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SZ-9 launched successfully`!!!

Listen retard, this is 2012. Not 1969. Check you calendar.

Indians are dumber than I imagined.

This is my last post on this topic. I'm starting to believe those IQ tests, which show Indians with an average IQ of 82. You guys cannot understand my posts and there's no point in trying to explain my insights to you.

. Try to strain your 82 IQ to understand my point.
persoanl attacks and saying some thing repeatedly is not going to make your words true.
you are not in any ones A list as a blogger so please as you have already decided leave this thread because you are not smart but over smart to normal people with normal IQ and i hope you understand what over smart people will do, they end up in trouble because of their own words
How they can just have lost the blueprints of Saturn V?

What's the story behind this? :coffee:
persoanl attacks and saying some thing repeatedly is not going to make your words true.
you are not in any ones A list as a blogger so please as you have already decided leave this thread because you are not smart but over smart to normal people with normal IQ and i hope you understand what over smart people will do, they end up in trouble because of their own words

Easier to explain the concept of superiority to a five-year-old than an Indian

No. You Indians are much stupider than I thought.

A five-year-old understands an NBA player can dunk a basketball and I can't. Therefore, the NBA player is a superior basketball player.

Similarly, China can send people into space. The U.S. can't.

You Indians are dumber than five-year-olds and I've had it with you guys.


To be fair, you guys have company. There's a Russian who refuses to admit the T-50/Pak-Fa has metal engine pods and reflects radar.

What's wrong with you guys? You're in deep denial. So what if you're inferior to Chinese. Life is imperfect. Someone has to be beta, gamma, and delta and it just happens to be you.
How they can just have lost the blueprints of Saturn V?

What's the story behind this? :coffee:

Just martian breaking wind. Ooh, if we're lucky...he'll probably post a labelled picture of him breaking wind ( with stealth features marked in red).
No. You Indians are much stupider than I thought.

A five-year-old understands an NBA player can dunk a basketball and I can't. Therefore, the NBA player is a superior basketball player.

Similarly, China can send people into space. The U.S. can't.

You Indians are dumber than five-year-olds and I've had it with you guys.
Sure China can send men into space and there is no question about their capability, but saying the US is far behind in technology and going for generalized personal attacks is not going to change the fact that US poinered the Rocket tech way before you were born with the captured and defected German scientist like Varner Von Broun.
you are too smart to understand that simple logic
I think von Braun was a real genius, his creation didn't belong during his era since no one can simply comprehend his work, otherwise US should land on Mars long time ago if this guy got some proper successors. :coffee:

Sure China can send men into space and there is no question about their capability, but saying the US is far behind in technology and going for generalized personal attacks is not going to change the fact that US poinered the Rocket tech way before you were born with the captured and defected German scientist like Varner Von Broun.
you are too smart to understand that simple logic
Werner von Braun based much of his work from Robert Goddard. If Goddard was still alive, the US would not used von Braun.
Add an asterisk

You forgot to add an asterisk.

Moon landing occurred in 1969. U.S. can't even send anyone to LEO, never mind the Moon.

You shouldn't try to mislead the public. Of course, it's possible you are not aware of U.S. inability to send anyone to LEO and you post out of ignorance.

You're in the wrong thread. You belong in the thread, "Old technology and glories that are now dead." You will have a good time with the admirers of the Roman empire and the Confederacy.
You forgot to add an asterisk. Moon landing occurred in 1969. U.S. can't even send anyone into LEO, never mind the Moon.

The b-u-t-t hurt is strong on this one. Tell me, were you under-appreciated as a child ? Neglected ? Tanked in a school debate ?

It is revealing that while no one is really knocking China for this latest accomplishment, it have been the China Chinese a one traitorous Chinese-American who have been trying to put down the US.

Add an asterisk

You forgot to add an asterisk.

Moon landing occurred in 1969. U.S. can't even send anyone to LEO, never mind the Moon.

You shouldn't try to mislead the public. Of course, it's possible you are not aware of U.S. inability to send anyone to LEO and you post out of ignorance.

You're in the wrong thread. You belong in the thread "old technology and glories that are now dead."
If we can put a satellite to orbit, we can certainly send a human being. The issue is not with orbit but with trying to keep the human beings alive and show US where we cannot do so. Epic fail.
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