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Taking Notice of India's Extreme Poverty

The least I care. The thing is you are just becoming a stuck record playing the same tune. If you want change, else be my guest.

Nevermind then. I guess I could always borrow sources from Omar.

And if you think the national media of India, is somewhat comparable in reliability, to an anonymous internet poster called HongWu, then I would agree. :D

I have with brazil..during football..

Anyway lets make anymore offtopic comments, lets get back to India's poverty.

Absolutely, on both points. :tup:
India's poverty is not only India's problem as many would like to call it.It should be noted that India has a 1/3 rd of world's poor and half of world's hungry...even a slight improvement here will affect global dynamics greatly.
I do not understand what are you trying to prove, Living in a communist part of the world you will never understand how democracy works, cant you reason it out that govt cannot force a change overnight... People first have to be made confident about the aftermaths of the Change for the change to work otherwise the govt will have to answer to all the queries Filed Under RTI... Please dont force your reasons pretending you know India better than an Indian who lives there for more than 60 years.... I have seen change through out my life, if not fast rather satisfactory...

There are several laws made by india which have ended up in protest and later demolished, do you Want the history to repeat??

What do you mean we don't understand how democracy works? I'm seeing it at work every day in India.

I'm also seeing how "democracy" (that is, the appearance of democracy under a Wall Street dictatorship) works in the US. Both democracy and "democracy" are unappealing. One is filled with mafia gangsters and the other just legalized a mafia. Or are you denying that India's parliament is filled with convicted criminals?
What do you mean we don't understand how democracy works? I'm seeing it at work every day in India.

I'm also seeing how "democracy" (that is, the appearance of democracy under a Wall Street dictatorship) works in the US. Both democracy and "democracy" are unappealing. One is filled with mafia gangsters and the other just legalized a mafia. Or are you denying that India's parliament is filled with convicted criminals?

You answered My question, But the Criminals are not in the parliament but in the Legislative Assembly where every cabinet cleared proposals get dumped... And you cannot compare a Democracy in the developed a developing country, Both are not alike.....
What do you mean we don't understand how democracy works? I'm seeing it at work every day in India.

I'm also seeing how "democracy" (that is, the appearance of democracy under a Wall Street dictatorship) works in the US. Both democracy and "democracy" are unappealing. One is filled with mafia gangsters and the other just legalized a mafia. Or are you denying that India's parliament is filled with convicted criminals?

Convicted criminals? Please don't talk rubbish. Why don't you inform us who these convicted criminals are? If they are convicted, they would be in jail unless a higher court suspends that conviction.
Very interesting. For a country with a space program... perhaps they should invest a little in the people instead. IMO. :undecided:

With your huge military budget,you should also invest in your people's welfare,when your GDP is the 2nd largest,the per capita income is only 3000$ more than India.So there is poverty,quite a big chunk of poverty in China as well.Your per capita income is still very low
With your huge military budget,you should also invest in your people's welfare,when your GDP is the 2nd largest,the per capita income is only 3000$ more than India.So there is poverty,quite a big chunk of poverty in China as well.Your per capita income is still very low

only 3000 more means actually 4x more.
criminals in parliament - Google

I didn't even type in India, just criminals in parliament, and india showed up for the first few links. Amazing!

Yeah! Amazing! As is your understanding. People who might have criminal charges against them does not mean they are convicted criminals. We have to go with 'innocent until proven guilty" regardless of how segments of the population feel about that.
With your huge military budget,you should also invest in your people's welfare,when your GDP is the 2nd largest,the per capita income is only 3000$ more than India.So there is poverty,quite a big chunk of poverty in China as well.Your per capita income is still very low

Hmmm 4,283 USD last year for China, $1,176 USD last year for India, and no one is starving.
Hmmm 4,283 USD last year for China, $1,176 USD last year for India, and no one is starving.

China is certainly better off India,but it certainly is in no state to make a mockery out of India.
Its a saying in hindi "Jin ke ghar sheeshey k hotey hain,woh doosron k ghar per pathar nahin martey"(Those who live in glass houses,shouldn't stone others house)
China is certainly better off India,but it certainly is in no state to make a mockery out of India.
Its a saying in hindi "Jin ke ghar sheeshey k hotey hain,woh doosron k ghar per pathar nahin martey"(Those who live in glass houses,shouldn't stone others house)
How can that possibly be a saying in Hindi? Glass was introduced to India by the Europeans.

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