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T-625 & Turkish Utility Helicopter Programs

Is this second prototype?

This is the second prototype (P1), the first prototype was called P0 (TC-HLP) which have made its first flight in 2018. Video previously shared shows same heli TC-HLI which we saw with the paint today(in flight tests). Currently, there are 2 publicly known working* prototypes. Third prototype P2 will join tests&certification in September 2019. More will follow..
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It seems there is some minor stabilisation problem continues that was observed on the first prototype,if its not pilotage errors and ı am sad hürkuş did not accepted

No problem they will fix it, like the T-129 had some problem with stabilisation.
Hürkuş did not accepted?Air force?Who?
sorry,did not accepted yet.Scramble say 132 UH-1 is active altghough some of them AB 205

No problem they will fix it, like the T-129 had some problem with stabilisation.

I think this is not a problem to should be fixed. Equavalent of it, AW139s (with 2 million flight hours) have also similar unstability, especially at low speeds after take off.

Alhamdullillah, my great muslim nation are having its deservedly developments..

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