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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Shia coalition displaced 120,000 Sunni civilians. If that does not count as ethnic cleansing then what?

Look up the definition of ethnic cleansing. By your interpretation Israel is ethically cleansing as is NATO.

From Websters dictionary:

"the practice of removing or killing people who belong to an ethnic group that is different from the ruling group in a country or region"

So where in that definition is fleeing a war zone is ethnically cleansing? Also a little embarrassing fact for you, the majority of the Syrian army is Sunni. :lol:

My claim is based on the fact that cloud is left to the bridge. U said thast it cant be a water coz cloud is dark. But murky water makes dark cloud.

Genius explain how a bomb hits water and there is not as much as a wake or ripple? As for the cloud being "left" of the bridge, the wind was blowing east as evident from the first strike on the bridge.

You did not think through your argument very well and now you know you are wrong. Or you can continue believing your version of events in which violates all known laws of physics.

Why it should not be calm?

Read what I said carefully, I asked why the water was calm if a bomb dropped on the water. Then you go posting a video that proves I'm correct and you are wrong. In that video there is a large wake or shock wave on the surface of the water yet on the video where you claim a Russian air strike missed and hit water there is no wake.

Israel targeted only specific buildings.

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You are one of the most bias members here, you are constantly criticizing the Syrian military for the calateral damage it causes while fighting radical jihadists, many of which are not even Syrian. Yet you have an excuse for Israel turning Buirut into Stalingrad.

Please tell us more about those smart bombs.
Auto pilot + GPS + fire control computer. Says who they are dumb bombs? 8-)

Perhaps some totally dumb people still believe that they are totally dumb as bombs :-)

Oh yeah, get 2 photos from 1 protest in 2012. Sure will support your argument on Syrians' views in 2015.

How stupid is it to come up with such lame excuse? You didn't accept the support of Assad in 2012 and you you still don't do it in 2015. Perhaps god sent Jibrael with revelation upon Jihadists that people supporting Assad in 2012 have stopped doing it in 2015.

But the reality is this that FSA disappeared in 2015 with no support from Syrian people, and thus US is not even able to recruit for FSA. This is a real embarrassment.

Using an article from an Assad supporter from 4 years ago - very neutral and relevant.

What? Have you really read the article or what?
The article gave the full reference to the Polls that were conducted by Arab Gulf State organization, and surely they were not pro Assad.
Do yourself a favor and read the realities before opening up your mouth. It could save you from a lot of embarrassment.
"the practice of removing or killing people who belong to an ethnic group that is different from the ruling group in a country or region"
So Alawi ruling group is removing Sunni population.

So where in that definition is fleeing a war zone is ethnically cleansing? Also a little embarrassing fact for you, the majority of the Syrian army is Sunni. :lol:
Yeah here ur Sunnis:




Genius explain how a bomb hits water and there is not as much as a wake or ripple? As for the cloud being "left" of the bridge, the wind was blowing east as evident from the first strike on the bridge.

You did not think through your argument very well and now you know you are wrong. Or you can continue believing your version of events in which violates all known laws of physics.
U are going around circles. I've explained everything.

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You are one of the most bias members here, you are constantly criticizing the Syrian military for the calateral damage it causes while fighting radical jihadists, many of which are not even Syrian. Yet you have an excuse for Israel turning Buirut into Stalingrad.

Please tell us more about those smart bombs.
All buildings targeted were by smart bombs prior warning. "Beirut into Stalingrad" :rofl: For ur info, not a single building in Beirut was destroyed. All buildings u showed were in small closed Dahya Hezbollah suburb, where Hezbollah did not allow Lebanese security person to enter. Its state within a state.


People in Beirut calmly watched the bombings in Dahya coz they knew that only very specific Hezbollah buildings are targeted:

It's great to see that the al-nusrats and other moderate beheaders along with their isis comrades are being slaughtered everyday by Russia :yahoo:I can hear the cries of the terrorists supporters from israel and saudi arabia. :lol:


So many barbecued terrorists :yahoo: Good job Russia, Iran and Syria.
So Alawi ruling group is removing Sunni population.

This is another rediculous unsubstantiated claim. No one should ever take you serious again. Please continue falsely stating that the link you provided stated that there was "ethnic cleansing" when in reality the link stated that people were fleeing.

Yeah here ur Sunnis:




U are going around circles. I've explained everything.

What a clown :lol: posting a few photos of random fighters is supposed to prove that the majority of Syrian fighters are Shia?

Reality check, the vast majority of the Syrian population is Sunni, the vast majority of the Syrian military is Sunni. I believe Assad's wife is even Sunni. You have to be stupid to believe that the Syrian miliary is majority Shia.

Even independent polls show that the majority of Syrians support Assad and most people fleeing the fighting flee to government controlled areas. Funny how on one hand you claim that Syrian forces are "ethnically cleansing" Sunnis but on the other hand the majority of Syrian forces are Sunni.

All buildings targeted were by smart bombs prior warning. "Beirut into Stalingrad" :rofl: For ur info, not a single building in Beirut was destroyed. All buildings u showed were in small closed Dahya Hezbollah suburb, where Hezbollah did not allow Lebanese security person to enter. Its state within a state.

Make all the excuses you want. Israeli forces leveled entire city block after city block into rubble. Everything destroyed is residential or business.

This is why you look like a fool posting pictures of Syrian villages when Israeli forces took out entire city blocks of residential housing. So how is Assad a bad buy but Israel is the good guys for doing the exact thing.

@Serpentine you and I need to take an educational lesson from 500. People fleeing war zones are now "ethically cleansed". The Syrian military is now magically Shia. A bomb that lands in a body of water magically defies known laws of physics with the water being completely calm. The Syrian military needs to be condemned for supposedly destroying towns and villages in Syria but the Israeli forces are justified in destroying city block after city block of residential and business housing in a foreign country.
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This is another rediculous unsubstantiated claim. No one should ever take you serious again. Please continue falsely stating that the link you provided stated that there was "ethnic cleansing" when in reality the link stated that people were fleeing.
Fact: Alawi dictator, supported by Russia and Iranian Shia militias launches so called "anti ISIS campaign".
As result of this campaign ISIS only grows while 120,000 Sunni civilians were forced to flee.

Whats that if not ethnic cleansing?

What a clown :lol: posting a few photos of random fighters is supposed to prove that the majority of Syrian fighters are Shia?

Reality check, the vast majority of the Syrian population is Sunni, the vast majority of the Syrian military is Sunni. I believe Assad's wife is even Sunni. You have to be stupid to believe that the Syrian miliary is majority Shia.

Even independent polls show that the majority of Syrians support Assad and most people fleeing the fighting flee to government controlled areas. Funny how on one hand you claim that Syrian forces are "ethnically cleansing" Sunnis but on the other hand the majority of Syrian forces are Sunni.
Fact: without foreign Shia militias Assad cant launch any offensive. So all ur baseless claims about "Sunni majority" in SAA dont worth a shyt.

Make all the excuses you want. Israeli forces leveled entire city block after city block into rubble. Everything destroyed is residential or business.

This is why you look like a fool posting pictures of Syrian villages when Israeli forces took out entire city blocks of residential housing. So how is Assad a bad buy but Israel is the good guys for doing the exact thing.
Israel leveled several specific buildings in Hezbollah quarter after giving a warning. Assad randomly drops barrel bombs on residential neighborhoods. Today another 45+ people killed in Douma market.

أكثر من 45 شهيد و 200 جريح جراء استهداف السوق الشعبي لمدينة بصواريخ/الغوطةالشرقية

Thats why we have over 250,000 killed and 10 million refugees in Syria.

Overall I suggest u to calm down. Look I just post facts did not call u names even once and you are constantly use personal slurs.
Fact: Alawi dictator, supported by Russia and Iranian Shia militias launches so called "anti ISIS campaign".
As result of this campaign ISIS only grows while 120,000 Sunni civilians were forced to flee.

Whats that if not ethnic cleansing?

Fact: without foreign Shia militias Assad cant launch any offensive. So all ur baseless claims about "Sunni majority" in SAA dont worth a shyt.

Israel leveled several specific buildings in Hezbollah quarter after giving a warning. Assad randomly drops barrel bombs on residential neighborhoods. Today another 45+ people killed in Douma market.

أكثر من 45 شهيد و 200 جريح جراء استهداف السوق الشعبي لمدينة بصواريخ/الغوطةالشرقية

Thats why we have over 250,000 killed and 10 million refugees in Syria.

Overall I suggest u to calm down. Look I just post facts did not call u names even once and you are constantly use personal slurs.

It's always hilarious seeing an israeli cry about civilian casualties while murdering innocent Palestinians left right and center.

Continue providing us comedic relief.
Air mines: Innovative Syrian's adopt WW2 tactics causing havoc against invading enemy

France, Italy, Germany and the United Kingdom all employed barrage balloons during World War I. In World War II, the British and the Americans continued to use the weapons.

During the Battle of Britain, the British also employed the Short and Long Aerial Mine. “The devices suspended heavy steel cables from parachutes, intending to disrupt German flying formations.

30,000 ft would be decent height for causing problems

If they are lucky releasing swarms if these at right time right place can be effective

hope they are not using actual condoms........that would be very dirty death for the ruskies:P
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Fri Oct 30, 2015 9:35am EDT

At least 40 killed in missile attack on Syrian town: monitor| Reuters
At least 40 people were killed and about 100 wounded when Syrian government forces fired missiles into a marketplace in a town near Damascus, a conflict monitor and a local rescue group said on Friday.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which monitors the war through a network of sources on the ground, said government forces fired 12 missiles at Douma, 10 miles (15 km) northeast of Damascus.

Douma has suffered intense bombardment in recent months in a wave of strikes the Syrian army has said targets insurgents that have launched attacks on government-held areas.

Syrian Civil Defence, a local humanitarian rescue group that operates in rebel-held areas, posted a picture on its Facebook page of about a dozen bloodied bodies laid on the ground on plastic sheeting and said more than 45 had died in the attack, which it said used guided missiles.

"Utterly heinous that while world leaders meet for peace in Vienna, attack(s) against civilians continue in Syria," the group said on Twitter.

It linked to a video showing people tending to survivors in a chaotic scene of blackened rubble and fire. Footage showed bodies on the ground of the market place, where stalls had been blown to pieces. Reuters was unable to independently verify the events shown.

Many of Douma's residents have fled the four-year-old conflict, moving to nearby rural areas. Medics say they have struggled to cope with large numbers of wounded in the intensified strikes.

Syria's 4-year-old civil war has killed more than 250,000 people and driven more than 10 million from their homes. International diplomats were meeting on Friday at a peace conference in Vienna, the first to be attended by President Bashar al-Assad's main ally Iran.
Lame Excuse.
Lame is YOUR post. Couple of pics without giving the background, date or location.

You posted of Damascus, Al-Saba' Bahrat Square back in the very last days of March, 2011. That was when the government resigned and Bashar promised "reforms". Damascus was not the only city which looked like what you showed back then :

This is Hama in March, 2011 when the government resigned and Bashar promised "reforms" :

This is Hama in July, 2011 when Bashar started the 'reforms' :
Summary :
An anti-government protest.
This is Homs in March, 2011 when the government resigned and Bashar promised 'reforms' :

This is Homs in April, 2011 when Bashar started the 'reforms' :
Summary :
An anti-government protest.
Syrian Army was also not firing bullets or bombing them till the time they have not been supplied weapons from US (the godfather of Jihadies).
If you insist on writing such stupid statements without backing them with evidences, I will ignore them. When did the U.S. start supplying weapons to protesters ?
So, Jihadies and Saudies and their supporters are stupid people who are even unable to understand a simple thing that US and Israel are using them like Toilet paper.
I'm not a supporter. And at least I don't try to save the world or liberate Palestine by hitting my head with a pickaxe or a flail.
You can see till now not a single bullet has been fired upon Israelies from these Jihadists.
Zionists aren't Bashar. They occupied our land but aren't dropping barrel bombs on the markets and residential areas. Neither are they torturing us in prisons and one more time. Taking down the regime has nothing to do with liberating Palestine.
And here again the Jihadist supporters are showing stupidity by thinking that 500 is their supporter while he writes against Assad and Iran.
They treat an FSA soldier at their hospitals, then they take and publish pictures while shaking hands with him and the result depends on the eye of the beholder :
  • Pro-zionist: So Jews are only helping Syrian people. I've always believed it's the ungrateful Palestinians who make troubles.
  • Anti-zionist: Is that a rebel fighter being treated at a zionist hospital ?! This means anyone against Bashar is a zionist and consequently, Bashar is either an angel or a prophet (astaghfirullah).
And I don't really care what zionists believe.
So it is with the results of a recent YouGov Siraj poll on Syria commissioned by The Doha Debates, funded by the Qatar Foundation.
Qatar funds this, Qatar funds that. But when they do something of good use to you, Qatar becomes credible. Here :

"Journalists have jumped on (the statistic) and ran with it, without thinking about the science behind how they came to that figure".

- Johnny Heald, Managing director of survey company ORB
Read more: Do 55% of Syrians really want President Assad to stay? - BBC News
Some 55% of Syrians want Assad to stay, motivated by fear of civil war – a spectre that is not theoretical as it is for those who live outside Syria's borders.
True this. 55% was raised up to 89% as you saw in 2014 'elections' due to barrel bombing, torture and detention.
I'd suggest Saudi Arabia to wipe the floor with Al-Nimr's supporters, they will all become pro-government.

And if you say that most SAA soldiers are Sunni, @veg, then :

Homs, Al-Zahra' District.

Why do the Alawite majority districts take much causality ?
Most SAA soldiers are Alawites.

Zionists have supporters, Hitler had his supporters, Husain had his supporters. If you have people who cheer for you, this doesn't justify your tyranny.

What about Palestine ? (since you believe the most support Al-Assad), if I am not mistaken, most countries recognize 'Israel' instead of Palestine. I guess you personally must recognize them and forget about their crimes using your logic (which is wrong either way).

Even if the most change their mind and side with the tyrant. I will stay by the rebels' side till the last moderate one among them.
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It's always hilarious seeing an israeli cry about civilian casualties while murdering innocent Palestinians left right and center.

Continue providing us comedic relief.
I am not 'crying; but merely post facts, that so called anti-ISIS campaign resulted in increasing ISIS and 120 K civilian refugees. Additional 700 K civilians from regime controlled areas are now without electricity, water and gas because ISIS cut of the road.

Kuwaiti source?


You'll need to try much much harder in the information age kid.
Its not Kuwaiti source but Al Rai correspondent Elijah Magnier, who is well known Hezbollah fanboy.
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