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Syrians and Turkish

It's just funny that people still believe that government is killing innocent citizens, while in reality the terrorists are killing, destroying and displacing people and claiming that government is doing it, to gain international sympathy, many people fell to that trap. Why would the government kill innocent people? to ask for more trouble from the west? to make more people rise against it? tell you this if the government did all of those crimes, the Syrian people will not sit and do nothing, all of us will rise up, and Alasad will not last a minute in office, but we Syrians know what's really going on, we know we are fighting the whole world by ourselves, Syria Vs. The World, and we will never kneel down.

Sure your right the Syrian army is the best and most loyal army in the world and wouldnt harm a single fly, Yeah right imbecile...

Like i said... Shut your lame excuses and tell me if your Alawite or Sunni my answer would be based on that....

This is what your support you Syrian lion and Killuminati you animals...

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RIP to those innocent Civilians which dies at the hand of there goverments brutality....

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You honorless bordoenes why you dont put any video of US warcrimes in IRAQ???? You have no face to put it here i know. Blame your own PM first that helped for the warcrimes in Iraq. Then come and talk about others.
Show me the army shooting them, we don't know who is shooting them. very mature

If you're man enough show what Israel have to done to Palestinians since 1948, and go protest them instead Erdgoan shakes hands with them sits and drinks with them.
You honorless bordoenes why you dont put any video of US warcrimes in IRAQ???? You have no face to put it here i know. Blame your own PM first that helped for the warcrimes in Iraq. Then come and talk about others.

Sure i would love to put US warcrimes, But sadly thats not the issue here. Who said i was denieying US Warcirmes in the first place? Even if i ever denied it isnt a justification to randomly shoot at innocent civilians so the only retarted fvking moron here is you to come here with that retarted logic of yours. Get a life retarted kid and face facts. Seriously your acting like a little baby...
Let me just start with till this day i havent watched a single western media report on this issue, True not a lie. I watched personal footages of people that saw the horrofic crimes the Army and goverment was conducting. So coming here talking about me watching Western Propaganda is of your chart.

What a contradiction. Putting hundred video's, then claiming i dont watch western propaganda but personal footages.
Show me the army shooting them, we don't know who is shooting them. very mature

If you're man enough show what Israel have to done to Palestinians since 1948, and go protest them instead Erdgoan shakes hands with them sits and drinks with them.

For the last time, Who said i supported Israeli or US Wars you backward retard? Your blindly giving some sentences here which are highly irrelevant and yet again even if i supported USA or Israeli its still not a justification to mass murder your own population. Retarted logic you have if I jumped of a cliff would you do the same just becuase i did it?

Most videos clearly show it was the Syrian army your little immature rat, I shall not have any respect for retarted people like you which support a regime responsable for tens of thousands. deaths.
What a contradiction. Putting hundred video's, then claiming i dont watch western propaganda but personal footages.

True, Never watched them beside the personal videos. Quickly copy pasted it, With the brutality and honerless killing of there Baath regime there is no point in watching it for me....
For the last time, Who said i supported Israeli or US Wars you backward retard? Your blindly giving some sentences here which are highly irrelevant and yet again even if i supported USA or Israeli its still not a justification to mass murder your own population. Retarted logic you have if I jumped of a cliff would you do the same just becuase i did it?

Why you're mad bro? can't you practice your beloved democracy here and accept others view, oh wait you're following the western way of democracy. i didn't say you support Israel i said speak against them do something about them, they have been suffering since 1948 you didn't say a word

Again show me the Syrian army killing people, all you show me is getting shot at by whom??? you just blame the government and you dont have eyes.
Sure i would love to put US warcrimes, But sadly thats not the issue here. Who said i was denieying US Warcirmes in the first place? Even if i ever denied it isnt a justification to randomly shoot at innocent civilians so the only retarted fvking moron here is you to come here with that retarted logic of yours. Get a life retarted kid and face facts. Seriously your acting like a little baby...

I am pointhing the hypocritical acts the whole time you dont understand or what man? How much right does the PM of Turkey has to talk about other leaders that does a (so called) massmurder while he supported Bush self that gave the order to murder innocent muslims?? The one that sucks the blood from muslims are talking about democracy and you fool sheeps following that bullcrap.

True, Never watched them beside the personal videos. Quickly copy pasted it, With the brutality and honerless killing of there Baath regime there is no point in watching it for me....

I didnt expect something else from you. Just keep sitting on your lazy a** and keep acting like if you really care about that people.
I am pointhing the hypocritical acts the whole time you dont understand or what man? How much right does the PM of Turkey has to talk about other leaders that does a (so called) massmurder while he supported Bush self that gave the order to murder innocent muslims?? The one that sucks the blood from muslims are talking about democracy and you fool sheeps following that bullcrap.

The true hypcrite is you, Your entire view is based on the fact that you hate the Western world and AKPs Policy. People like you dont have there own openion they are mindless lost cases which are useless to society. You dont watch issues from a humain perseptive...So there is no point in talking the retards like you... Even if AKPs or Western world should support the Baath Regime i still would be against them and would hate them for it.
For the last time, Who said i supported Israeli or US Wars you backward retard? Your blindly giving some sentences here which are highly irrelevant and yet again even if i supported USA or Israeli its still not a justification to mass murder your own population. Retarted logic you have if I jumped of a cliff would you do the same just becuase i did it?

Most videos clearly show it was the Syrian army your little immature rat, I shall not have any respect for retarted people like you which support a regime responsable for tens of thousands. deaths.

True, Never watched them beside the personal videos. Quickly copy pasted it, With the brutality and honerless killing of there Baath regime there is no point in watching it for me....

Brother cool down please. Don't let some kid make you angry. Ignore such persons, like i do
Bro seriously these people are really messed up, Allah only know what lies they have been thought.
I know, as you know i have been through worse discussions with some people here. But the only way is to ignore them, and hope that they will grow up.
^ why can't you people accept others point of view? i thought you were all about democracy, but when we say something against what you think or believe we are kids? what kind of democracy is this? if you want to quit the discussion just quit with showing some respect, why cant you people practice the so called democracy thing that you're crying about and preaching others about.
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