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T-LORAMIDS Tender | Updates & Discussion

What is the best option for the T-LORAMIDS Program

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Turkish officials and aerospace experts are working overtime to achieve that broadly defined goal, aiming, eventually, to synchronize work in three fields: building a national long-range air defense and anti-missile architecture, developing long-range missiles and constructing the country’s first satellite launching pad.

Turkey is expected to decide later this year on how to proceed with its plans to build a “national” long-range air defense and anti-missile system, a program dubbed T-LORAMIDS.

Turkey striving to synchronize aerospace ambitions by 2023 | Missile ThreatMissile Threat
Step by step !

-Tender opened (direct procurement)
-Desicion delayed
-NATO deployed Patriot
-USA offered 2 PAC-3 batteries along with free PAC-3 batteries already stationed in Turkey
-Aselsan/Roketsan collaboration told SSM to develop domestic Long range SAM system.
-SSM changed project model from direct order to co-development with min %50 input
-Desicion given for China, FD-2000

I srongly believe that The missiles developed will be Chinese FD-2000 derivative fully integrated in Turkey's NATO network, Otherwise, Choosing a non-NATO system wthout integration of current existing radar network is just stupidy...
I am all for cooperation with China but i dont know what to expect from this.
We know who the King of stupid decisions is,thats why im cautious.
There were 2 more

- TUAF will buy 15 Hürkuş

- Regarding MILGEM , Original contract with the RMK marine scrapped. 3rd and 4th corvettes will be built in İstanbul Naval Shipyard which belongs to TAF and a new tender will be utilized for the remaining ships.

I know Milgem, but what is hurkus?
So, my question again. Was this the only decision/topic in this meeting?

There is no decision...Some of our friends are a bit carried away on this..As Cabatli pointed out; The requirements of T-LORAMIDS tender changed and The project model is arranged as co-development, co-production for Long range air defence missiles..And lets remember Raytheon`s offer: If Turkey chooses Patriot system, Raytheon and most probably Roketsan will co-develop and produce another long range SA system...That alone should actually give the hint

Edit: Now i read the news...It seems i was wrong, the decision has been made...damn lol
I know Milgem, but what is hurkus?

I know Milgem, but what is hurkus?

The TAI Hürkuş is a tandem two-seat, low wing, single engine, turboprop aircraft being developed by Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) as a new basic trainer and ground attack aircraft for the Turkish Armed Forces.

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A Janes article about chancing project model and roadway of tender.

Turkey has largely finalised the acquisition model for its T-Loramids surface-to-air missile (SAM) programme after confusion over whether it had abandoned a direct purchase of systems, including offset commitments by the bidding companies. The country is now planning to acquire 12 missile firing units, as stated in the previous tender, while also requiring the bidders to simultaneously pitch a co-development model for a more advanced SAM, Turkish and Western defence industry sources in Ankara told IHS Jane's .

"Bidding companies made a co-development suggestion contained in three or more pages. This suggestion will influence the selection of the missile system. From a design standpoint no research and development (R&D) work can be done on the co-development of a more advanced missile," argued a Western source.

Turkey to buy and co-develop T-Loramids SAM - IHS Jane's 360

Allah knows Which secret system/subsystem developments are agreed in SSIK but didn't announced cause of secrecy policies.
From what I hear, Turkey has some demands regarding the weapons the US is not willing to meet, or at least not at the price negotiated.

We are way more flexible and far less stubborn. The HQ-9 system is pretty advanced, dealing with the middle eastern situation it is more than enough.

I also hear there will be Chinese investments going into turkey to invest in new facilities on the production and maintenance of the system.

Big step for China to have sold this system and get feed back on it. While turkey gets its defense needs for a price that won't require Turkey to sell it's house.
Can someone confirm that HQ-9 also incorporates IIR seeker for dual guidance mode? very useful in case of engaging stealthy targets or in case of jamming if true.
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