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Taliban in Afghanistan can no longer affect Kashmir and Pakistan should know it

Taliban will not cross into kashmir.

What is scary for india is that after usa pulls out, ISI will have free reign again to influence in india.
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India has been tacitly supporting the US in its endeavour to install democracy in Afghanistan. With those efforts having failed, India is now faced with the prospect of dealing with the Taliban all on its own. India does not have significant ties or communication channels with the Taliban. In terms of security, the Taliban poses a challenge to India. It is no secret that Pakistan’s Haqqani Network and the Taliban are collaborators. With the Taliban growing even stronger, and Pakistan’s ISI having good ties with it, India expects Afghani jihadis to be directed towards Kashmir.

Not only does India expect the same to happen, Pakistan is actually counting on it. The Islamic Republic of Pakistan acted as a double agent for the United States of American and also Taliban for the past many years. The U.S. was of the opinion that Pakistan is helping it fight the Taliban. Instead, Pakistan was helping Taliban target American forces and assets in Afghanistan, while gulping down billions in aid from the White House. For helping the Taliban, Pakistan thinks it has earned a favour with the terror organisation.

However, it is in for a big surprise. It is true that the Taliban is indeed growing from strength to strength in Afghanistan. However, once in power, if at all, the Talibani government in Afghanistan will be much more calculated in its foreign policy approach, especially with India. A Talibani government is not an ideal situation for India, but it is absolutely not as if we are unprepared to handle the challenge. In fact, the time is now ripe to make Pakistan know how insignificant and comical it is.

Pakistan thinks that Taliban will aid it in getting hold of Kashmir. It genuinely believes that once the Taliban comes to power in Afghanistan, it will divert a significant chunk of its fighter force to “liberate” Kashmir from India. What Pakistan forgets is that the ISI and Pakistan’s own terror groups, which are well versed with Kashmir, are not finding the window to attack India in Kashmir. As such, for jihadis from Afghanistan to do so would be next to impossible.

After the abrogation of Article 370 and the bifurcation of the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir, the valley has now become a Union Territory, and the military has further strengthened its hold in the region. The Ministry of Home Affairs, led by Amit Shah is directly in control of Kashmir. The political leadership of Kashmir, which was explicitly anti-India and pro-China has been brought in line. The Hurriyat has been dismantled, and Pakistan’s assets in the valley are being located and exterminated on a daily basis.

Incidents of mob gatherings and subsequent stone pelting on security forces have been brought to a near standstill. The Talibani jihadis can in no manner infiltrate into India, not get identified, and carry out terror operations successfully. India is prepared to take on the Taliban challenge in Kashmir, if it ever emerges.

Meanwhile, Pakistan has a lot to worry for itself. The Taliban getting stronger with each passing day is no good news for Pakistan, as Afghanistan might very well grow expansionist. If Taliban grows land hungry, the first casualty will be Pakistani territories. To add to Islamabad’s woes, its persecution of the country’s Pashtun tribes has hardly been given a miss by the Taliban, and it will most likely come to these territories to liberate them of Pakistani occupation.

Ties are not very rosy between the Taliban and its Pakistani version, meanwhile. Certain factions within the two Talibans have major differences, further aggravating Pakistan’s worries. Pakistan is dreaming in futility of partnering with the Taliban to take over Kashmir, when it is entirely possible that the Afghan jihadi group comes gunning for Pakistan itself.

Indians, their media and their Govt are worried to the core about the prospects of the Taliban taking over Afghanistan. India is on the verge of losing its billions of dollars investment plus its terror franchises in Afghanistan. Surely this year has brought down further bad news as it is still reeling from the wounds in Ladakh.

Lolz, finger to the writer and all haters, its Pakistan time to roll the dice and that's enough said.
What about the part of Baluchistan that is with Iran

Ideally, the whole of Baluchistan should be part of Pakistan but that should be dealt later once Iran collapses in the next few years. Time is not ripe for that yet.
Taliban will not cross into kashmir.

What is scary for india is that after usa pulls out, ISI will have free reign again to influence in india.

Name is immaterial.

People crossing into Kashmir will be called mujahideen while people ruling Afghanistan will be called Taliban.

At the end of the day Pakistan and ISI is the one calling the shots both in Kashmir and Afghanistan. That is what matters.
You are a senior member. Wow! You sound like you are from a shithole.
By the way after they take over Kabul they'll come for Peshawar. You wouldn't be able to do shit. Wait and watch!

Afghan Taliban have never attacked Pakistan before and have never even made a statement in this regards, so what makes you say that they will come after Peshawar?
You are a senior member. Wow! You sound like you are from a shithole.
By the way after they take over Kabul they'll come for Peshawar. You wouldn't be able to do shit. Wait and watch!

Watch your mouth this isn't your house personal insults will not be tolerated, and by the way you have no clue what you are talking about its your country that needs to stay away from Afghanistan and if you don't then your own words will come to hunt you " Wait and Watch " .. you won't be able to do shit !! lolz
Watch your mouth this isn't your house personal insults will not be tolerated, and by the way you have no clue what you are talking about its your country that needs to stay away from Afghanistan and if you don't then your own words will come to hunt you " Wait and Watch " .. you won't be able to do shit !! lolz
That's exactly my point. We wouldn't have to do shit. Lol! You guys are enough to take your country further down the quagmire. We will watch you wait!

Regarding clue's look into history. You think once the Talibs are emboldened they will respect the Durand line. They didn't do it when you guys ignored even UN sanctions and helped them. What makes you think they'll do so now. Refer to the Mullah Mohammad Omar and Naseerullah Babar discussion over the Durand line.
Economically also they'll eventually collapse. There's only so much Opium they can sell. Plus the Chinese will soon strip the country dry if allowed to while the selected few will line their pockets.

All this talk about strategic depth for PA is absolute hogwash. It'll be the Taliban who will be using Pakistan for strategic depth. Taliban-style extremism will not leave your frontier areas untouched either.

Hence, get ready for the fun.
Coming one after another media article talking continuously about Taliban, seems like India's comfort zone is either destroyed or there is some kind of smoke above the fire which Doval ignited in Afghanistan. Indian Fake News factories are trying hard to relate Taliban to Kashmir & Pakistan but in reality, the whole RAW game in Afghanistan is over and beyond India's expected worse nightmare. To cover all that and avoid any question about economic losses; this is how Modi's propaganda houses are now diverting public attention so that no question should be asked about India's defeat in Afghanistan.
Hence, get ready for the fun.

Despite having the superiority due to full US/NATO backing, nothing happened till date. However, I will give it to India's covering attempt to say yet again "Wait & Watch". In reality, it was the wait of 20 years that now everyone watches the very ungraceful exit of India's game out of Afghanistan.
Coming one after another media article talking continuously about Taliban, seems like India's comfort zone is either destroyed or there is some kind of smoke above the fire which Doval ignited in Afghanistan. Indian Fake News factories are trying hard to relate Taliban to Kashmir & Pakistan but in reality, the whole RAW game in Afghanistan is over and beyond India's expected worse nightmare. To cover all that and avoid any question about economic losses; this is how Modi's propaganda houses are now diverting public attention so that no question should be asked about India's defeat in Afghanistan.

Despite having the superiority due to full US/NATO backing, nothing happened till date. However, I will give it to India's covering attempt to say yet again "Wait & Watch". In reality, it was the wait of 20 years that now everyone watches the very ungraceful exit of India's game out of Afghanistan.
is there a chance that PDF staff and leaders will ever start noticing derogatory posts like the one right above yours? https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/tali...-pakistan-should-know-it.716464/post-13225690
Despite having the superiority due to full US/NATO backing, nothing happened till date. However, I will give it to India's covering attempt to say yet again "Wait & Watch". In reality, it was the wait of 20 years that now everyone watches the very ungraceful exit of India's game out of Afghanistan.
You are again missing the forest for the trees. Afghanistan is your immediate neighbor. All the fallout will happen in your frontier areas. Brace yourself.
We might or might not lose our investments (e.g: Dams, Hospitals, Infra) what will you guys gain? That is the primary question. No one here has answered this.
What does Pak gain if the Taliban take over Kabul tomorrow? Nothing, zilch, nada. Even the $$ will now dry up. Trade with Central Asia. What will you trade? Don't forget Iran in all this.
Fun times :p:
Yes but for that, one has to report.
when one does, one is very likely to get this message: Unfortunately, your recent report was rejected:

and if one repeats it, one is often told: "we deal with posts on their merit and not on your dislikes

anhoo thanks, I think I'm due for a break, a long one, before I'm driven completely nuts and before I start to claw at the room walls.

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You are again missing the forest for the trees. Afghanistan is your immediate neighbor. All the fallout will happen in your frontier areas. Brace yourself.
We might or might not lose our investments (e.g: Dams, Hospitals, Infra) what will you guys gain? That is the primary question. No one here has answered this.
What does Pak gain if the Taliban take over Kabul tomorrow? Nothing, zilch, nada. Even the $$ will now dry up. Trade with Central Asia. What will you trade? Don't forget Iran in all this.
Fun times :p:

If the Taliban conquer Afghanistan then indian anti-Pakistani terrorism from Afghanistan will cease. Our Western border will stabilise and we can focus COMPLETELY on our enemies to the East. With the americans no longer there to protect india and with the Chinese super power dominating the Galwan Valley, the enemies of Pakistan have been castrated and neutralised with MANY bad times ahead........... :azn:

PS Iran is now firmly in the Chinese camp thanks to the $400 billion deal between China and Iran.......... :azn::

the whole RAW game in Afghanistan is over and beyond India's expected worse nightmare
All the indians 'guests' might have already left afghanistan... or still, can we serve some tea to them? Its bad we can't bid farewell to them.
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