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Taliban execute pregnant woman in Afghanistan

Death to Taliban....destroy these animals..who give a bad name to Islam. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) would never allow such an henious crime.....I don't understand these dogs......women should be treated with respect.....and kindness.....not to take her honour in front of the whole village and kill her. I can't even describe my anguish in hearingg such a news......what disgusting people we have that inhabit our planet.

Death to Taliban....scum of the earth.
Jigs, i have been to Iran and Turkey and i have seen news paper reporting news in same words as those are reported in indina newspapers.

How can news paper reach to a place where ANA and US troops failed to reach and every day civilians are being killed and piles of misery is beign added to Afghans and thos incident go unreported.
I again say as bad the crime would be... there is no proff of it ever happned and why Taliban need to to it today while they never did it while they were ruling?
It is propaganda war and we are the target.
for those who doubt Taliban brutality

Taliban kills 10 aid workers in Afghanistan

Tһе dead contain six Americans, раrt οf a medical team providing eye care іח a northern province. Tһе Taliban claims tһе staff wеrе spies аחԁ preachers οf Christianity.

Taliban fighters ambushed аחԁ kіƖƖеԁ a 10-member medical team, including six Americans, аѕ tһеу wеrе returning frοm a trip tο a remote northern area tο provide eye care tο rural villagers, tһеіr aid organization аחԁ local officials ѕаіԁ Saturday.


(CNN) -- U.S. officials issued scathing condemnation Sunday of an attack on 10 multinational medical aid workers in Afghanistan as the victims' bodies were returned to Kabul.
The Taliban has claimed responsibility for the Thursday attack, said Karl Eikenberry, U.S. ambassador in Afghanistan, but "we do not know whether they are responsible or simply taking credit for the cowardly and despicable acts of others."
Six Americans, two Afghans, a Briton and a German were shot and killed by gunmen in Badakhshan, a remote northeastern region of the country, said Dirk Frans, the director of the International Assistance Mission. Two other Afghans on the team were alive, Frans said.
Eikenberry said officials were working to identify the victims.
Thomas Grams of Durango, Colorado, was among the Americans who died, Katy Shaw, an administrator with Global Dental Relief, said Sunday. Grams had been working with the group for 10 years, she said, and had been to Afghanistan several times, along with Nepal. He was a general dentist who gave up his private practice to do relief work, she said. Grams started as a volunteer with the group, which provides dental care for impoverished children, but later became a team leader.
"He was one of our favorites," Shaw said, describing Grams as quiet, unassuming and modest.


Libby Little, the wife of American optometrist Tom Little, told CNN Saturday her husband was killed, and the British Foreign Office confirmed the death of Dr. Karen Woo on Sunday.
The bodies of the 10 were retrieved and returned to Kabul by helicopter on Sunday, said U.S. embassy spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden.
"The Taliban has called this group of medical aid workers spies and proselytizers," Eikenberry said in a video statement. "They were no such thing. These were selfless volunteers who devoted themselves to providing free and much-needed health care to Afghans in the most remote and difficult parts of your country.
"Their murder demonstrates the absolute disregard that terrorist-inspired Taliban and other insurgents have for your health, have for your security and have for your opportunity," Eikenberry said, apparently speaking to the Afghan people. "They don't care about your future. They only care about themselves and their own ideology."
Aqa Nwor Kentoz, the police chief in the province, says the gunmen stopped the group on the road, took their belongings and shot them one by one. An Afghan was released because he was reciting excerpts from the Quran, Kentoz said.
The team had spent several days in Nuristan province, where they treated cataracts and other eye conditions, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in a statement.
"At their next stop, they planned to run a dental clinic and offer maternal and infant health care," Clinton said. "They were unarmed. They were not being paid for their services. They had traveled to this distant part of the world because they wanted to help people in need. They were guests of the Afghan people. The Taliban stopped them on a remote road on their journey from Nuristan, led them into a forest, robbed them and killed them."
"We are heartbroken by the loss of these heroic, generous people," Clinton said. "We condemn in the strongest possible terms this senseless act. We also condemn the Taliban's transparent attempt to justify the unjustifiable by making false accusations about their activities in Afghanistan."
Badakhshan, bordered by Tajikistan to the north and Pakistan to the south, is a sparsely populated region comprised of a majority Tajik population and an Uzbek and Kyrgyz minority. Badakhshan was the only province that was not controlled by the Taliban when it ruled Afghanistan.
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Jigs, i have been to Iran and Turkey and i have seen news paper reporting news in same words as those are reported in indina newspapers.

How can news paper reach to a place where ANA and US troops failed to reach and every day civilians are being killed and piles of misery is beign added to Afghans and thos incident go unreported.
I again say as bad the crime would be... there is no proff of it ever happned and why Taliban need to to it today while they never did it while they were ruling?
It is propaganda war and we are the target.

And don't you kinda oh idk find that credible because everyone is reporting on the same thing ? Now your even denying such a thing happened. Do you seriously have to be educated on the Taliban ? Do you want me to provide you with some video on their acts ?

This is exactly the other side of the problem people i suggest everyone take notice.
Jigs, i have been to Iran and Turkey and i have seen news paper reporting news in same words as those are reported in indina newspapers.

How can news paper reach to a place where ANA and US troops failed to reach and every day civilians are being killed and piles of misery is beign added to Afghans and thos incident go unreported.
I again say as bad the crime would be... there is no proff of it ever happned and why Taliban need to to it today while they never did it while they were ruling?
It is propaganda war and we are the target.

yeah right, their rule was Golden Era of A-stan, really in which world do you live? I thought we are yet to find a way to travel to a parallel world but it seems you have made one for yourself, quite an achievement I must say

Before the Taliban's takeover, Afghan women were:
  • 70% of school teachers
  • 50% of civilians in the government workforce
  • 60% of teachers at Kabul University
  • 50% of students at Kabul University
  • 40% of doctors in Kabul
But when the Taliban took over the capital city of Kabul in September 1996, it issued an edict that stripped women and girls of their rights, holding the Afghan people hostage under a brutal system of gender apartheid. The edict forbade women and girls from working or going to school. It effectively placed all women under house arrest, prohibiting them from leaving their homes unless accompanied by a close male relative. Women who had lost all of their male relatives in the war were literally trapped in their homes.

Women were prohibited from being seen or heard. The windows of their homes were painted, and they could not appear in public unless wearing the full-body covering, the burqa. Women were beaten for showing a bit of ankle or wearing noisy shoes. They could not speak in public or to men who were not relatives. They were beaten, even killed, for minor violations of these rules.

Women accused of prostitution or infidelity were hung in public squares or stoned to death, and persons accused of homosexuality were put in a pit near a wall, which was then toppled, burying them alive. Ironically, brothels proliferated under Taliban rule, employing educated women who had no other way to survive. The Taliban alternated between frequenting and raiding the brothels.

Throughout many years of civil war and ethnic conflicts in Afghanistan, both the Taliban and other factions of the mujahideen used rape as a weapon of war – a means of terrorizing women and dishonoring entire communities.

After more than two decades of war that killed hundreds of thousands of Afghan men, many Afghan women are the sole source of income for their families. With the Taliban's restrictions against work and travel, women and their families were forced further into dire poverty in a country ravaged by war and drought. The regime shut down women-run bakeries, a major source of food for the poor, demonstrating that the Taliban prized misogyny more than food -- even when people were dying of starvation.

Because most female doctors were excluded from the workforce, and male doctors were prohibited from treating women, most Afghan women had no access to medical care. This led to a large increase in infant and maternal mortality and deaths that could easily have been prevented with proper medication. A small number of female doctors were granted exceptions to work in a few female-only hospitals, but most eventually fled the country or could not travel to work because of the Taliban's restrictive code. Female surgeons found it impossible to operate properly from underneath the burqa, with its limited vision, and some patients fortunate enough to receive care at all died because their doctors could not see to operate. Male doctors who wanted to help were prohibited from doing so.

Women's Lives Under the Taliban: A Background Report

the sadistic morons who like to support Taliban must live under their rule & stop acting like E-Talibans
yeah right, their rule was Golden Era of A-stan, really in which world do you live? I thought we are yet to find a way to travel to a parallel world but it seems you have made one for yourself, quite an achievement I must say

the sadistic morons who like to support Taliban must live under their rule & stop acting like E-Talibans

These people never tried to understand d how Taliban ruled that country..they only see Taliban fighting against US in the name of religion and thats enough for them..
How much of area is still under the control of Talibans? :O

Sick n barbaric indeed
This is the problem here all you wrote above ^^^^. Instead of condemning any of what happened you are once again turning it over on India. This type of talk is the problem. This is about the Afghan Taliban. Of course non of this matters. Only that India must be stopped and this and that but nothing about the Afghan Taliban killing pregnant women since that part is blocked out.

ya ya prior to this better you condemn all the legit & adult videos of pregnant women in PARTY SEX:usflag:

Taliban are illiterate doesnt matter they are Muslims or not they are illiterate & worst still live below poverty lines to think anything conceptually but it ain't the problem in US or is it
These people never tried to understand d how Taliban ruled that country..they only see Taliban fighting against US in the name of religion and thats enough for them..

Give me a gun, Give me a religious book, We will impose the will of God on world :hitwall:

after all following a so called Muslim is better than following an infidel, Shame on Taliban & their apologist :tsk:
ya ya prior to this better you condemn all the legit & adult videos of pregnant women in PARTY SEX:usflag:

Taliban are illiterate doesnt matter they are Muslims or not they are illiterate & worst still live below poverty lines to think anything conceptually but it ain't the problem in US or is it

Hahahaha. Wait let me get this straight your legitimately trying to compare **** to what the Taliban do ?

What exactly do you mean by illiterate/below poverty line but they are Muslims ? Are you trying to justify something here plz elaborate on this more.
These people never tried to understand d how Taliban ruled that country..they only see Taliban fighting against US in the name of religion and thats enough for them..

It's not just about Islam or fighting for freedom.

It's about Pashtuns wanting to be in charge of Afghanistan,and they consider all non-pashtuns in Afghanistan as "immigrants". Islam is ofcourse used as an excuse to justify atrocities agianst "Shia Kaffir Hazaras". Or "Tajik,Uzbek ect, Immigrants".

It's a shame for me that Pakistan's Government is aware of the Racism,but still they chose to support the Taliban.
ya ya prior to this better you condemn all the legit & adult videos of pregnant women in PARTY SEX:usflag:

Taliban are illiterate doesnt matter they are Muslims or not they are illiterate & worst still live below poverty lines to think anything conceptually but it ain't the problem in US or is it

In one case the girls make a video on their own free wil and count their cash to the bank. In the other video, well the girl dies in the name of some religion. Sounds exactly the same to me.
No Pakistani's should support the Taliban.....we need to understand that these dogs are holding us back in the modern day era. You look at the Golden age of Islam....scholar's were highly educated...took an interest in science...yet these dogs know only one thing....and that is the gun. There is no point..in saying that the news is propagagnda...its fact....and we need to change it....otherwise this case can happen again. The only thing a Taliban needs...is a bullet through his head...

Death to Taliban
Give me a gun, Give me a religious book, We will impose the will of God on world :hitwall:

Sounds awfully similar... Oh yeah!

Remember these guys!
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