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What is the best option for the T-LORAMIDS Program

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I red it was a meeting. Was this the only decision/topic?
Greece do the same.

That was a complicate affair,it was win win as the S 300 didn't end up in Cyprus and as far as i know that system isn't fully integrated with NATO.I think that the chinese based turkish system will be stand alone,NATO officials repeatedly said that if they go this way it won't be data linked with NATO.

Or,it could be a win for NATO as they get their hands on a important piece of chinese technology and that was the plan all along.
That was a complicate affair,it was win win as the S 300 didn't end up in Cyprus and as far as i know that system isn't fully integrated with NATO.I think that the chinese based turkish system will be stand alone,NATO officials repeatedly said that if they go this way it won't be data linked with NATO.

Understand. Mayby Turkey find a way to switch both (China/Nato) systems, or, they get the technology base for its own (Nato compatible) system. Who knows? China do the same with Russian S-300!
Understand. Mayby Turkey find a way to switch both (China/Nato) systems, or, they get the technology base for its own (Nato compatible) system. Who knows? China do the same with Russian S-300!

I believe tech transfer is the key here. As long as we have access to the complete source codes including the command and control, I am confident we can find a way to interface them together.

That was a complicate affair,it was win win as the S 300 didn't end up in Cyprus and as far as i know that system isn't fully integrated with NATO.I think that the chinese based turkish system will be stand alone,NATO officials repeatedly said that if they go this way it won't be data linked with NATO.

Greece had no way of integration since Russians never shared the tech with them. They would have been required to submit NATO specs to Russians which would abviously be unacceptible whereas we can do the integration ourselves within Turkey.

If Greece can have S-300, why cant Turkey have HQ-9s ?
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NATO, defence&political ties with US. And China won't give important parts of ToT that will be signed. Everybody knows why.

Well, i guess you simply dont know, ofcourse we will get ToT..


If Greece can have S-300, why cant Turkey have HQ-9s ?

Bro, nobody told Turkey anything about HQ-9

it is just some fairly tails spread by some fanboys.
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I Think Pakistan played a big role in bringing china and turkey together and now we will see TOT Flying From turkey to china to pakistan :sniper:
I believe tech transfer is the key here. As long as we have access to the complete source codes including the command and control, I am confident we can find a way to interface them together.

Greece had no way of integration since Russians never shared the tech with them. They would have been required to submit NATO specs to Russians which would abviously be unacceptible whereas we can do the integration ourselves within Turkey.

I can't remember exactly but i think it was some NATO official that said you won't be allowed to data link the system with the NATO radars in Turkey,that's why you could use it as a stand alone system within the protective umbrella you're building.

Do you think that some specifics will be released ? Was this just a financial decision? I don't like the Patriots very much but i think Aster is a powerful platform and i think that the french would have provided ToT also.

If Greece can have S-300, why cant Turkey have HQ-9s ?

man...it'd be good but, i'm sure that the hellenic s-300s are not the same as Iran's and other nations s-300s. My 2cent brotha
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