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Taliban execute pregnant woman in Afghanistan

how you come to Knw that taliban are backed By Pakistan?
Do u have some links wid taliban's ?

Pakistan's goverment has previously supported the Afghan-Taliban,,so why not now?

I just want Pakistani's to start being more open-minded and honest.

It's only going to benefit us,if we are honest with ourselves! We will be respected if we are honest,,by our own people and also by the outside World.
This is the problem here all you wrote above ^^^^. Instead of condemning any of what happened you are once again turning it over on India. This type of talk is the problem. This is about the Afghan Taliban. Of course non of this matters. Only that India must be stopped and this and that but nothing about the Afghan Taliban killing pregnant women since that part is blocked out.

To condem a hersay is not wise..
Last time we had wiki leaks and today we have some news from india! who's army in afghanistan is in perfect harmony with same Taliban?
Do you know india had built road and bunkers for Taliban on Pak-Af border and hundereds of indian workers(army) were deployed there for years... and in same area Taliban are killing Pakistani soldiers!
Does this suggest any thing to you?
All such problems started since our govt. started to cover up indian involvement in Terrorist attacks upon Pakistan.
Once we have new President you will see inidan blame game will not go unquestioned.

Ever heard of propaganda, deception? don't fall victim to indian propaganda.

Imagine this news si a product of indian brain and i expect only their agents to excute it.
india again!! leave all this guys. we are talking about the bloody moronn taliban who have killed a pregnant woman. and if pepole try to say it is not a genuine news, then it wont be that hard to present other examples of the same nature that taliban did in the past.
Pakistan's goverment has previously supported the Afghan-Taliban,,so why not now?

I just want Pakistani's to start being more open-minded and honest.

It's only going to benefit us,if we are honest with ourselves! We will be respected if we are honest,,by our own people and also by the outside World.

Why now? ask zardari than why is he spending tax money on Taliban?
Ask Taliban why are they interested to kill Pakistani children while they are in school or mosques?
Why Taliban never hurt indians in while they are in Afghanistan but they come across the border and ambushing our army convoys.
We are supporting all war against Taliban... you must be comming out of ice age!!

If you have proof than talk otherwise stop this rhetoric.

I can prove our govt. is releasing indian terrorists.
india again!! leave all this guys. we are talking about the bloody moronn taliban who have killed a pregnant woman. and if pepole try to say it is not a genuine news, then it wont be that hard to present other examples of the same nature that taliban did in the past.

because news and the crime is reproted by indain news channel and they have zero credibility and they way you are pumping it up says all.

Your just blaming everything on India,because it's easier for you. We're talking about the Taliban executing pregnant women,and all you can think Is "India(!)".

Pakistan's govermant had previously supported the Taliban,and Northern Afghans(especially Shia/Hazaras) sufferd because of the racism from ceratin ethnic groups! Do you know how the Taliban treat women,children and Shia/ Hazaras?
because news and the crime is reproted by indain news channel and they have zero credibility and they way you are pumping it up says all.

from DAWN news:

Bibi Sanubar, 35, was kept in captivity for three days before she was shot dead in a public trial on Sunday by a local Taliban commander in the Qadis district of the rural western province Badghis.

The Taliban accused Sanubar of having an “illicit affair” that left her pregnant. She was first punished with 200 lashes in public before being shot, deputy provincial police chief Ghulam Mohammad Sayeedi told AFP.

“She was shot in the head in public while she was still pregnant,” Sayeedi said.

The execution is a grim reminder of the Taliban's harsh six-year rule from 1996 to 2001 in Afghanistan. The radical extremists staged public stonings or lashings of those found to have committed adultery or sex outside marriage.

The then-Taliban government would also chop off the hands and feet of those accused of theft and robbery.

Local Taliban commander Mohammad Yousuf carried out the execution, Sayeedi said, before the woman's body was dumped in an area under government control.

The man who allegedly had an affair with Sanubar has not been punished.

Head of Badghis provincial council Mohammad Nasir Nazaari confirmed the execution and said the Qadis district is entirely under Taliban control.

The deputy head of the religious council for western Afghanistan, Mohammad Kabaabiani, said the execution ran counter to Islamic principles.

Head of the Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission in western Afghanistan, Abdul Qadir Rahimi, condemned the killing.

“Any such trial is unacceptable and is a violation of human rights. All trials must take place in an authorised court observing every single measure of justice,” said Rahimi.

Since their ouster in 2001, the hardline Taliban militants have executed many people they accused of spying for foreign forces, including at least one woman who was shot dead in Kandahar.

The insurgents last year publicly executed a young couple accused of eloping in Nimroz province with a firing squad in front of a mosque. – AFP
This is the problem here all you wrote above ^^^^. Instead of condemning any of what happened you are once again turning it over on India. This type of talk is the problem. This is about the Afghan Taliban. Of course non of this matters. Only that India must be stopped and this and that but nothing about the Afghan Taliban killing pregnant women since that part is blocked out.

Killing pregnant is not allowed in sharia according to my knowledge even if the crime has been proved. Still I doubt the source of the news.
To condem a hersay is not wise..
Yahoo news is also reporting on it along with a bunch of sites from all over the world

Last time we had wiki leaks and today we have some news from india! who's army in afghanistan is in perfect harmony with same Taliban?
Again your turning it on India (Hypocritical to say the least since Pakistan once also supported the Taliban which his obviously a fact). Again it has been reported by many news sources. You fail to condemn the Afghan Taliban but instead decide to push it on India.

Do you know india had built road and bunkers for Taliban on Pak-Af border and hundereds of indian workers(army) were deployed there for years... and in same area Taliban are killing Pakistani soldiers!
Does this suggest any thing to you?

Did you know the Taliban beheads Pakistani troops?(India's fault right?) Again your failing to realize the irony here. You just don't get it do you ? The problem. The problem that it is never Pakistan but always India or the U.S. (I am not saying don't condemn them this has nothing to do with them) The issue that there is a sizable minority that overlooks such things is the big problem but when the U.S. and India do something it is jumped on. That you lack the interest to condemn these acts but here you are going off to me about India doing this and that. Condemn the Taliban and move on sir if not than openly say that your not going to.

All such problems started since our govt. started to cover up Indian involvement in Terrorist attacks upon Pakistan.
Once we have new President you will see Indian blame game will not go unquestioned.
Now the problem is again India but you added your current administration of your country. Again your dodging.

Ever heard of propaganda, deception? don't fall victim to Indian propaganda.

I rest my case. You won't get it. You will block all this out and go on about something completely irrelevant and untrue. This isn't even about Pakistan and your jumping on it.

Imagine this news si a product of indian brain and i expect only their agents to excute it.

Non Indian news websites are reporting on it. Non of it matters though right since India ran a article on it. It is their fault this happened right ?

Taliban execute pregnant woman in Afghanistan - Yahoo! News

Taliban execute pregnant woman - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Taliban execute pregnant woman for alleged adultery | Posted | National Post
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I can't believe some people are completely denying this. It's not surprising to hear or read about an event like this....we are talking about the Taliban here...
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