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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

I admire your persistence, no matter how much you fail, you try again.
U dont have even arguments.

What's the problem in that? Isn't Morek under SAA control?
Problem that Assadists took Morek not "now" but more that a year ago. What is symbolic, that after a year of full Assadist control its still fully depopulated (just like Quseyr Safira and many more). Thats Assad style "liberation".
Problem that Assadists took Morek not "now" but more that a year ago. What is symbolic, that after a year of full Assadist control its still fully depopulated (just like Quseyr Safira and many more). Thats Assad style "liberation".

He didn't mean it was freed recently, it's just bad wording causing confusion. In a Tweet after that, he says in past week, surrounding areas of the city was freed, suggesting the city was already under control. If you look at his account, he goes to random areas and takes pictures and reports like this.

All the city is destroyed because of fighting, there is no point in civilians coming back yet.

Meanwhile, top military commander of Faylaq al-Sham was killed in Sukayk, Hama.


Burqa is not an "Arab tradition" as it is not even an Arab word! It's a Persian word. This is why it is worn in Afghanistan and was once worn in Iran too.

The most conservative dress in the Arab world is the Niqab and a minority of women where that and there is nothing wrong with them wearing that.

Lastly headscarfs are not an Arab tradition as this type of headgear was worn by almost all women in the ME in pre-Islamic times too and in most other places of the world.

Headscarf - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just because the first use of headscarf is reported to have been used in Southern Iraq by Semites, like most else that was recorded the earliest in history, it does not mean that it was solely limited to the Arab world.


Most Shia women in Iraq, Lebanon and Iran wear an Abaya or Hijab.

Since there are 1.5 billion Sunnis, you can find among them the least observing Muslims and the most observing Muslims.

It's complete and utter bullshit that Sunni women have fewer rights than Shia women. Total nonsense.

Sunni women in nearby Kuwait, Syria and Jordan have more freedom than the average Shia Arab woman from Basra, Karbala, Najaf, Amarah, Kut, Nasiriyah, Samawa etc. Southern Iraq is conservative and so is Southern Lebanon and many parts of Iran.

Stop making it sound like you don't wear any headscarfs or live in liberal paradises. I can quickly mention much more "liberal" majority Sunni Muslim nations than the 3 or so Shia majority nations out there. The only exception is Azerbaijan and that's due to Soviet influence. Just like in Central Asia.

Sunni Muslim women can do whatever Shia Muslim women can and probably more than that. They for sure have more important positions out there.
No need to be much nationalist and deny the fact

First I was talking about the countries who take their laws from their sects
Syria,Bahrain,Kuwait,and Jordan don't follow the sharia I speak on countries that follow the sharia
He didn't mean it was freed recently, it's just bad wording causing confusion.
Bad lies.

In a Tweet after that, he says in past week, surrounding areas of the city was freed, suggesting the city was already under control.
No he says that this week finaly retook city's outskirts. Which is again a lie. In fact its the opposite these week rebels approached the city outskirts.
All the city is destroyed because of fighting, there is no point in civilians coming back yet.
One year is more than enough time to return civilians. At least some. But aim of the Assadist is the opposite: depopulate unloyal towns.

Morek before liberation:

Morek after liberation:

Actually Russian ammo factories are working 24h a day now because they have not enough bombs for Assad.[/QUOTE]

They have huge amount of weapons and munitions what make big problems about keeping and storing.
That spending a lot of money and time and best solution is release of the old stocks
Best case is a war !
Actually Russian ammo factories are working 24h a day now because they have not enough bombs for Assad.

They have huge amount of weapons and munitions what make big problems about keeping and storing.
That spending a lot of money and time and best solution is release of the old stocks
Best case is a war !
Dumb bombs produced in 2015:



Its also quite costy expensive to bring these bombs from Russia to Syria.
Fars News (Iranian propaganda outlet) claims SAA retook Jisr al Shughour. Shows how reliable Iranian news is.
@Serpentine more of the resistance media at work, amirite?
If you guys could fight as well as you can draw cartoons, you would have actually accomplished something since 2011.
it is not to criticize you or your comment
but the guy who did draw the cartoon is somewhat very famous , very very famous, he is a good guy who was beaten by Assad militias (like many pro freedom guys). he always criticized the mafia regime of Syria, the corruption .
Dumb bombs produced in 2015:



Its also quite costy expensive to bring these bombs from Russia to Syria.

The blast radius is so big even if a precision bomb is used, the entire city block is wiped out. A 155 mm shell has a lethal radius of 50 meters. A bomb is 10 times as big as a 155 mm shell. Lethal radius at least 200 meters. No use using precision bombs on cities.

Insurgents days are numbered. Alliance Mi-24 helicopter gunships are coming for you.

Woohoo. More Alliance Iraqi Shia militants arrived in Aleppo. Offensive against insurgent parts of the city very soon.
Cant you stop saying Alliance FFS?

Alliance = Russia + Iran + Iraq + Syria + Lebanon + Egypt + the US + KSA + UAE + Jordan + Qatar + Yemen + Oman etc. . Alliance fights takfiris.
Last edited:
Alliance Su-25 ground attack plane blows up takfiri infrastructure in northern Hama province.

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