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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

You killed double that amount of Syrian citizens with your indiscriminate bombings.

And your proof is what? Some guy sitting in his home on a laptop calling himself The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

We have seen these allegations against Russia before and it turned out to be a hoax. Share your evidence.
Alliance captured Jamaymah, Maryameen, Hadidah, Musharafah, Hamimeyeh, Hamidah in southern Aleppo province
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Saudi Arabia is deadly serious about preserving it's interests in Syria.

What's Saudi Arabia gonna do? Saudi Arabia does not border Syria plus Saudi Arabia is bogged down by Houthis.

Early reports of Alliance captured Khan Tuman. Will wait for confirmation.

Pain for mujahids. Alliance deploys KAB-1500L huge laser guided bombs.

If being against ISIS's barbaric executions makes a person pro-Iran, then most of the world's population are probably extremely pro Iran. Hooray for us.
Why u cut my words on half? U did not read further. When someone said about cluster bombs used by Assad and Russia he switched talk to cluster bombs in Yemen. So Assad cluster bombs are fine for him.
Ah so you're suggesting peoples' opinions can't change over time?
I repeat: Articles from 2012 ARE NOT evidence of Syrians' views in 2015. Any sane human being knows that.
Now, for a survey of refugees (you know, the people running away from the conflict) and who they're running away from):
Care about refugees? Listen to them.
70% are fleeing Assad, 32% ISIS, 18% FSA, 17% Nusra, and 8% Kurds. (Multiple choices allowed.)
And much more on that matter. This, is actually a relevant piece of info, which is recent. Unlike your retarded 2012 crap.

I love your sources. First of all, look at that website, man, have you ever visited an unbiased source in your life?

But, now, let's look at the source of the survey! I love surveys!
This is the survey apparently,
Listen to Syrians - Full Survey Data - Google Sheets

Now, look at the headline grabbing question,
"Q7: Who was responsible for shelling your area? (multiple answers) "

First of all, notice that it is multiple answers. Meaning, they can choose more than 1. Why is this important? Because the government side is all lumped together, "Syrian Army and allied groups ", meaning that the person will tick this answer where its SAA or shia militants or Hezbollah or Russians or whatever they think of. But for the others, its split into 7 other answers, meaning that the percentages get distributed. From this question, imagine there was two questions "Syrian Army and allied groups " and "Others". What would you get? Add the rest of the 7 options together, and you'd get 96% for the others!

Let me explain that. This means that 96% of them chose either ISIS, Al Nusra Front, Kurdish Forces, FSA, Other Rebel Groups, International Coalition, and "I Don't Know".

It's the same here,
Q9: Who was responsible for the fighting? (multiple answers)"

The collection of "Syrian Army and allied groups " is 70%, but add all the rest and you get 98%

Q14, 77% for SAA and 98% if you group the rest of the answers together.

Also, notice another political leaning of the survey. It never mentions "air strikes", it only mentions "barrel bombings". For example, look at question 15,
Q15: Out of the following – which was the biggest threat to your personal safety?

These are the choices,
Armed fighting
Siege / lack of food
Barrel bombs
Kidnapping/ getting arrested
None of these

Notice "lack of food" is combined with "siege". Even though there can be lack of food without a siege (due to economic destruction of the country), but if a person chooses "lack of food", then siege is automatically chosen.

Then look at "barrel bombs", not "air strikes".

Then it's again mixing two things "kidnapping/getting arrested". If a person chooses kidnapping (thinking he would get kidnapped by the terrorists", "getting arrested" will also be chosen automatically, which will make the number look like "government actions" .

Notice there is no option such as “terrorist attacks” or such.

Okay, let’s now look at Q19.
Q19: If you left because you were afraid of conscription, which group were you worried would draft you?

Wow, 75% chose Syrian Arab Army, now we are getting somewhere. But wait, the survey question 889 people. And most questions had above 800 answered, but in this one, only 67 answer, and out of that only 50 chose SAA (out of a multiple choice question). So, let’s see, that means, out of 889 people, only 5% were afraid of being drafted into the SAA. Ooohkay.

Also, some additional info about the sample size. 88% of the sample size were male. 61% had no children. And 45% were below 25. So, young, single, men...hmm....

Why u cut my words on half? U did not read further. When someone said about cluster bombs used by Assad and Russia he switched talk to cluster bombs in Yemen. So Assad cluster bombs are fine for him.

Because I was addressing one part of your post. I like to narrow it down, so the point can be better made, while people like you will start talking about political situation in Syria, and in the next five minutes, you will mention the color of Hitler's mustache. I like to remove the fat.

You mentioned a tweet (out of three tweets) claiming he was against ISIS executions as a proof that he was pro-Iran & Pro-Russian, which I pointed out that if that was an example to be used for a person's love of Iran, then most of the world would be pro-Iran. If that tweet was a bad example, then you shouldn't have used that one.
Because I was addressing one part of your post. I like to narrow it down, so the point can be better made, while people like you will start talking about political situation in Syria, and in the next five minutes, you will mention the color of Hitler's mustache. I like to remove the fat.

You mentioned a tweet (out of three tweets) claiming he was against ISIS executions as a proof that he was pro-Iran & Pro-Russian, which I pointed out that if that was an example to be used for a person's love of Iran, then most of the world would be pro-Iran. If that tweet was a bad example, then you shouldn't have used that one.
No, my point was that when someone asked him about Assad cluster bombs he refused to condemn it and instead condemned cluster bombs in Yemen.

And by the way, day later Assadists scum executed a prisoner in similar way.
No, my point was that when someone asked him about Assad cluster bombs he refused to condemn it and instead condemned cluster bombs in Yemen.

And by the way, day later Assadists scum executed a prisoner in similar way.

See, this is what I mean that you don't stick to one point and just move around.

You used an example of a tweet by the journalist to prove he is pro-iran. The tweet was him being unsupportive of ISIS executions. My reply was if being unsupportive of ISIS executions is an indication of being pro-iran, then many people can be said to be pro-iran.
BREAKING: Islamic State group in Egypt claims it downed Russian airliner. Claim so far is unconfirmed.
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