it into Indian Kashmir in 90s. Al Badar, 313 group and all other group were mainly Punjabis and Kashmiris from Pakistani side.
Azad Kashmiris are majority native Kashmiri speakers??
I have came across such statements before but the makers discounted Muslims as native kashmiris. Are you implying the same?
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