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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

LOL, good u remembered this one.

"Destroyed" Gaza power plant miraculously repaired


Oh wait, this news is about your country murdering civilians in cold blood.

Stop crying crocodile tears and come up with new propaganda. Youre boring everybody.
Again you cry, although kill 100 times more. U even put a crying bear on ur avatar. Another difference is that we defend from those who bomb our cities while u came to Syria thousands miles away to just impose corrupt bloody sectarian dictator.
Unbiased does not mean "I agree with this topic!". Unbiased mean looking at a situation in an objective manner without any ideological leaning. Your sources are always biased.

Do you know what bias even means?

Regarding "These are all separate groups with separate goals. If you add up other rebel groups + FSA you get 25%, not 96%.
SAA, NDF, RuAF, IRGC, Shias, etc. all have the same goal: Keep Assad in power."

If all those groups want Assad in power, then doesn't the opposition, whether ISIS or Al nusra or whatever want Assad out of power? If the former can be categorized as one, then the latter should be too, so not to split the outcome of the results

That's hard for you to understand, because you still think biased is anything you don't agree with, and unbiased is anything you agree with. These words are not emotional words.
I have presented 4 unbiased sources on this forum: SNHR, LCC, HRW and MSF. All say the same exact thing. But you say they're biased because they disagree with your view. Just an FYI, The Syria Campaign weren't the ones who did the interview, a German NGO did it.

Nusra, ISIS, and FSA all want Assad out of power, but in different ways and have different visions for a post-Assad Syria.
SAA, NDF, RuAF, IRGC, Shias all want the same thing: Assad in power.

I already mentioned my sources, and the survey and everything else, such as SNHR, LCC, HRW, and MSF are unbiased. Claim what you want, but they report the facts backed up by evidence.
"Guys guys! I'm going to post and article from an anti-Hezbollah source okay. But you have to believe me because somehow, the person tweeting about it is it is pro-hezbollah! i know right! But its true okay guys. He supports the Syrian government okay so he is obviously pro-hezbollah! LOGIC! See the article guys! Its true okay. You believe me right guys?? Look look he even tweets pro government cartoons so he is obviously pro hezbollah because Hezbollah and the syrian government are one and the same! Do you see guys??? Guys you believe me right?? Im telling the truth because I never lie okay guys. Guys???"

Shut up already.

Hey, also he was against ISIS executions which means he is a Russian fanboy. Because apparently, anyone who is against ISIS executions are pro Russian and pro Iranian.

Um, thanks for proving all our arguments, Mr Zion?
Hilarious, that even regime propagandist Leith confirms that SAA does not worth a shyt:

Leith Abou Fadel ‏@leithfadel 7h7 hours ago
Without a doubt, the best force in Syria is Hezbollah. Since they joined the Aleppo offensive, the SAA has captured 50km of territory

Leith Abou Fadel ‏@leithfadel 7h7 hours ago
The Hezbollah soldiers are by far the most disciplined and most effective fighters in Syria. No joke. No one comes close.


Nevermind all they captured is some bedouin habitations in open desert with huge air force and artillery support and lost several top commanders and road to Aleppo meanwhile.
Hilarious, that even regime propagandist Leith confirms that SAA does not worth a shyt:

Leith Abou Fadel ‏@leithfadel 7h7 hours ago
Without a doubt, the best force in Syria is Hezbollah. Since they joined the Aleppo offensive, the SAA has captured 50km of territory

Leith Abou Fadel ‏@leithfadel 7h7 hours ago
The Hezbollah soldiers are by far the most disciplined and most effective fighters in Syria. No joke. No one comes close.

It is only your logic which seems to worth a shyt while you assuming that declaring Hizbullah the best fighter automatically means that SAA is shyt.
Hilarious, that even regime propagandist Leith confirms that SAA does not worth a shyt:

Leith Abou Fadel ‏@leithfadel 7h7 hours ago
Without a doubt, the best force in Syria is Hezbollah. Since they joined the Aleppo offensive, the SAA has captured 50km of territory

Leith Abou Fadel ‏@leithfadel 7h7 hours ago
The Hezbollah soldiers are by far the most disciplined and most effective fighters in Syria. No joke. No one comes close.


Nevermind all they captured is some bedouin habitations in open desert with huge air force and artillery support and lost several top commanders and road to Aleppo meanwhile.

He's correct. SAA is junk. SAA is not religious. Hezbollah is religious and devout and, you could say, a bit crazy. Hezbollah would whip SAA in a week and take over Syria if Hezbollah wanted to.

This is a map from October 28, but there are no recent maps. Rebels have taken Qarassi and are advancing on Waddhi, while regime took Jumaima and Mraymin.

This is a map from October 28, but there are no recent maps. Rebels have taken Qarassi and are advancing on Waddhi, while regime took Jumaima and Mraymin.

This is map as of today. Alliance captured al Jumaymah, Maryamayn, Subayhiyah, Hamidah, Mashrafat al-Murayj.

This is map as of today. Alliance captured al Jumaymah, Maryamayn, Subayhiyah, Hamidah, Mashrafat al-Murayj.

Nope. SAA only took Jumaymah and Maryamain. Rebels retook Qarassi and there is definitely fighting in Waddihi, if not already captured. You're using a pro-Assad source. Guy is Russian, cannot be trusted to make accurate maps.
MSF says at least 70 killed in strike on Douma market.

Nope. SAA only took Jumaymah and Maryamain. Rebels retook Qarassi and there is definitely fighting in Waddihi, if not already captured. You're using a pro-Assad source. Guy is Russian, cannot be trusted to make accurate maps.

Doesn't matter. Eventually mujahids will run out of men. Heck, hundreds of them are killed every day. Then all of their places be captured in a day. :pop:

The islamist rebels didn't surrender and stood their ground....nothing to do with any Arab country....

Why should mujahids surrender? Death means paradise for them. :pop:

here's another map of today's situation

I have presented 4 unbiased sources on this forum: SNHR, LCC, HRW and MSF. All say the same exact thing. But you say they're biased because they disagree with your view. Just an FYI, The Syria Campaign weren't the ones who did the interview, a German NGO did it.

Nusra, ISIS, and FSA all want Assad out of power, but in different ways and have different visions for a post-Assad Syria.
SAA, NDF, RuAF, IRGC, Shias all want the same thing: Assad in power.

I already mentioned my sources, and the survey and everything else, such as SNHR, LCC, HRW, and MSF are unbiased. Claim what you want, but they report the facts backed up by evidence.

Everyone knows that SNHR is a biased source. We have gone though this. Just because they are anti-government and they post stats you like, does NOT make them an objective, unbiased source.

Also, again, if you claim that 5 groups are same because they want to keep Assad in power then I can argue that groups that want the opposite of that can also be grouped together. How hard is such a simple argument to understand? Seriously?

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