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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Deaths come to takfiris. Alliance Mi-24 helicopter gunships.

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For the millionth time, US/Saudia/Qatar were supplying the weapons RIGHT FROM THE BEGINNING...
This is from Douma in the Eastern Ghouta, Damascus Countryside (April 3rd, 2011) :
Summary :
Doumani people holding the funeral of the martyrs (shot dead by the 'resistance') near the Great Mosque. They wished if they had any of the NATO | Arab supplied 'weapons' you are talking about back then but unfortunately, they hadn't any of them.
Rebel commander Zahran Alloush wants to torture & crush the heads of religious minorities. He's "moderate".
I replied to this and you know it (here).
Neither does Iran send weapons, funds and terrorists to other countries to topple their government, which is exactly what Turkey is doing, along with U.S, Arabs and others.
Iran sends pilgrims to make a trouble like what they did in during Hajj in 1987 in Mecca :
Summary :
Simply, foreigners are protesting in someone else's country and of course they were using their "Death to America" or "Death to Israel". More than 400 died for 'exporting of revolution'.
The same Iran which did that back in 1987 is telling us today that we got paid by the GCC, NATO, etc. to protest against Bashar and in the own state.

Therefore, Iranian pilgrims could be responsible for what happened in Mina.
Not even a single one of them proved.
When the Islamic Da'wa Party staged the 1983 bombings of Kuwait, as a part of 'exporting the revolution'. Tehran Radio warned that Kuwait would "face consequences" if they do any harm to the "heroes" which they detained.
They only called them 'heroes' and threatened to stage more attacks. Yet one of those 'exporters of revolution' is freely roaming (Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis) and claims that the U.S. is supporting terrorists against him. He forgot who he is and it's too much for the "Death to America".
First of all Idlib is one of the most 'conservative' cities. Plus, this is a center of studying the so-called Fiqh (Arabic: فقه) and they are doing it voluntarily. Females are not mandated to wear Burqa in Idlib despite that the so-called Jund Al-Aqsa suggested that. Here, some of them are covering their face but others aren't :
Like always, you complain about Idlib and then fight somewhere else.
Iran is simply killing the last hope left.

However, if I am not mistaken, most of your news are taken from not the ordinary supporters but the very scums of our society. And I've realized what does it mean to be 'moderate' according to the Islamic people of the very Islamic Iran :
Indeed, those who like that immorality should be spread [or publicized] among those who have believed will have a painful punishment in this world and the Hereafter. And Allah knows and you do not know.

- The Holy Qur'an (24:19).
And if you like the profile picture of that woman you're getting your 'facts' from, then spread those things in your country as she's a scum and an ordinary Christian isn't like that at all. That filth doesn't represent the ordinary Christians whether with or against Al-Assad.

Tatbirist Christian: Lina Arabi (@LinaArabii) | Twitter
Terrorist Christian: hadeeloueis (@hadeelOueiss) | Twitter
Meanwhile, top military commander of Faylaq al-Sham was killed in Sukayk, Hama.
A local. Not a foreign supporter of Project Tatbiristan :

Names: Muslim Nasr and Khan-Ali Yousufi
Nationality: Iranian | Afghan
Allegiance: IRGC | Fatimiyoun
Ranks: 2nd lieutenant (Nasr)

Source (Farsi): Farsnews
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Not Russia, but coalition of UK, Russia and USA. Russia alone would not have a chance.

Cut the crap. It was actually USSR that did the heavy lifting during WW2. The greatest battles on the European side were fought on the Eastern front. Stalingrad and Kursk battles were back breaking defeats for the Germans which all occured before the overrated Normandy invasion. The Russians were responsible for 80% of German casualties.
Cut the crap. It was actually USSR that did the heavy lifting during WW2. The greatest battles on the European side were fought on the Eastern front. Stalingrad and Kursk battles were back breaking defeats for the Germans which all occured before the overrated Normandy invasion. The Russians were responsible for 80% of German casualties.
The main factor which determines victory in conventional war is air force. 2/3 of German air force was destroyed by US and Britain.

Back to Syria. Rebels take Sukayk.

KHAPUASS offensive was ultimate fail.
Dumb bombs produced in 2015



Its also quite costy expensive to bring these bombs from Russia to Syria.[/QUOTE]


Do you considered on fact that Russians can put a new kind of explosion in a old shells...
Fresh colour and new detonator mean that something is for testing or ....better to be destroyed because is a cheaper than to be stored.
Dumb bombs produced in 2015



Its also quite costy expensive to bring these bombs from Russia to Syria.

I don't see how you think it's expensive to transports these bombs. Russia has supply ships that can carry hundreds if not a thousand of them each time they visit Tartus.
#BREAKING: Under Russian airstrikes protection, SAA and Iranian terrorists succeed to capture a washing machine, which is one of the most advanced LG machines in Syria.


Safavides are doing good job in Syria.
Who knows what is their next impossible mission?
This is from Douma in the Eastern Ghouta, Damascus Countryside (April 3rd, 2011) :
Summary :
Doumani people holding the funeral of the martyrs (shot dead by the 'resistance') near the Great Mosque. They wished if they had any of the NATO | Arab supplied 'weapons' you are talking about back then but unfortunately, they hadn't any of them.

Lame Excuse.
Syrian Army was also not firing bullets or bombing them till the time they have not been supplied weapons from US (the godfather of Jihadies).
So, Jihadies and Saudies and their supporters are showing stupidity while they are even unable to understand a simple thing that US and Israel are using them like Toilet paper.
US is not supplying weapons to Saudia, Qatar, Jordan, Turkey or the Syrian Jihadists while US really support them or their any Islamic Government, but US is supplying them all with weapons while you people are toilet papers.
And US is fully successful due to the stupidity of Arab states and jihadies.
You can see till now not a single bullet has been fired upon Israelies from these Jihadists.

And here again the Jihadist supporters are showing stupidity by thinking that 500 is their supporter while he writes against Assad and Iran.

Here the Syrian people, who were supporting Assad

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The main factor which determines victory in conventional war is air force. 2/3 of German air force was destroyed by US and Britain.

To be fair, the US and Britain combined lost some 800,000 men in WW2, but it was a drop in the bucket compared to German and Russian losses.

Reportage from liberated by SAA town Morek.

Russian English is so weird. Please put your words in the right order.

KHAPUASS offensive was ultimate fail.

What's KHAPUASS stand for? And so what? It's a tiny Sukayk village. You can't even see it on the map with a magnifying glass :lol:

Alliance artillery pound mujahids in northern Hama province.

Here the Syrian people, who were supporting Assad

There are 22 million people in Syria means over 5 million men ready for military service. Nevertheless Assad needs to invite 5 thousand Hezbollah mercenaries to capture some Bedouin habitation in open desert. That shows that actual Assad support is close to zero. More over, it show that even Alawis (650,000 men ready for military service) are not willing to fight for Assad.

What's KHAPUASS stand for? And so what?
Khamenai, Putin, Assad.

It's a tiny Sukayk village. You can't even see it on the map with a magnifying glass :lol:
Thats all KHAPUAS managed to capture in their Hama offensive. Before that rebels returned Markaba and Lahaya.
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There are 22 million people in Syria means over 5 million men ready for military service.

There are only like 40,000 AKs in Syria. Not everyone who wants to fight can get an AK.

Khamenai, Putin, Assad.

You forget Iraq. Iraq is the biggest source of man power of Alliance. Iraq is the most populous Arab majority country in the ME other than Egypt and it is majority Shia.
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There are 22 million people in Syria means over 5 million men ready for military service. Nevertheless Assad needs to invite 5 thousand Hezbollah mercenaries to capture some Bedouin habitation in open desert. That shows that actual Assad support is close to zero. More over, it show that even Alawis (650,000 men ready for military service) are not willing to fight for Assad.

Your conjectures have zero value.
All organizations by western and arab countries which collect the polling DATA said unanimously that majority of Syrian people support Assad.
While opposition is divided into tens of parts ranging from atheists, nationalists, communists to religious and extreme religious people. In election, none of the opposition leader has even a slightest chance against Assad to win.
That is why US/Saudia are putting pre-condition for talks that Syrian people will not be allowed to choose Assad in the elections. Shame upon US/Saudia for robbing off the Syrian people from their right to choose or not to choose Assad.

Most Syrians back President Assad, but you'd never know from western media
Most Syrians back President Assad – but you'd never know from western media | Jonathan Steele | Comment is free | The Guardian


Suppose a respectable opinion poll found that most Syrians are in favour ofBashar al-Assad remaining as president, would that not be major news? Especially as the finding would go against the dominant narrative about the Syrian crisis, and the media considers the unexpected more newsworthy than the obvious.

Alas, not in every case. When coverage of an unfolding drama ceases to be fair and turns into a propaganda weapon, inconvenient facts get suppressed. So it is with the results of a recent YouGov Siraj poll on Syria commissioned by The Doha Debates, funded by the Qatar Foundation. Qatar's royal family has taken one of the most hawkish lines against Assad – the emir has just called for Arab troops to intervene – so it was good that The Doha Debates published the poll on its website. The pity is that it was ignored by almost all media outlets in every western country whose government has called for Assad to go.

The key finding was that while most Arabs outside Syria feel the president should resign, attitudes in the country are different. Some 55% of Syrians want Assad to stay, motivated by fear of civil war – a spectre that is not theoretical as it is for those who live outside Syria's borders. What is less good news for the Assad regime is that the poll also found that half the Syrians who accept him staying in power believe he must usher in free elections in the near future. ...
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