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SZ-9 launched successfully`!!!

It is revealing that while no one is really knocking China for this latest accomplishment, it have been the China Chinese a one traitorous Chinese-American who have been trying to put down the US.

If we can put a satellite to orbit, we can certainly send a human being. The issue is not with orbit but with trying to keep the human beings alive and show US where we cannot do so. Epic fail.

Can't stand crap

No. I like facts and I dislike propaganda of any type.

Have you ever heard me claim the J-20 (with round nozzles) is superior to the F-22? No, because facts are facts.

You and the Indians in here are trying to distort the truth with your propaganda. I stand steadfast against crap. That's my bottom line.

There is no way in hell that you can argue the U.S. is currently ahead of China in manned space launch capability when the Orion space capsule is still undergoing tests. There is no wiggle room. The U.S. is behind China in manned space launch for the next many years.

No amount of propaganda can change the truth.
Shenzhou-9 spacecraft to dock with Tiangong-1 around 2 pm
2012-06-18 12:38:22


BEIJING, June 18 (Xinhua) -- Shenzhou-9 manned spacecraft will conduct an automatic docking with the orbiting Tiangong-1 lab module around 2 p.m. Monday afternoon, announced the spokesperson of the manned space program.

ps the taikonauts will enter Tiangong 1 around 5:00 pm Beijing Time!
Werner von Braun based much of his work from Robert Goddard. If Goddard was still alive, the US would not used von Braun.
thanks for the Info, but heared of no Robert Goddard but sure will try to read about him. But for me, Von Braun was the one who desigened the V2 which was the first successful rocket engineered by man
Can't stand crap
Neither can I. Show US where we cannot support a human being alive. Show US where that if we can put a satellite into orbit, we cannot substitute for a human being. The thing is this: If someone can do <something> before you, it is absurd to say that he cannot do it anymore just because some circumstances discouraged him from doing it again. I say discourage, not disable. Financial is discouragement, losing a leg is disabling, as in if I lose a leg I can no longer ride a bicycle but can still drive a car.

See the differences?
Neither can I. Show US where we cannot support a human being alive. Show US where that if we can put a satellite into orbit, we cannot substitute for a human being.

Former astronaut John Glenn: U.S. has no manned launch capability for the "next five to ten years"

Show me the U.S. launch capsule that can send a person into space.

When you are out of the game for the "next five to ten years," you are second-best. There is no way around it.



&#8211; JUNE 17, 2010

These are critical days for the future of Manned Space Flight. Conflicting views and advice come to the President and Congress from every quarter in the aerospace and science communities. There is good reason for the concern.

The U.S. for the first time since the beginning of the Space Age will have no way to launch anyone into space &#8211; starting next January.

Our astronauts will have to be launched in Russian spacecraft, from a Russian base in Kazakhstan, to go to our International Space Station.

Starting at the end of this year, and probably for the next five to ten years, the launches of U.S. astronauts into space will be viewed in classrooms and homes in America only through the courtesy of Russian TV.

For the &#8220;world&#8217;s greatest spacefaring nation,&#8221; that is hard to accept.

I do not believe it has to be this way."
Can't stand crap

Really ? Even while your'e the one up-chucking whole truck loads of smelly turd ?

The Chinese accomplishment, while commendable ; does not come even close to what the United States have managed to accomplish. This is a fact and no one would be stupid enough to deny it. And yet, here you are.

By the way, aren't you an "American" ? How about showing some loyalty to your flag ?
thanks for the Info, but heared of no Robert Goddard but sure will try to read about him. But for me, Von Braun was the one who desigened the V2 which was the first successful rocket engineered by man

You've heard of Von braun but not Goddard ?!?!?! He built the world's first rocket. The guy is an inventor and a physicist.
thanks for the Info, but heared of no Robert Goddard but sure will try to read about him. But for me, Von Braun was the one who desigened the V2 which was the first successful rocket engineered by man
Goddard preceded von Braun and actually taught much about rocketry to von Braun.

Show me the U.S. launch capsule that can send a person into space.
Sure...The Apollo and the Space Shuttle programs.
That's total b.s.

The U.S. no longer has the capability to send a man into space with capsule technology. The U.S. is currently re-experimenting with capsule technology for the Orion space capsule. Your point is crap.

This is very simple. Can China send people into space? Obviously "yes" with Shenzhou IX in orbit.

Can U.S. send a person into space with its own technology in the next three years? Definitely not.

Well okay then, the U.S. is behind China in manned launch space capability. This is a fact.


Orion space capsule undergoing water tests. The U.S. currently has no manned launch capability. Period. I hate whiners that keep making excuses. Facts don't change when you make a ridiculous excuse.

US space technology is decades ahead of China. However, because of poor planning by the current American regime, US is left to hitch a ride from Russian ships. Soon, US private industries will be doing the grunt work of sending people to space.
You've heard of Von braun but not Goddard ?!?!?! He built the world's first rocket. The guy is an inventor and a physicist.
Although he developed and patented many of the technologies later used on large rockets and missiles--including film cooling, gyroscopically-controlled vanes, and a variable-thrust rocket motor--only the last of these contributed directly to the furtherance of rocketry in the United States.
The highlighted was in the V-2.

The V-2 was an unmanned, guided, ballistic missile. It was guided by an advanced gyroscopic system that sent signals to aerodynamic steering tabs on the fins and vanes in the exhaust.
Goddard was at least the equal of von Braun in terms of intellect and creativity.
John Glenn admitted U.S. inferiority

Former astronaut and U.S. senator John Glenn had the courage to accept the truth (see post #111). You cowards do not.
Former astronaut and U.S. senator John Glenn has the courage to accept the truth. You cowards do not.

And you're the idiot who looks at pictures and comes up with ridiculous theories.
Really ? Even while your'e the one up-chucking whole truck loads of smelly turd ?

The Chinese accomplishment, while commendable ; does not come even close to what the United States have managed to accomplish. This is a fact and no one would be stupid enough to deny it. And yet, here you are.

By the way, aren't you an "American" ? How about showing some loyalty to your flag ?

do you live in a very squalid environment? why you have to use repeatedly your anal explusions for your arguments!

what have all these to do with Martian 2's flag and nationality?

are you 'indian'? why are you arguing something unrelated to your country?
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