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Taliban execute pregnant woman in Afghanistan

“They were the first to come with tractors and vans to evacuate our people,” said Shafaatullah Khan who lives in a village near the Indus in Punjab province. “If they hadn't been many people would have died. They worked day and night to get people out and provide cooked food and water.”

Nearby, workers of the Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD) Islamic charity hovered around four huge pots, preparing food over a smoky fire while four women clad in burqas sat at a charity medical post.

The JuD is the charity arm of the banned Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) militant group.

The LeT was behind a bloody attack on the Indian city of Mumbai in 2008 shortly after which the JuD was put on a UN blacklist for links to terrorism.

But such connections mean nothing to most Pakistanis.

“Everyone has a good impression of them,” land owner Mohammad Ali Khan said of the religious charity workers.

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Religious workers win thanks from flood victims

Even Dawn has admitted it. :oops:
Mumbai: America’s Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) on Wednesday told a court that evidence it has shows that the 10 terrorists who attacked Mumbai in November 2008 came from Karachi, Pakistan.

An FBI forensic expert, who was not identified, told the court of judge M L Tahaliyani, that he had examined the five Global Positioning System (GPS) devices and a satellite phone Mumbai police had recovered from the terrorists.

The forensic expert said that "Way Point" retrieved from the GPS devices reflected the route from Karachi to Mumbai and also positions between these two cities.

The witness said that out of the five GPSes, two were not functioning because the battery was depleted and hence the data could not be retrieved from them. The other three GPS devices clearly showed the route between these two cities.

The witness gave hard and soft copies of the data report submitted by him to the Mumbai police earlier.

The expert said he had examined these devices on February 11 and completed the examination by February 18. He said Mumbai police had sent the devices in the sealed cover to the FBI.

GPS device automatically record the return trip, the witness said.

Ajmal Kasab, the only Pakistani terrorist arrested during the November attacks, sat smiling all the while during the deposition.

After the examination, the devices were again put in a packet and sealed under his signature, the FBI expert said. In the court, the witness identified the devices and also his signature.

The GPS devices were seized from sites targeted by the terrorists, including Taj Mahal and Oberoi Hotels and M V Kuber vessel which they had hijacked to travel to Mumbai.

The witness said the data from the satellite phone showed two received calls and one missed call. Some had tried to contact but the satellite phone had not responded.

Look like you haven't read it properly. :D

Are you seriously lacking reading comprehension this much or are you doing this on purpose? He's talking about the allegations against the Pakistani state by the FBI. Do you not know the difference between the state and individuals?
Are you seriously lacking reading comprehension this much or are you doing this on purpose? He's talking about the allegations against the Pakistani state by the FBI. Do you not know the difference between the state and individuals?

whether those allegations are against pakistan state or some important individuals in pakistan , it all comes back to pakistan. FBI has tracked those guys to Karachi, one of the famous cities in pakistan. NOW tell me who were they calling in Karachi??

since those guys came from pakistan, than whom should FBI blame?? does pakistan got to power even to take care of it's cities and see what's going on?? those guys were trained well, btw.
whether those allegations are against pakistan state or some important individuals in pakistan , it all comes back to pakistan. FBI has tracked those guys to Karachi, one of the famous cities in pakistan. NOW tell me who were they calling in Karachi??

since those guys came from pakistan, than whom should FBI blame?? does pakistan got to power even to take care of it's cities and see what's going on?? those guys were trained well, btw.

Stop trolling and go back and read my posts - I was very specifically referring to the allegations against the Pakistani State and its institutions, of which you claimed to have evidence, and are now off on a tangent because it turned out you had squat.

And who were they calling in Karachi? Perhaps you can provide the FBI's testimony on that, because what we know so far is that they certainly were not calling anyone in the GoP, ISI or PA.

And that FBI agent you yourself provided a link to certainly didn't think they were well trained, as shown by the excerpt I posted earlier.
I understand that the Taliban..are a bunch of savages...however this type of behavior happens when a country has been in ruins since the last 40 years..with constant war's. It is the fault of the world in not coming to the Aid of Afghanistan..when it really needed it the most..Like America it abandoned it back in the 90s..which was a big mistake. however like I said before a bullet is the only option for a Taliban.....

Perhaps it was a mistake, but how could america stomach supporting the Taliban goverment. A poltican that would have voted to support the taliban while they were closing schools for girls, shooting women thru the head in soccer stadiums, blowing up statues would have been out of job come the next election. Every time america supports one party or the other every one screams about america interference.

Beside the taliban I blame every one that thinks a women should be stoned or killed for adultry. Thats the real cause of this kind of evil.
I hate the Taliban, they destroyed the name of Islam and are vermins. But im sorry to say this they would never be defeated, i wish i had a Death Note so i can kill them all, its the only way i see a possible defeat for these Bastards.
Did the Taliban listen to the accused and accuser, and hold a fair trial? What was the crime of the unborn child in this case? Why was he punished?

I dont know if they listen to the accused and the accuser but DO YOU??? My point was that we must not brand ppl just by watching some footage presented by BBC/CNN or any media... because each of them are running and following a certain agenda..
and why the child was punished? Well i would say it was the qadr of Allah SWT. How do you react to an abortion???? isnt it killing or murdering and despite that it is absolutely fine in the so called modern societies of today

I'm sorry, but the countries that have tried to implement these barbaric punishments are at the bottom of the heap in terms of intellectual creativity, science technology and freedom - namely Iran, Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan. Iran and SA enjoy a degree of prosperity primarily because they are blessed with oil and gas resources, otherwise they would be in as bad a shape as Afghanistan.

Let me correct you here... NO COUNTRY HAS IMPLEMENTED IT.. For Saudis its a kingdom and not a Islamic based government. If one has to apply something it should be done in entirety.... However Taliban initially tried it but they were invaded by so called sophisticated and peace loving Americans... And my friend these punishments might seems barbaric to you but these are for the betterment of societies in the long term... Just think you would want a rapist to be killed or be prisoned for 3-5 yrs to be released and commit the same crime? And ABOVE ALL IF THE PUNISHMENT IS PRESCRIBED IN SHARIA THEN IT SHOULD BE IMPLEMENTED WITH A DOUBT

Who are they to decide what is the will of God? They are spreading anarchy and violence. If they really believe in their message and goals, why don' they organize their movement at a grassroots level, go door to door, explain their policies, and ask people to vote them into power in the next elections?

My dear friend they are trying to establish the rule of God and do you think without taking up arms forces working against Islam will let them do it??? Why do you think Palestinians and Kashmiris are loosing there lives daily .. because modern democracy is nothing but a disguised dictatorship which follows the rules of their masters (US (Israel), IMF, World Bank) etc etc

We must learn our history and Religion. According to one of the Hadith of Prophet (P.B.U.H) the Jihad will continue till the day of judgement. It will be carried out by a handful of people called Taif Al Mansoora who will give victory to the religion. The qualities of this group as described is that they dont care about the consequences and struggle to implement the rule of Allah on earth.
Are those not the 'Good' Taliban?

From all that we have read so far, it doesn't seem that there is anything called 'Good' Taliban.

You should read this too.

The initial American aim in Afghanistan had been not to eliminate the Taliban’s presence there entirely but to undermine the regime and Al Qaeda while leaving intact so-called moderate Taliban elements that would play a role in a new postwar government
Why do they have to kill the unborn child... what was its fault? :angry:

Taliban forced doctor's to operate with burqa covering the face:blink:....wtf is wrong with these people :hitwall:.
I don't think the Taliban really has anything to do with islam at all. It seems their extremist views are just attracting psychopaths within the society. They could as well call it torturing and killing people for fun club.
First of all stop getting personal, i did not chase anyone personally here so dont get personal also.If you cant argue properly then don’t indulge in a debate. The second you get personal is when you have lost the argument.
Now down to the point, can you point out to me where I said that if Cameron says it, it must be right ? Please stop making things up for your own pleasure. Yes what Cameron said is RIGHT and I stand by that. As India has said again and again, Pakistan is the epicentre of terrorism and Cameron only justified that point. The problem with you guys is that when someone raises their finger at you, rather than analysing why he is doing that you get defensive and start chasing the guy. You come here and question my educational background but you yourself cannot prove why Cameron is wrong. All I have seen on this forum are trolls referencing Cameron’s past or his ancestors and calling him an “Indian Agent” but not one has given a good point. The problem that Pakistan has always suffered with is self-denial and justifying points using an emotional bias. You still don’t except the clear links between Pakistani establishments and terrorist outfits and you justify terrorism in Kashmir using India as an excuse, the thought that lets bleed India to death is still very much alive in Pakistan.

The most convenient argument that you can come up with is a counter argument about the LTTE and the Mukti Bahani lol please grow up and learn how to argue, you conveniently change topic’s and you say that I don’t know what im talking about lol. The discussion here is about the Taliban not the LTTE so please stop pushing in topic when you clearly are running out of topic to talk about. The facts are that the CIA/ISI are the primary’s when it comes to the creation of the Taliban and that Pakistan has always used terror as a state policy and the world is only realizing that now. It so convenient to write everything off as Indian conspiracy against Pakistan but its better for you if you start introspecting. Only when the notion of the good/bad terrorist ends in Pakistan is when you will see any change in your society, until you keep justifying terrorism in India using Kashmir as an excuse change in Pakistan is next to impossible. Your very dear friend Mr.Dance cant wait to get out the old Indian poor people or Indian toilets argument in every thread and you say Indian’s troll lol. Sorry but Indian’s here are a balancing factor that allows a debate, without which you can go around cheat beating in pure delusion.

Next time don’t get personal.

I have answered this post before but I will add the following.

You're continuously asking why don't we analyze what Cameron is saying rather than get defensive and attack the person.

That is a very simplistic point in no uncertain terms. Let me flip it to you another way. Why don't you analyze what we say regarding Indian involvement in Pakistan rather than get defensive and attack us?

See how simplistic that sounds? It's ignoring tons of other variables. Generally to this, I get two replies.

1. Cameron is a neutral party. My reply: No he is not, his country is involved in the war.
2. You have no evidence of Indian involvement. My reply: you have no evidence of Pakistani involvement.

"You should analyze it rather than...": there's nothing to analyze until there is any evidence. Rather than that, you should analyze why he's saying that and analyze the fact that there's a lack of evidence to support your and his story.

To me, it seems like Indians were born hypocrites.
Why do they have to kill the unborn child... what was its fault? :angry:

Taliban forced doctor's to operate with burqa covering the face:blink:....wtf is wrong with these people :hitwall:.

stop believing everything the media shows......... and ask the same question to ppl who go for abortion This is also murder!!!!
P.S. India has the highest rate of abortion in the world.....
Hahahaha. Wait let me get this straight your legitimately trying to compare **** to what the Taliban do ?

What exactly do you mean by illiterate/below poverty line but they are Muslims ? Are you trying to justify something here plz elaborate on this more.

In one case the girls make a video on their own free wil and count their cash to the bank. In the other video, well the girl dies in the name of some religion. Sounds exactly the same to me.

Sorry 4 late reply I had some papers to be taken care off!!
Dont you assume that I favor Talibans in anyway.

Dont be a guile you know what I am talking about quiet clearly
Either do Talibans kill females on the basis of religion or US plugging out the very souls of females by dragging them into **** are both heinous while the latter is worst as its a form of persecution which is way worse than killing.
Talibans are illiterate poor mad whatever you want to say thats why they do such acts but what abt a much proclaimed civilized society doing a more sinister crime to earn what a dollar!!Think about it

Perhaps so you too are naive
In one case the girls make a video on their own free wil and count their cash to the bank.

You write more than you know & what you can think.
Plz see this & then write something logical
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