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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Russia should raise the bar and set new standards of brutality as they wipe out the rebels and their supporters, Grozny is so 90s
* I just brought example of Elijah being anti-rebel.
* You failed to provide any example of him being pro rebel.

Conclusion: you are even a bigger loser than the guy on ur avatar. :enjoy:

I have so many that I don't know which one to use:
" rebels are in a very good position in deraa"
" 7000 iranians are helping SAA"
"Assad is responsible for the Syrian problem"

Just from reddit and twitter.

If you want to lie, count on your creativity, don't count on my stupidity.
Russia should raise the bar and set new standards of brutality as they wipe out the rebels and their supporters, Grozny is so 90s

Yep, thats the plan. And as soon as we are done with the 'rebels', We will help the Syrians get their revenge on the sponsors of this little endeavor.
I have so many that I don't know which one to use:
" rebels are in a very good position in deraa"
" 7000 iranians are helping SAA"
"Assad is responsible for the Syrian problem"

Just from reddit and twitter.

If you want to lie, count on your creativity, don't count on my stupidity.
Bring exact quotes with links where and what about it all said. I dont see anything pro rebel here.

If u open his twitter u will see that he is literally fapping on Russian bombings ultron style. Here example from several minutes ago:

Here he says that ISIS execution is against Islam:

But when someone points about Assad/Russia cluster bombs, he says that cluster bombs in Yemen should be condemned not in Syria.

Bring exact quotes with links where and what about it all said. I dont see anything pro rebel here.

If u open his twitter u will see that he is literally fapping on Russian bombings ultron style. Here example from several minutes ago:

Here he says that ISIS execution is against Islam:

But when someone points about Assad/Russia cluster bombs, he says that cluster bombs in Yemen should be condemned not in Syria.

Good lord son just give it up already.

Your lies were exposed. Not the first time and wont be the last.

Bright idea #500 - Lets quote a Kuwaiti news outlet!!

Oh look, we only killed thousands of men, women and children and injured/maimed many more. They killed more!!! Theyre worse-er!! or something. Don't mind the duration of the fighting. Or how many players are involved. Or the simple fact that the population of Syria is larger. NUMBERS!!!!

Seriously, the more you talk the more you sound like a joke.

Also I love how you dont even mention the fact that the genocide against Palestinians has created hundreds of thousands of Palestinians refugees around the world. Very convenient but youre israeli so we can expect nothing but lies.

And again, I dont care who XYZ is. You posted a kuwaiti website and want us to believe what it says? Keep looking for better sources, Im sure there will be some western tabloid youll link to next.

Again, all this is why you will never be taken seriously by anyone.

Propaganda FAIL.
War always leads to killing and collateral damage.

But u can fight Russia style:

1 million killed in Afghanistan
100 K killed in tiny Chechnya
250 K killed in Syria

And Israel style:

10 K killed in 30 years

You clown support murder of hundreds of thousands and then shed crocodile tears about several thousands.
War always leads to killing and collateral damage.

But u can fight Russia style:

1 million killed in Afghanistan
100 K killed in tiny Chechnya
250 K killed in Syria

And Israel style:

10 K killed in 30 years

You clown support murder of hundreds of thousands and then shed crocodile tears about several thousands.

Again, lets ignore the
- Duration of combat
- Parameters
- Nature of combat environment
- Number of parties involved
- Total population
- Foreign fighters
- Everything

NUMBERS!!! we killed only thousands!!!!

Your propaganda grade - F

Also, I think they made you a think tank analyst to keep you around as comedic relief.

Clearly you have ZERO knowledge of military affairs. I mean, youre displaying a total lack of even a single word of useful knowledge regarding wars, geo politics and current/past events.

Have you ever even held a gun?

lol, kids these days.
Air mines: Innovative Syrian's adopt WW2 tactics causing havoc against invading enemy

30,000 ft would be decent height for causing problems

If they are lucky releasing swarms if these at right time right place can be effective

hope they are not using actual condoms........that would be very dirty death for the ruskies:P
Except that's daesh subhumans, not Syrian Rebels.
The United States is set to deploy troops on the ground in Syria for the first time to advise and assist rebel forces combating ISIS, multiple officials said Friday.
And there are people out there who think Syria will be Russia's "Vietnam"?
Kurds don't want Russia, they get better benefits from the West. And US is providing air support for them while also sending message to Turkey to not target their militias on border with Turkey.
peshmergas are not allies of Turkey. they are not ennemies of Turkey too.
YPG is supported by West and it is not bad (they are not really PKK since this group having more than just pro PKK).. right now US are asking them to help for Raqqa is they want to be the part of guys having US support .
Statement from today's meeting in Vienna. I think it's a well balanced and reasonable one, but Nusra, ISIS and their supporters are not going to like it. Also, Secular state of Syria will remain intact in any future government. It doesn't mention Assad and it requires defeat of ISIS and Nusra (without mentioning its name, but implying it) in order for any political solution to be implemented.

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