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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

See, this is what I mean that you don't stick to one point and just move around.

You used an example of a tweet by the journalist to prove he is pro-iran. The tweet was him being unsupportive of ISIS executions. My reply was if being unsupportive of ISIS executions is an indication of being pro-iran, then many people can be said to be pro-iran.
U are retarded or what? I explained u twice that what u quoted was a part of the short conversation. Taking part is example of your demagogy. U also ignore anti rebel cartoon posted by him.

I'll sum it for u:

1) He posts very anti rebel cartoon.
2) He condemns cluster bombs in Yemen and refuses to condemn same in Syria.
3) He posts nonsense about how super mega effective are Russian bombings.

These are just very recent examples of his activity in twitter. I dont follow him but i get retweets time to time and they are always @Superboy style Shia bravado. I remembed that during Assad offensive in Daraa he claimed that rebels in Harra want to surrender, that Hezbollah sent stealth UAV into Israel and other nonsense.
One things is clear you are a racist bigot and can not hold an intelligent conversation without resorting and acting like a juvenile. So far you have either called Russians or personally attacked me by using the following phrases: Bitches, f****rs (you actually spelled it out) baboons, retards, and inbreds.

@Serpentine @Oscar

Lets look at report and not make up things out of thin air. Now you can wipe the egg off your face and go hid under a rock.

Saudi strikes destroy Doctors Without Borders hospital in Yemen ...

93% of deaths and injuries in Yemen are civilian - this must ...

Gotta love how Arabs are condemning Russia in Syria but are slaughtering civilians in Yemen. But what is new in regards to Arab incompetence?

There is a video released by the MOD although it is in a forested area and it is difficult to make out the type of vehicles. Nevertheless the video is out there and an official statement was made, which is far more proof of anything you have provided.

This is terrorist propaganda in the sense that we don't know when or where this video was taken for all anyone knows it could have been taken in 2013 or 2014 just about anywhere. That is where the propaganda lies, like i mentioned earlier there is countless propaganda from these terrorist groups, check out the "Jaish Alislam training camp" video and die from laughter or the ISIS 'navy seals' wanabe video. Using these dubious unconfirmed videos only further proves that you have no credibility.

There is a press conference with details and all, epic how the General shows up on public TV and calls the FSA liars :lol:

How can those videos be "geolocated" if most videos are either open dessert and in most cases in FLIR mode? Who is exactly geolocating them? And yes thank you for acknowledging that you can not confirm the authenticity of your terrorist propaganda video. In the mean time both the Russian ministry of defense and Syrian forces are confirming that Russian warplanes are destroying ISIS; they don't need to provide a video for every sortie that they fly which is over 1300 by now but there is enough video and daily briefings to know that ISIS is getting hammered.

There is confirmed reports from both the Russian ministry of Defense as well as Syrian military that Russia warplanes have been hitting the ISIS de-fact capital of Al-Raqqah, not to mention ISIS has been getting bombarded by Russian warplanes as Syrian forces are advancing from the west in a push to break the siege of the Kuweires military are base. There are many more reports of Russian hitting other areas in ISIS controlled territory but i guess because they don't have video footage for every single strike then it must be a lie right?

:lol: the stupidity from you is off the charts. Both the Syrian army and "rebel" forces use mortars, MLRSs, artillery, ect, both sides use these weapons when they try to retake towns or cities, both sides use these weapons when they are under siege or being counter attacked. There is no difference between MLRS rocks, mortars or bombs dropped from aircraft, all do the same job and have similar results. As for aircraft "shape shifting" give proof that in everything one of those "attacks" aircraft were spotted, in at least some of those attacks i'm sure there there is video footage since everyone has camera phones these days. But of course there will be no evidence it's all speculation.

This is the stupidest argument i have seen yet. You are telling me that regular Syrians including women and children can tell the difference between an SU-34 and an F-16? :lol: Apart from that most Russian aircraft such as the SU-34 and SU-24 and sometimes the SU-25 operate at altitudes where the aircraft are not visible to the human eye or they are so small that the type of aircraft can not be distinguished; moreover, many airstrikes are conducted at night or in cloud cover. It should also be noted that Russia does not operate MI-24s far outside their airbase and Syrian forces also use SU-24s as well as Mig-23s which look very similar from afar. Lets recap:

-Most civilians cant tell the difference between US aircraft or Russian.

-Russian aircraft often operate at altitudes where they are almost impossible to spot let alone make out the type of aircraft.

-Russian aircraft often operate at night.

-MI-24s are used to guard the Latakia base.

Syria uses both MI-24s and SU-24s.

No where in that report has the MSF confirmed that Russia hit anything. In fact it did not even mention Russia or airstrikes. The International Red cross has stated that it can not confirm that Russian airstrikes hit any hospitals. In all honesty i am not surprised that you are lying since you have done it many times before just like with your Yemen airstrikes claim.
I insult you because you support a regime that killed my family. But hey, not that you care they killed innocent people.
They're Russian and therefore always right, in your retarded world view.

I never said I supported Saudi Airstrikes, and here you are twisting my words as if I did.

Post the video or you're lying, which is something you usually do.

So you're saying, Jaish al Islam filmed a video in 2013 only to post it in 2015, or you're saying it was all filmed in Qatar. Typical Russian response.
Here's the actual video, released Oct 22nd, filmed Sept 16th: مناورات عسكرية قبيل معركة الله غالب

Post evidence of the rebel claim of his demise or you're spouting bullshit as usual.

How can they be geolocated? Here, this is how:
bellingcat - What Russia’s Own Videos and Maps Reveal About Who They Are Bombing In Syria
I re-iterate: Out of 60 videos, 48 were geolocated, 1 airstrike was vs. ISIS. Let's say for sake of argument (and to make you happy), the 12 airstrikes that couldn't be geolocated were vs. ISIS. Apply that rate to the rest of sortie rate, that means only 26% of airstrikes are vs. ISIS. Which doesn't make sense, since ISIS has been advancing on SAA on Aleppo.

Oh Russian MoD and Syrian MoD, most reliable, unbiased, stronk sources comrade.

So you're telling me, rebels set up MRLSs to bomb themselves and then blame Assad? You truly are deluded.
Aircraft are spotted a lot. Not that hard to notice an aircraft and film it. Here is an example (it's an Assad Air Force Su-22, but my point is made, aircraft are often filmed:)

US airstrikes do not target rebel held areas in Aleppo, Idlib, Hama, or Homs. There were maybe 3 or 4 airstrikes done by US there, and they all targeted Nusra HQs. None were recent, as in within the month of Russian bombing.
Also, btw, the Russian MoD twitter account often claims airstrikes in rebel held areas, and soon after videos emerge of damage done by airstrikes & the casualties, and videos of Russian planes overhead. But ofc, that's still not enough evidence for you.

Yes, Syrians have been bombed by air forces since 2012. Many who take notice of the skies can notice the different planes. And they know who is bombing them.

Wait, does the Latakia airbase magically teleport itself too? Seems like Russians have this shape-shifting lizard technology as well, just like JAI, who used it to go back in time to 2013 and travel to Qatar and film a video, post it in 2015, just to piss you off.

Mi-24s have been filmed flying low. Regime never used that tactic, and in the videos you can see Russian camouflage on the choppers and such. Regime always flies high with their Mi-24s.

Just a few things:
The MSF report DID mentioned airstrikes. It also clearly said intensifying air campaign. Now, unless you're suggesting that A:) Russia doesn't bomb Aleppo, Idlib, Hama, and Homs (as it clearly claims to do through the MoD), and B:) Their air campaign isn't growing, then it is safe to assume these were Russian airstrikes.

I love your sources. First of all, look at that website, man, have you ever visited an unbiased source in your life?

But, now, let's look at the source of the survey! I love surveys!
This is the survey apparently,
Listen to Syrians - Full Survey Data - Google Sheets

Now, look at the headline grabbing question,
"Q7: Who was responsible for shelling your area? (multiple answers) "

First of all, notice that it is multiple answers. Meaning, they can choose more than 1. Why is this important? Because the government side is all lumped together, "Syrian Army and allied groups ", meaning that the person will tick this answer where its SAA or shia militants or Hezbollah or Russians or whatever they think of. But for the others, its split into 7 other answers, meaning that the percentages get distributed. From this question, imagine there was two questions "Syrian Army and allied groups " and "Others". What would you get? Add the rest of the 7 options together, and you'd get 96% for the others!

Let me explain that. This means that 96% of them chose either ISIS, Al Nusra Front, Kurdish Forces, FSA, Other Rebel Groups, International Coalition, and "I Don't Know".

It's the same here,
Q9: Who was responsible for the fighting? (multiple answers)"

The collection of "Syrian Army and allied groups " is 70%, but add all the rest and you get 98%

Q14, 77% for SAA and 98% if you group the rest of the answers together.

Also, notice another political leaning of the survey. It never mentions "air strikes", it only mentions "barrel bombings". For example, look at question 15,
Q15: Out of the following – which was the biggest threat to your personal safety?

These are the choices,
Armed fighting
Siege / lack of food
Barrel bombs
Kidnapping/ getting arrested
None of these

Notice "lack of food" is combined with "siege". Even though there can be lack of food without a siege (due to economic destruction of the country), but if a person chooses "lack of food", then siege is automatically chosen.

Then look at "barrel bombs", not "air strikes".

Then it's again mixing two things "kidnapping/getting arrested". If a person chooses kidnapping (thinking he would get kidnapped by the terrorists", "getting arrested" will also be chosen automatically, which will make the number look like "government actions" .

Notice there is no option such as “terrorist attacks” or such.

Okay, let’s now look at Q19.
Q19: If you left because you were afraid of conscription, which group were you worried would draft you?

Wow, 75% chose Syrian Arab Army, now we are getting somewhere. But wait, the survey question 889 people. And most questions had above 800 answered, but in this one, only 67 answer, and out of that only 50 chose SAA (out of a multiple choice question). So, let’s see, that means, out of 889 people, only 5% were afraid of being drafted into the SAA. Ooohkay.

Also, some additional info about the sample size. 88% of the sample size were male. 61% had no children. And 45% were below 25. So, young, single, men...hmm....
Funny how you instantly say "it's biased" simply because they are against Assad. I forgot, in the Iranian PoV only pro-Assad is "unbiased."
FSA = / = Nusra = / = ISIS. These are all separate groups with separate goals. If you add up other rebel groups + FSA you get 25%, not 96%.
SAA, NDF, RuAF, IRGC, Shias, etc. all have the same goal: Keep Assad in power.
That's why they're group as one.
That doesn't mean 96% chose the others you idiot, you don't understand multiple choice surveys if you think that. Since multiple choices are allowed, people can choose all or none, meaning someone could've chosen SAA only, while someone else could've chosen all other options - but you're saying that if someone chooses all other options they're different peoples' votes, which is entirely untrue.

Let's head down to Question 12: "Were Barrel Bombs a threat you your personal safety?"
Answers: "73% yes, 27% no."
Notice the question right after conscription:
"Why did you avoid conscription?"
A: "I did not want to kill my own people."
The only two groups in Syria that have conscription are SAA and ISIS.
Alliance captured al-Sabhiyeh in southern Aleppo province.

U are retarded or what? I explained u twice that what u quoted was a part of the short conversation. Taking part is example of your demagogy. U also ignore anti rebel cartoon posted by him.

I'll sum it for u:

1) He posts very anti rebel cartoon.
2) He condemns cluster bombs in Yemen and refuses to condemn same in Syria.
3) He posts nonsense about how super mega effective are Russian bombings.

These are just very recent examples of his activity in twitter. I dont follow him but i get retweets time to time and they are always @Superboy style Shia bravado. I remembed that during Assad offensive in Daraa he claimed that rebels in Harra want to surrender, that Hezbollah sent stealth UAV into Israel and other nonsense.

Instead of blabbering in different directions, can you tell me what that Isis-execution tweet was supposed to tell us?

Weren't you using that tweet as your example that he was pro-iran?

Funny how you instantly say "it's biased" simply because they are against Assad. I forgot, in the Iranian PoV only pro-Assad is "unbiased."
FSA = / = Nusra = / = ISIS. These are all separate groups with separate goals. If you add up other rebel groups + FSA you get 25%, not 96%.
SAA, NDF, RuAF, IRGC, Shias, etc. all have the same goal: Keep Assad in power.
That's why they're group as one.
That doesn't mean 96% chose the others you idiot, you don't understand multiple choice surveys if you think that. Since multiple choices are allowed, people can choose all or none, meaning someone could've chosen SAA only, while someone else could've chosen all other options - but you're saying that if someone chooses all other options they're different peoples' votes, which is entirely untrue.

Let's head down to Question 12: "Were Barrel Bombs a threat you your personal safety?"
Answers: "73% yes, 27% no."
Notice the question right after conscription:
"Why did you avoid conscription?"
A: "I did not want to kill my own people."
The only two groups in Syria that have conscription are SAA and ISIS.

Unbiased does not mean "I agree with this topic!". Unbiased mean looking at a situation in an objective manner without any ideological leaning. Your sources are always biased.

Do you know what bias even means?

Regarding "These are all separate groups with separate goals. If you add up other rebel groups + FSA you get 25%, not 96%.
SAA, NDF, RuAF, IRGC, Shias, etc. all have the same goal: Keep Assad in power."

If all those groups want Assad in power, then doesn't the opposition, whether ISIS or Al nusra or whatever want Assad out of power? If the former can be categorized as one, then the latter should be too, so not to split the outcome of the results

That's hard for you to understand, because you still think biased is anything you don't agree with, and unbiased is anything you agree with. These words are not emotional words.
Instead of blabbering in different directions, can you tell me what that Isis-execution tweet was supposed to tell us?

Weren't you using that tweet as your example that he was pro-iran?
LOL, I thought u are a demagogue, now I see u are just plain retard. OK let me try explain u third time: it was a part of the conversation. If I was posting only second part someone could say I put his words out of context, thats why i posted it in whole. Do u want to repeat me once again?

Alliance captured al-Sabhiyeh in southern Aleppo province.

Aleppo road is still closed, instead opening it they capture some bedouin habitation in desert.
Aleppo road is still closed, instead opening it they capture some bedouin habitation in desert.

Alliance ground grunts can use air drops from Alliance Il-76 and An-124 transport planes flying across the Caspian Sea, Iran, Iraq. Supply is not a problem.
Alliance ground grunts can use air drops from Alliance Il-76 and An-124 transport planes flying across the Caspian Sea, Iran, Iraq. Supply is not a problem.
700,000 civilians in Assad part of Aleppo are without water, electricity and gas for over a week already.
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"Guys guys! I'm going to post and article from an anti-Hezbollah source okay. But you have to believe me because somehow, the person tweeting about it is it is pro-hezbollah! i know right! But its true okay guys. He supports the Syrian government okay so he is obviously pro-hezbollah! LOGIC! See the article guys! Its true okay. You believe me right guys?? Look look he even tweets pro government cartoons so he is obviously pro hezbollah because Hezbollah and the syrian government are one and the same! Do you see guys??? Guys you believe me right?? Im telling the truth because I never lie okay guys. Guys???"

Shut up already.

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