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What is the best option for the T-LORAMIDS Program

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From what I hear, Turkey has some demands regarding the weapons the US is not willing to meet, or at least not at the price negotiated.

We are way more flexible and far less stubborn. The HQ-9 system is pretty advanced, dealing with the middle eastern situation it is more than enough.

I also hear there will be Chinese investments going into turkey to invest in new facilities on the production and maintenance of the system.

Big step for China to have sold this system and get feed back on it. While turkey gets its defense needs for a price that won't require Turkey to sell it's house.

I hopefull about succes of Hq-9 dealing with Scud variants But Imho opinion that there was 2 main reason for this decision
-ToT was really attractive (I do believe After this project We probable gonna start other Air defence Misiles R&D Project and This project is gonna give us realy good a head start)
-But mostly it is good business
Btw i didnt heard any Chinese investment related to this subject.Can yu give me link about it?
EU's Aster-30 and S-30 variant that Russia's gonna offer are more reliable and more advanced. We picked HQ-9 only because it was cheap. Probly, we had to go for the cheap one maybe because we had spented trillions for Syria...etc.

I wouldn't say that the Aster is "more advanced", simply because the Chinese missile offers superior range and ceiling as well as powerful AESA radars that are specifically designed to counter LO targets.

FD-2000 Export HQ-9

7-24km against cruise missiles
7-50km against air-launched ground attack missiles
7-125km against aircrafts
7-25km against PGMs and tactical ballistic missiles

And we will get the Tech ,so we will have ability to make our own system in 15-30 Years.

Because BMC is now History we can forgot these 8x8 Version :


Hmm weird, the domestic variant has a 200 km slant range. Perhaps the export variant is Turkey-specific?
I can't remember exactly but i think it was some NATO official that said you won't be allowed to data link the system with the NATO radars in Turkey,that's why you could use it as a stand alone system within the protective umbrella you're building.

Do you think that some specifics will be released ? Was this just a financial decision? I don't like the Patriots very much but i think Aster is a powerful platform and i think that the french would have provided ToT also.

To the Best of My Knowledge Aster was the only system nobody in Turkey Realy consider to buy.Basicly They didnt offer much of ToT and Aster wasnt satified anybody (technically).Quite Frankly France prove themself not a such trustful military importer(eg: Falkland crsis and gulf war)

China placed the winning bid in Turkey's long awaited tender for a long-range air defense system, the Turkish Defense Industry Implementation Committee (SSİK) announced on Thursday.

Ankara had several times delayed its final decision on the tender. Turkey has long been preparing to purchase a long-range air defense system worth $4 billion to beef up its defense capabilities in order to avert any threat to its national security.

However, Turkey had failed to reach a final decision in the latest of a string of meetings that were held over the past few years.

In a statement released after the meeting in January, the SSİK said it would hold further meetings to select the company for the missile defense system.

The main competitors for the tender were the Patriot missile long-range air defense system, produced by US partners Raytheon and Lockheed Martin; Russia’s Rosoboronexport with its S-400 system; China’s HQ9, exported as FD-2000; and Italian-French Eurosam with its SAMP/T Aster 30.

The committee delayed its decision on the tender for the local production of Turkey's first aircraft carrier. Three major Turkish companies are competing for the bid.

Turkish defense companies will take part in the production of the air defense system along with the Chinese firm. Turkey has launched a robust program in defense industries to strengthen local production in a bid to reduce dependency on the international market.

Turkey has long purchased its military hardware and gear from the US, Germany and its other Western allies as part of a policy of integrating its weapons systems with NATO military equipment.

i hope one thing. this is not bad china production:ashamed:...

Rest assured,China offers products of varying qualities to suit users with different budgets。

But for Turkey and for a major defence user,you can bet your house on China doing its best and being on its finest。

Apart from affordability,the real good news is that Chinese technologies and systems are fast gaining on its main competitors(US,the EU and Russia)。They are getting better and better。
Since DDG Type 052D is known to be armed with the upgraded HQ-9B,I believe Turkey is also likely to end up with an upgraded FD-2000 system。

Who am I to make such speculation。:what:

And later,maybe years later,Turkey can always expand their AA system to include the likes of HQ-19、HQ-26、HQ-29 etc。
turkey is greet. they already bought rocket and short rang ballistic missile from china.
and now they buy long rang AA missile...:tup:

our next step should be , sell fighter like J10B or J31 to turkey.
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