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Taliban in Afghanistan can no longer affect Kashmir and Pakistan should know it

You are again missing the forest for the trees. Afghanistan is your immediate neighbor. All the fallout will happen in your frontier areas. Brace yourself.
We might or might not lose our investments (e.g: Dams, Hospitals, Infra) what will you guys gain? That is the primary question. No one here has answered this.
What does Pak gain if the Taliban take over Kabul tomorrow? Nothing, zilch, nada. Even the $$ will now dry up. Trade with Central Asia. What will you trade? Don't forget Iran in all this.
Fun times :p:

Man! again big words and all that bravado. Indeed, Pakistan must know Indian intention of destabilization and fueling proxies but how long. Sharing funny emojis and all those articles wouldn't just wipe out what really happened in Afghanistan. Patience is the key but Doval didn't learn easily.

Your question has no logic in first place. Pakistan & Afghanistan are neighbors and that is the gain at most by not allowing adversary to exploit the backyard against Pakistan. Just pay attention to the details.
All the indians 'guests' might have already left afghanistan... or still, can we serve some tea to them? Its bad we can't bid farewell to them.

Only those on ground knows the best. The rest has no idea as how it turned against.... can't even explain in words.
That's exactly my point. We wouldn't have to do shit. Lol! You guys are enough to take your country further down the quagmire. We will watch you wait!

Regarding clue's look into history. You think once the Talibs are emboldened they will respect the Durand line. They didn't do it when you guys ignored even UN sanctions and helped them. What makes you think they'll do so now. Refer to the Mullah Mohammad Omar and Naseerullah Babar discussion over the Durand line.
Economically also they'll eventually collapse. There's only so much Opium they can sell. Plus the Chinese will soon strip the country dry if allowed to while the selected few will line their pockets.

All this talk about strategic depth for PA is absolute hogwash. It'll be the Taliban who will be using Pakistan for strategic depth. Taliban-style extremism will not leave your frontier areas untouched either.

Hence, get ready for the fun.

You are in outer space getting high with the space dust lolz you need alot of reading up to do lmao.
It's a feel good article with no obligation to be realistic. After reading, Indians must have clapped and said "jay cheej meray ajij" (That's how it's going to be").
In Kashmir - It will not impact since the situation has changed compared to 20 years ago.

AGREED. Pakistan is much more powerful now than it was 20 years ago, the americans are not there anymore to protect india and the Chinese are a superpower who also happen to hate india............ :azn:
AGREED. Pakistan is much more powerful now than it was 20 years ago, the americans are not there anymore to protect india and the Chinese are a superpower who also happen to hate india............ :azn:

And, India is almost double powerful as compared to 20 years ago.... The gaps between India and Pakistan have increased more.

So what's your point- At least, give the Chinese some rest- they will never bother if war will happen between us.

They are worst the 7th navy fleet.... you again will end by waiting.
In Kashmir - It will not impact since the situation has changed compared to 20 years ago.
Agreed. Situation has indeed changed compared to 20 years ago.not just in india but for all of india's imoortant neighbours.

China: from worlds factory to budding superpower

Pakistan: from TTP infested, disunited to more battled hardened Military than ever. More powerfull. Internal traitors have been purged.

Bangladesh: slowly distancing itself from india and is inching closer to china. Economy going up. Recovered well from past economic problems to fastest economy in south asia.

India: no longer protected by USA and Nato. Divided today as a nation. Economy going down hill. A massive kickdown only 20 years ago when india was the favarite child of the west and a potential super power.

20 years Previously known for bollywood and unique culture, science and liberalism . Today india is known for spreading deadly indian variant covid virus, tourturing minorities, having idiotic politicians with weird diets( cow piss and dung), rapes .

So ya things have changed.
Agreed. Situation has indeed changed compared to 20 years ago.not just in india but for all of india's imoortant neighbours.

China: from worlds factory to budding superpower

Pakistan: from TTP infested, disunited to more battled hardened Military than ever. More powerfull. Internal traitors have been purged.

Bangladesh: slowly distancing itself from india and is inching closer to china. Economy going up. Recovered well from past economic problems to fastest economy in south asia.

India: no longer protected by USA and Nato. Divided today as a nation. Economy going down hill. A massive kickdown only 20 years ago when india was the favarite child of the west and a potential super power.

20 years Previously known for bollywood and unique culture, science and liberalism . Today india is known for spreading deadly indian variant covid virus, tourturing minorities, having idiotic politicians with weird diets( cow piss and dung), rapes .

So ya things have changed.

India: no longer protected by USA and Nato. Divided today as a nation. Economy going down hill. A massive kickdown only 20 years ago when india was the favarite child of the west and a potential super power.

Let me correct you!

West and US
20 years ago, You were having a close relationship with the US and also China.

Western countries and the EU were also part of US alliance and were supporting to you.

India was almost alone after the dissolved of the Soviet Union.

Taliban were very high and almost everywhere in Pakistan to support you.
Military wise
You were having Submarines with AIP, Tanks T-80UD & Al-Khalid, F 16 Fighter aircraft.

We don't have equally latest tanks example T90s, Soviet submarines, Mig 23/Mig 29 to fight against F 16.

During the 1990s, RBI pledged 46.91 tonnes of gold for getting a few dollars.

Your economical situation was almost the same or better only.

I can list down many but now it is becoming a habit of few friends that they think that now we are becoming more powerful than past.

But actually, the power gaps between India and Pakistan are getting increased only. Pakistan has missed the bus when you were having almost the same level of military power. Technology, even PAK army, navy, and airforce was ahead.


But still were unable to do anything! now you are hoping that you can do.... Just wow...
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And, India is almost double powerful as compared to 20 years ago.... The gaps between India and Pakistan have increased more.

So what's your point- At least, give the Chinese some rest- they will never bother if war will happen between us.

They are worst the 7th navy fleet.... you again will end by waiting.

You sure about that?............ :azn:..............if you HONESTLY think that the gap between Pakistan and india is that big then please come and try to mess with Pakistan.............:azn:............if you think a country that is more than 7× smaller than india can shot down your fighter jet and indians can do ZILCH about it then you ain't seen nothing yet........but then again you indians also claimed that america would NEVER EVER leave afghanistan...............:lol:

PS 20 years ago, india wasn't begging Kenya and other sub-saharn african nations for famine relief.............:azn::

India: no longer protected by USA and Nato. Divided today as a nation. Economy going down hill. A massive kickdown only 20 years ago when india was the favarite child of the west and a potential super power.

Let me correct you!

West and US
20 years ago, You were having a close relationship with the US and also China.

Western countries and the EU were also part of US alliance and were supporting to you.

India was almost alone after the dissolved of the Soviet Union.

Taliban were very high and almost everywhere in Pakistan to support you.
Military wise
You were having Submarines with AIP, Tanks T-80UD & Al-Khalid, F 16 Fighter aircraft.

We don't have equally latest tanks example T90s, Soviet submarines, Mig 23/Mig 29 to fight against F 16.

During the 1990s, RBI pledged 46.91 tonnes of gold for getting a few dollars.


I can list down many but now it is becoming a habit of few friends that they think that now we are becoming more powerful compared to the past in Ind vs PAK.

But actually, Now the power gaps between India and Pakistan are getting increased only. Pakistan has missed the bus when you were having almost the same level of military power and technology, even PAK army, navy, and airforce was ahead.

Is there ANY evidence to confirm your above claims? If you are not lying then remember to post the links here..............:azn:
India: no longer protected by USA and Nato. Divided today as a nation. Economy going down hill. A massive kickdown only 20 years ago when india was the favarite child of the west and a potential super power.

Let me correct you!

West and US
20 years ago, You were having a close relationship with the US and also China.

Western countries and the EU were also part of US alliance and were supporting to you.

India was almost alone after the dissolved of the Soviet Union.

Taliban were very high and almost everywhere in Pakistan to support you.
Military wise
You were having Submarines with AIP, Tanks T-80UD & Al-Khalid, F 16 Fighter aircraft.

We don't have equally latest tanks example T90s, Soviet submarines, Mig 23/Mig 29 to fight against F 16.

During the 1990s, RBI pledged 46.91 tonnes of gold for getting a few dollars.

Your economical situation was almost the same or better only.

I can list down many but now it is becoming a habit of few friends that they think that now we are becoming more powerful compared to the past in Ind vs PAK.

But actually, Now the power gaps between India and Pakistan are getting increased only. Pakistan has missed the bus when you were having almost the same level of military power and technology, even PAK army, navy, and airforce was ahead.


But still unable to do anything! now still you are hoping.... Just wow...
By all means use every diplomatic and military means to take back GB and azad kashmir.

Clearly u feel very confident
You sure about that?............ :azn:..............if you HONESTLY think that the gap between Pakistan and india is that big then please come and try to mess with Pakistan.............:azn:............if you think a country that is more than 7× smaller than india can shot down your fighter jet and indians can do ZILCH about it then you ain't seen nothing yet........but then again you indians also claimed that america would NEVER EVER leave afghanistan...............:lol:

PS 20 years ago, india wasn't begging Kenya and other sub-saharn african nations for famine relief.............:azn::

Is there ANY evidence to confirm your above claims? If you are not lying then remember to post the links here..............:azn:

Read the history if not erased in Pakistani books. Might you can take help from the international sources.
By all means use every diplomatic and military means to take back GB and azad kashmir.

Clearly u feel very confident

India never tried in past 70 years...... So, having the power does not mean that India is going to attack on Pakistan. It was not done and it will not be done...
Something that has been shove under the carpet today. As I havce always said when the sh*t hit the fan in 1947 some ran away from the Hindus as refugees others ran to fight them as mujihads.

Much respect. My comment was not aimed at you guys but another 'warrior race' who hold Pakistan on their shoulders.

No they didn't. Best one leave this Indian perpetuated hogwash behind before we start digging old graves. The role and result of those "Mujahids" is well documented, not just by the people of AJK but by the Army as well. Using it to peddle your own ethno-nationalist agenda will only embarrass you.

The rule of thumb is that whatever one tries to use to build the perception of racial/ethnic/regional superiority, it is always false and fabricated, for obvious reasons.

At that time our people had no choice but to run. The Dogra regime had disarmed people, going village to village taking away even farming tools and axes.

Some people stayed to fight, my grandfather and his brother were martyred - but what use are sticks and stones in front of bullets.

If our people had adhered to the Sunnah and kept themselves armed and prepared for war - perhaps the Dogra regime could not have disarmed us all before hand.

To be completely honest, that is an excuse the Kashmiris hide behind. What did we think the fight for freedom would be like? Then there's the 75 years after that.
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Read the history if not erased in Pakistani books. Might you can take help from the international sources.

India never tried in past 70 years...... So, having the power does not mean that India is going to attack on Pakistan. It was not done and it will not be done...

What "history" are you making up now? IF you are not lying then post some links to the evidence that supports your claims and assertions. Otherwise you are making up more lies and fairy tales just like all other indians.
What "history" are you making up now? IF you are not lying then post some links to the evidence that supports your claims and assertions. Otherwise you are making up more lies and fairy tales just like all other indians.



Sorry, I do not have bandwidth now to search and post all the links... You can do the searching by yourself.

Pakistan was actually in a much better situation than now if you talk about India.

It has changed and the gaps have increased in the past 20 years.


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Fascinating. You're still able to keep a straight face even when your Govt. is running around with their tails tucked between their legs.
You are again missing the forest for the trees. Afghanistan is your immediate neighbor. All the fallout will happen in your frontier areas.
Ah don't you worry about the Trees in the Forrest. We've got plenty in Gilgit-Baltistan - you know the area you guys claim is yours. Come & get it.

And you speak about all this 'fallout' with such conviction as if you've already time-travelled to the future & witnessed everything. By the way, if memory serves we've dealt with the fallout in the past after the Soviets left. If anything, we've mastered the art.
We might or might not lose our investments (e.g: Dams, Hospitals, Infra) what will you guys gain? That is the primary question. No one here has answered this.
What does Pak gain if the Taliban take over Kabul tomorrow?
Oh - you've - most - certainly - lost - ALL - of - your - Investment. And I don't need a crystal ball to come to THAT conclusion.

And what is it that we gain? WoW, as if that isn't crystal clear. Obviously you've been seeing everything from the current Afghan Govt. view. Things are gonna cool down on the border for us. Almost non-existing hostility from the in-coming Govt. You know, Brothers-in-arm.
Nothing, zilch, nada. Even the $$ will now dry up. Trade with Central Asia. What will you trade? Don't forget Iran in all this.
Awww, look at you. Indians are so cute - when things aren't going their way. You're concerned about us not getting anything. Don't you worry, lil' man. We'll be just fine. And when things do go our way, you'll get all the report on wion 'cause they're the first ones to start crying like pussies that they are.
Brace yourself.
Fun times :p:
Hence, get ready for the fun.
That's odd - those are the exact words all the Pakistanis [here on PDF] have been saying the past couple of weeks:omghaha:.
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