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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Statement from today's meeting in Vienna. I think it's a well balanced and reasonable one, but Nusra, ISIS and their supporters are not going to like it. Also, Secular state of Syria will remain intact in any future government. It doesn't mention Assad and it requires defeat of ISIS and Nusra (without mentioning its name, but implying it) in order for any political solution to be implemented.

Seating arrangement for the talks in Vienna.

No idiot you learn to read, it says 'secular identity' ie Assad regime to remain, while current partition will stay in place but long term cease fire will be announced. In the 'cease fire' all Sunni groups will be targeted until 'defeat'.
I don't think Hezbollah and a fledgling regime that relies heavily on theocratic Iran to exist qualifies as secular. I suspect that by secular they just mean not sectarian, meaning it shouldn't be a matter of Sunni or Shia or whatever.
According to an Al Mayadeen source (not very credible), next round of Vienna talks (in two weeks) will involve Syrian regime and Opposition representatives.
ISIS is small portion, will be even smaller if world escalates against Sunni's. An army similiar to army of Saladin and Umar Ibn Khattab will be formed and Muslims will be defended from terrorist aggressors. Of course Shia's will oppose Muslims just like they opposed Hussein and scammed him to his own death. My predictions are always right, what I say is reality. No self determined people will be brought down, at least without world going down with them.

Zombies shall not inherit the earth... There's plenty more where that came from... There are 80 million people in Iran and they're not even taking this seriously yet.... If your band of sadistic criminals need to be pounded into oblivion, so be it... If the nazis and Japanese were pounded into submission, you lot will be manageable...
Seating arrangement for the talks in Vienna.
View attachment 268310

Wa ha ha ha ha Iraq and Saudi Arabia, the biggest rivals of the Arab world, sitting next to each other :victory:

I don't think Hezbollah and a fledgling regime that relies heavily on theocratic Iran to exist qualifies as secular.

Last I checked, Hezbollah is a part of the Lebanese government and Lebanon has universities and Iran has universities. Do mujahids have universities and a modern society? No they do not. They want the world to go back to 600 AD. They are the ones who are against God, against time.
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Last I checked, Hezbollah is a part of the Lebanese government
Last I checked, it wasn't. It's a powerful militia holding a country holding a country hostage. Yes, it has MPs in parliament as it does have supporters who voted for them but it only has 13 seats, nowhere near a majority.

The "mujahids", by definition, are not secular either. Although I don't know whom you're referring to by "mujahids."
Last I checked, it wasn't. It's a powerful militia holding a country holding a country hostage. Yes, it has MPs in parliament as it does have supporters who voted for them but it only has 13 seats, nowhere near a majority.

The "mujahids", by definition, are not secular either. Although I don't know whom you're referring to by "mujahids."

BS. Hezbollah is the Lebanese counterpart of Ukraine's Right Sector. They are patriots.

Hezbollah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Right Sector - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mujahids are Muslims who want the world back to 600 AD. Mujahid groups include Army of Islam, Nusra Front, Ahrar as Sham, ISIS.
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Alliance crazy hezy back during the Qalamoun campaign. Iranian Sayyad 2 large caliber sniper rifle at 0:18

Alliance NDF ground grunts having fun

Alliance NDF ground grunts take on mujahids in Harasta

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Yeah, Assad actually killed 1 billion Syrians, let's see what you'll get by creating random numbers. The best solution for Syria is to remain secular, otherwise it will lead to another war if this one stops, especially considering the number of bloodthirsty thugs willing to kill others for a Caliphate.


Meanwhile, 2 of anti-ISIS activists belonging to famous page, Raqqa is being slaughtered silently were found beheaded in Turkish city of Urfa. It's a very suspicious situation, nobody knows how ISIS might have identified them, but ISIS cells in Turkey are thought to be the culprits.


Nice shot.

You see Serpentine, I'm not pulling these numbers out of my ***.
The Syrian Network for Human rights has already proved Assad is the culprit of 179,000 civilian deaths. But, thanks to your retarded world view where you look at only 1 side, you believe Assad is an angel who could possibly do nothing wrong. And then you talk about how he has Sunni support bla bla bla Wahhabis bla bla bla then in the end you say YA HUSSAIN WE WILL KILL ALL TERRORISTS.
Then you proceed to support the bombings of a hospital, which is exactly what you do in this above post.
12 hospitals hit by Syrian regime, 6 of which were close to MSF, but it's fine because the pilots where saying YA HUSSAIN or CYKA BLYAT so it's okay.

175 civilians died today, among them 40 children, most in Aleppo and Douma thanks to YA HUSSAIN and CYKA BLYAT airstrikes. Airstrike on a neighborhood in Aleppo flattened a few dozen houses, airstrike on Douma hit a market. Can't post video evidence or photo evidence, too graphic. But it's all okay because SyAAF and RuAF did it so its all fine.
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Russians are ignoramuses because you're the one who doesn't know context.
500 linked a video of Jaish al Islam training in open desert and noted how Russia, with it's stronk surveillance taktiks, was not able to catch a JAI tank column in the open desert.

You make perfect sense. According to you Russians are ignoramuses because they could not bomb this supposed tank colum but neither could the Arab or NATO coalitions. In fact the Arab coalition in Yemen has resulted in more civilian deaths than anything else.

Back to the topic of destroying tanks Russia has hit a grouping of 20 tanks/vehicles as well, command centers, ammo dumps, bunkers, and high value individuals while the coalitions were picking their noses.

Then, some Russian troll posted a video of "accurate Russian airstrikes" in RESPONSE to 500's post about the JAI tank column. The whole video of Russians bombing a bridge was in response to the JAI tank column. And here you are, saying I'm the ignorant one. Idiot.

If anyone is ignorant and stupid I can assure you, it's you. You are basing an argument off of a terrorist propaganda video :lol:

Based on previous terrorist propaganda videos we know not to take them too seriously. like the isis "special forces" recruiting video or the FSA press conference in which they claimed their ghost brigade or whatever those clowns call themselves eliminated a Russian general only to be embarrassed when that general came out on national television to disprove that claim.

Can the exact date and location of that tank video even be verified?

I don't care what westerners quote, I never quote SOHR myself, I quote SNHR, an entire network of activists on the ground who provide evidence of their claims. Unlike you Russian trolls.

You mean the same activists that were circulating a photo of a supposed Russia air strike on a civilian area target? A photos that was taken 5 days before Russian bombing :lol:

I can post dozens of videos and pictures of results of Russian bombing, but I cannot due to the threads' restrictions. Otherwise, I can make you look like the complete fool that you are, not that I already haven't proven that point time and time again.

So how can you prove, with hard facts and not hearsay, that those "dozens of videos and pictures" (if they are even real) were a result of Russian air strikes and not Syrian ones or Syrian/rebel mortars, MLRSs or artillery?

How can you tell Russian air strikes apart from US, French, British, Saudi, Jordanian, UAE, ect, ect, ect?

Even the head of the Red Cross stated that he can not confirm Russia hit any hospitals.
You make perfect sense. According to you Russians are ignoramuses because they could not bomb this supposed tank colum but neither could the Arab or NATO coalitions. In fact the Arab coalition in Yemen has resulted in more civilian deaths than anything else.

Back to the topic of destroying tanks Russia has hit a grouping of 20 tanks/vehicles as well, command centers, ammo dumps, bunkers, and high value individuals while the coalitions were picking their noses.

If anyone is ignorant and stupid I can assure you, it's you. You are basing an argument off of a terrorist propaganda video :lol:

Based on previous terrorist propaganda videos we know not to take them too seriously. like the isis "special forces" recruiting video or the FSA press conference in which they claimed their ghost brigade or whatever those clowns call themselves eliminated a Russian general only to be embarrassed when that general came out on national television to disprove that claim.

Can the exact date and location of that tank video even be verified?

You mean the same activists that were circulating a photo of a supposed Russia air strike on a civilian area target? A photos that was taken 5 days before Russian bombing

So how can you prove, with hard facts and not hearsay, that those "dozens of videos and pictures" (if they are even real) were a result of Russian air strikes and not Syrian ones or Syrian/rebel mortars, MLRSs or artillery?

How can you tell Russian air strikes apart from US, French, British, Saudi, Jordanian, UAE, ect, ect, ect?

Even the head of the Red Cross stated that he can not confirm Russia hit any hospitals.
The NATO and Arab coalitions aren't bombing Jaish al Islam you inbred.
Arab coalition in Yemen has killed more houthis than civilians, but that doesn't discount them from the civilians they killed. Nice job trying to change the subject btw.

"Russia hit a grouping of 20 tanks...." no proof of that.

A "terrorist propaganda video" which shows a training exercise of Jaish al Islam's armor on September 16th. 14 armored vehicles participated, 11 tanks (T-72, T-62, T-55), 2 Shilkas, and 1 ARV. Now please, tell me, how is a live firing a "terrorist propaganda video?" That means all filmed live firings of every army in the world is a "terrorist propaganda video."
Since when did FSA claim to assassinate any Russian general? lol.

No. But neither can any of your claims. Of 60 videos published by Russian MoD, 48 were geolocated, only 1 targeted ISIS.

You repeat that claim yet provide no evidence.

Oh yes, rebels got their MRLSs, Mortars, etc, morphed them into helicopters and airplanes, and then proceeded to bomb their own cities with said shape-shifting machines. You clearly are retarded, since a lot of the videos show the Russian planes actually dropping their ordnance.

Maybe because Coalition airstrikes are done with F-16s, F-15s, F-18s...while Russian airstrikes are done with Su-34s, Su-25s, Su-24s, Mi-24s...

MSF has already confirmed Russia hit 12 hospitals.
Civilians and Hospitals Repeatedly Attacked as Bombing Escalates in Northern Syria | MSF USA

I know what you're going to say, "MSF never said Russia did it!!!11!!111!!1!!1!," but unless you're telling me the coalition strikes rebel held areas in Aleppo, Idlib, Hama, and Homs governorates, they're Russian and/or Assad airstrikes.
This statement has nothing in to stop war or even reduce murder by a tiny bit.

According to UN Resolution 1701 Hezbollah is illegal and must be disarmed. Yet they are allowed to kill in Syria.
does it say they are illegal ? As far as I'm aware it say they must disarm but there is nothing about legality as only Lebanon court can announce them illegal and I'm not aware of such ruling . also if you want to make them disarm why cry just return Sheba farms to Lebanon when the occupation ends then there won't be any need for their weapon and you'll their armed branch simply will be incorporated in Lebanon army.
Being 'Syrian' doesn't mean one can not be a scum and certainly doesn't give them immunity to do anything they want. They are terrorists, simple as that. About Hezbollah, you are the last person to talk about it, doesn't matter at all. It has zero credibility.
1) Syrian terrorists or whatever are internal issue of Syrian people.
2) The founder of Hezbollah Imad Mugniyeh is father of international terrorism.

Yeah, Assad actually killed 1 billion Syrians, let's see what you'll get by creating random numbers.
Yeah its very funny to make fun about slaughtered by Assad people.
The best solution for Syria is to remain secular
Islamists who are raping and murdering teenage girls who protest against ayatulas in Iran are bombing millions for secularism in Syria. What a joke.

does it say they are illegal ? As far as I'm aware it say they must disarm but there is nothing about legality as only Lebanon court can announce them illegal and I'm not aware of such ruling . also if you want to make them disarm why cry just return Sheba farms to Lebanon when the occupation ends then there won't be any need for their weapon and you'll their armed branch simply will be incorporated in Lebanon army.
1) They must disarm, that means they are illegal armed gang.
2) Shaba does not beling to Lebanon according to UN.
The NATO and Arab coalitions aren't bombing Jaish al Islam you inbred.

One things is clear you are a racist bigot and can not hold an intelligent conversation without resorting and acting like a juvenile. So far you have either called Russians or personally attacked me by using the following phrases: Bitches, f****rs (you actually spelled it out) baboons, retards, and inbreds.

@Serpentine @Oscar

Arab coalition in Yemen has killed more houthis than civilians, but that doesn't discount them from the civilians they killed. Nice job trying to change the subject btw.

Lets look at report and not make up things out of thin air. Now you can wipe the egg off your face and go hid under a rock.

Saudi strikes destroy Doctors Without Borders hospital in Yemen ...

More than 90 percent of those killed by the Yemen war have been civilians, according to a recent UN report, “State of Crisis, Explosive Weapons in Yemen.” At 2,200, the confirmed civilian death toll in Yemen surpassed total war related deaths in every other country worldwide this year, as of September 2015. Fully 93 percent of those killed by air-launched explosive weapons have been civilians, according to the UN.

93% of deaths and injuries in Yemen are civilian - this must ...

As a recent report, State of Crisis: Explosive Weapons in Yemen (pdf) documents, more than 2,200 civilian deaths had been registered by September. “The intensity of explosive violence in the country has meant that more civilian deaths and injuries from explosive weapons were recorded … during the first seven months of 2015 than in any other country in the world.”

Gotta love how Arabs are condemning Russia in Syria but are slaughtering civilians in Yemen. But what is new in regards to Arab incompetence?

"Russia hit a grouping of 20 tanks...." no proof of that.

There is a video released by the MOD although it is in a forested area and it is difficult to make out the type of vehicles. Nevertheless the video is out there and an official statement was made, which is far more proof of anything you have provided.

A "terrorist propaganda video" which shows a training exercise of Jaish al Islam's armor on September 16th. 14 armored vehicles participated, 11 tanks (T-72, T-62, T-55), 2 Shilkas, and 1 ARV. Now please, tell me, how is a live firing a "terrorist propaganda video?" That means all filmed live firings of every army in the world is a "terrorist propaganda video."

This is terrorist propaganda in the sense that we don't know when or where this video was taken for all anyone knows it could have been taken in 2013 or 2014 just about anywhere. That is where the propaganda lies, like i mentioned earlier there is countless propaganda from these terrorist groups, check out the "Jaish Alislam training camp" video and die from laughter or the ISIS 'navy seals' wanabe video. Using these dubious unconfirmed videos only further proves that you have no credibility.

Since when did FSA claim to assassinate any Russian general? lol.

There is a press conference with details and all, epic how the General shows up on public TV and calls the FSA liars :lol:

No. But neither can any of your claims. Of 60 videos published by Russian MoD, 48 were geolocated, only 1 targeted ISIS.

How can those videos be "geolocated" if most videos are either open dessert and in most cases in FLIR mode? Who is exactly geolocating them? And yes thank you for acknowledging that you can not confirm the authenticity of your terrorist propaganda video. In the mean time both the Russian ministry of defense and Syrian forces are confirming that Russian warplanes are destroying ISIS; they don't need to provide a video for every sortie that they fly which is over 1300 by now but there is enough video and daily briefings to know that ISIS is getting hammered.

There is confirmed reports from both the Russian ministry of Defense as well as Syrian military that Russia warplanes have been hitting the ISIS de-fact capital of Al-Raqqah, not to mention ISIS has been getting bombarded by Russian warplanes as Syrian forces are advancing from the west in a push to break the siege of the Kuweires military are base. There are many more reports of Russian hitting other areas in ISIS controlled territory but i guess because they don't have video footage for every single strike then it must be a lie right?

Oh yes, rebels got their MRLSs, Mortars, etc, morphed them into helicopters and airplanes, and then proceeded to bomb their own cities with said shape-shifting machines. You clearly are retarded, since a lot of the videos show the Russian planes actually dropping their ordnance.

:lol: the stupidity from you is off the charts. Both the Syrian army and "rebel" forces use mortars, MLRSs, artillery, ect, both sides use these weapons when they try to retake towns or cities, both sides use these weapons when they are under siege or being counter attacked. There is no difference between MLRS rocks, mortars or bombs dropped from aircraft, all do the same job and have similar results. As for aircraft "shape shifting" give proof that in everything one of those "attacks" aircraft were spotted, in at least some of those attacks i'm sure there there is video footage since everyone has camera phones these days. But of course there will be no evidence it's all speculation.

Maybe because Coalition airstrikes are done with F-16s, F-15s, F-18s...while Russian airstrikes are done with Su-34s, Su-25s, Su-24s, Mi-24s...

This is the stupidest argument i have seen yet. You are telling me that regular Syrians including women and children can tell the difference between an SU-34 and an F-16? :lol: Apart from that most Russian aircraft such as the SU-34 and SU-24 and sometimes the SU-25 operate at altitudes where the aircraft are not visible to the human eye or they are so small that the type of aircraft can not be distinguished; moreover, many airstrikes are conducted at night or in cloud cover. It should also be noted that Russia does not operate MI-24s far outside their airbase and Syrian forces also use SU-24s as well as Mig-23s which look very similar from afar. Lets recap:

-Most civilians cant tell the difference between US aircraft or Russian.

-Russian aircraft often operate at altitudes where they are almost impossible to spot let alone make out the type of aircraft.

-Russian aircraft often operate at night.

-MI-24s are used to guard the Latakia base.

Syria uses both MI-24s and SU-24s.

MSF has already confirmed Russia hit 12 hospitals.
Civilians and Hospitals Repeatedly Attacked as Bombing Escalates in Northern Syria | MSF USA

I know what you're going to say, "MSF never said Russia did it!!!11!!111!!1!!1!," but unless you're telling me the coalition strikes rebel held areas in Aleppo, Idlib, Hama, and Homs governorates, they're Russian and/or Assad airstrikes.

No where in that report has the MSF confirmed that Russia hit anything. In fact it did not even mention Russia or airstrikes. The International Red cross has stated that it can not confirm that Russian airstrikes hit any hospitals. In all honesty i am not surprised that you are lying since you have done it many times before just like with your Yemen airstrikes claim.
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