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Taliban execute pregnant woman in Afghanistan

I dont know how we can achieve that ? With covert saudi money getting into the hands of these barbarians , Taliban can very well sustain and attract people for lack of employment... choking out the money source is the key over here , but unfortunately i dont see how we are going to do that !

That is the unfortunate part. Some people ordering gold faucets and silver audi's would not understand how painful it is to watch these things and still protect this ideology. I have seen some taliban sympathizers faltering on this very forum as well. There is a limit till you can support ignorance. The evidence is mounting and mouths continue to shut about how holy this war really is becoming. Alas as I mentioned before, this forum is not where to judge the overall feelings of the people. Ground realities are very different. So I call forward the americans or aliens or whoever .. call your crusade or operation : christian and jew lightning and get this over with. A second alas to those who want to defeat these people in words .. they want to do very little when it comes to erasing this problem, they want to complain about it for the next 10 years for financial reasons.
Why dont they kill men for adultery, why only women suffer .. Its sad really sad. Even animals dont treat the opposite gender like the way these AH do.. !!!
Pakistan's goverment has previously supported the Afghan-Taliban,,so why not now?

I just want Pakistani's to start being more open-minded and honest.

It's only going to benefit us,if we are honest with ourselves! We will be respected if we are honest,,by our own people and also by the outside World.

The CIA supported the Haqqanis, Hekmetyar and the various Arabs who were 'Mujahideen' when fighting the Soviets, and are now 'terrorists' since they are fighting the US.

The US also negotiated and engaged with the Taliban in various capacities, most notably to garner support for their oil and gas companies obtaining contracts for building pipelines from the CAR's.

Given the US's history of supporting proxy groups in various nations to overthrow governments and destabilize countries, and your logic of blaming Pakistan for supporting the Taliban currently, the allegations against the CIA by Pakistanis must be true ...

If you want to be 'honest and open minded', lets be consistent.

Please stay on topic instead of making slanderous and unsubstantiated accusations based on speculative drivel.
The CIA supported the Haqqanis, Hekmetyar and the various Arabs who were 'Mujahideen' when fighting the Soviets, and are now 'terrorists' since they are fighting the US.

The US also negotiated and engaged with the Taliban in various capacities, most notably to garner support for their oil and gas companies obtaining contracts for building pipelines from the CAR's.

Given the US's history of supporting proxy groups in various nations to overthrow governments and destabilize countries, and your logic of blaming Pakistan for supporting the Taliban currently, the allegations against the CIA by Pakistanis must be true ...

If you want to be 'honest and open minded', lets be consistent.

Please stay on topic instead of making slanderous and unsubstantiated accusations based on speculative drivel.

I really dont know how every time someone mentions Taliban and Pakistan together you can call it an unsubstantiated accusation based on speculative drivel. Yes the CIA did support the Taliban but the ISI and the Pakistani government have an equally important hand in the creation and breeding of the taliban. Its funny how on one hand you call the ISI the strongest intelligence agency in the world by referencing their role in the creation of the taliban during the Soviet-Afghan war and on the other hand you call an unsubstantiated accusation the second someone calls on the ties between Pakistan and terrorism. Double standards galore, thats called only accepting facts that suit you.
I really dont know how every time someone mentions Taliban and Pakistan together you can call it an unsubstantiated accusation based on speculative drivel.
I can call it that because the people making the accusations offer no evidence to back it up, and the 'strongest evidence' so far, the wikileaks 'intelligence reports', have been derided and dismissed by many Western analysts as 'unsubstantiated and unverified' themselves.

Yes the CIA did support the Taliban but the ISI and the Pakistani government have an equally important hand in the creation and breeding of the taliban. Its funny how on one hand you call the ISI the strongest intelligence agency in the world by referencing their role in the creation of the taliban during the Soviet-Afghan war and on the other hand you call an unsubstantiated accusation the second someone calls on the ties between Pakistan and terrorism. Double standards galore, thats called only accepting facts that suit you.

If you would actually read my post, instead of engaging in knee jerk criticizm of any Pakistani who points out the fact that the accusations are 'unsubstantiated', you would realize that your post has nothing whatsoever to do with the point I was making. Yes the CIA and ISI both had hands in the training and support of insurgents in the past, and my point is precisely that one cannot use the argument that the ISI alone is still supporting the Taliban because of that past relationship, since the CIA/US too would then be similarly guilty of Pakistani accusations of 'support of the TTP' and India guilty of 'support for the TTP and Baluch terrorists', since both nations have had relationships with similar groups or the same groups in the past.

There is an issue of lack of comprehension here - past support does not imply current support, otherwise India and the US are also both guilty of Pakistani accusations. Only credible evidence can prove current Pakistani support, and despite the West and India trying all sorts of propaganda tricks and deceitful coverage based on rumor and hearsay (LSE reports and the wikileaks reports, Headley confessions) the fact is that there is no credible evidence linking the ISI to support for the Taliban or any other terrorist organization or act.

The only double standards here are when Indians ask for evidence in the case of Pakistani accusations of Indian support for terrorism, yet refuse to apply the same standards in the case of accusations directed at Pakistan. And again, when the US accuses Iran of supporting the Taliban, Indians dismiss the allegations as propaganda and offer all sorts of excuses as to why that is not possible, because they seek to use Iran as a hedge against Pakistan, yet are completely willing to believe Pakistani complicity with the Taliban, despite less categorical statements from US officialdom, and just as little credible evidence implicating Pakistan as there is implicating Iran.
This desiman guy is so naive, it's unbelievable. He claims to have a masters degree - but I don't see how someone with masters can be some naive and have such an overly, utterly simplistic way of thinking.

I mean he uses arguments such as - since David Cameron said it, it must be true (btw, now David Cameron said that Iran has nukes, so that must be true too then). That since a lot people believe x, it must be true. I am not exaggerating this - you can say that he made those arguments almost verbatim. I can link the thread where he made those arguments. This is naivety taken to the extreme.

Now, apparently wikileaks leak did not contain unsubstantiated, unverified information FROM AFGHAN INTELLIGENCE. Clearly someone has no idea what they're talking about.

Then for the icing on the cake, check this out:

Its funny how on one hand you call the ISI the strongest intelligence agency in the world by referencing their role in the creation of the taliban during the Soviet-Afghan war and on the other hand you call an unsubstantiated accusation the second someone calls on the ties between Pakistan and terrorism.

So since ISI has a hand in creation of Taliban (they didn't create Taliban btw, they merely supported them), they must be supporting them now? We call them unsubstantiated accusation because it is that - an unsubstantiated accusation.

But more importantly, using your very logic, don't you guys do the same? You guys had involvement with Muhkti Bahini and LTTE, but you call the accusations against India unsubstantiated.
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This desiman guy is so naive, it's unbelievable. He claims to have a masters degree - but I don't see how someone with masters can be some naive and have such an overly, utterly simplistic way of thinking.

100% agree with you, thats why I have started to ignore him. He always talks in conspiracy theories and delusions and then has the gall to accuse/ make fun of Pakistanis for believing in conspiracies theories or Zaid Hamid
Hey Batman you idiot its India not indina. Think before reporting my post.

Calm down - he was writing 'Indian newspapers', and just as people hit the wrong key in Pakistan, typing Paksitan, he probably hit the n key before the a - Indina instead of Indian.

Think before lashing out.

BTW, personal attacks and abuse is a violation of forum rules - refrain from that please.
Calm down - he was writing 'Indian newspapers', and just as people hit the wrong key in Pakistan, typing Paksitan, he probably hit the n key before the a - Indina instead of Indian.

Think before lashing out.

BTW, personal attacks and abuse is a violation of forum rules - refrain from that please.

Hello AM thank you for replying. If it is typo error then why its not happening with other words? I dont want to go into deep. Just want to say I love and respect my counrty as you do for yours.

Thanks :smitten:
The only double standards here are when Indians ask for evidence in the case of Pakistani accusations of Indian support for terrorism, yet refuse to apply the same standards in the case of accusations directed at Pakistan. And again, when the US accuses Iran of supporting the Taliban, Indians dismiss the allegations as propaganda and offer all sorts of excuses as to why that is not possible, because they seek to use Iran as a hedge against Pakistan, yet are completely willing to believe Pakistani complicity with the Taliban, despite less categorical statements from US officialdom, and just as little credible evidence implicating Pakistan as there is implicating Iran.

Want to tell me what Batman is exactly doing ? Lets not sugar coat anything here both sides accuse each other all the time of current support with little to no credible evidence. You know this. Anyway lets not go too off topic. Best to leave it at both sides were once involved in certain amount of support but now say they don't and evidence lacks to prove otherwise.
Want to tell me what Batman is exactly doing ? Lets not sugar coat anything here both sides accuse each other all the time of current support with little to no credible evidence. You know this. Anyway lets not go too off topic. Best to leave it at both sides were once involved in certain amount of support but now say they don't and evidence lacks to prove otherwise.
Given that it is Pakistan that bears the brunt of unsbtantiated allegations in the press, and even on this forum, I have no time to be correcting Pakistani members and holding them accountable individually, since the target of these smear campaigns is primarily Pakistan.

My post does, however, inherently set the standard for credible evidence being a prerequisite for both sides.
Hello AM thank you for replying. If it is typo error then why its not happening with other words? I dont want to go into deep. Just want to say I love and respect my counrty as you do for yours.

Thanks :smitten:
Actually his post does have several typos, including the word 'proff' instead of 'proof', as is the highlighted word in your post above.

But like I said, refrain from knee jerk attacks on other members - if you have concerns over a post, use report post, and we will address it as we see fit.
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