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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Russia crushed Germany by killing millions of Germans. Jihadists are no bodies compared to Nazis.

you talk big but deep inside you, you actually a coward

i bet you will pee in your pant when facing jihadist even you are in the most advance tank in the world

you only talk big because you are in the safe country

stop been arrogant
Russia crushed Germany by killing millions of Germans. Jihadists are no bodies compared to Nazis.
Not Russia, but coalition of UK, Russia and USA. Russia alone would not have a chance.

It's like saying since prophet used camel for transportation, so we should also use camel today. Stupid, right? It was a part of culture back then, nowhere in Islam says that wearing a burqa and covering the face is mandatory. And the funniest thing? West is supporting these lunatics.
So Ayatulas enforce burkas in their country and fight against burkas in Syria? :cheesy:

If you guys could fight as well as you can draw cartoons, you would have actually accomplished something since 2011.
They captured 2/3 of Syria against Russian armed and trained Assadists. If they had 1% of Assad weapons they would capture the rest.

Russians do right thing with few planes.
They are emptied all trash from military warehouses and with limited attacks have made disaster on countries who financed terrorists in Syria.
I disagree with your view , especially now when America supplies Kurdish fighters with weapons,so in a short time Turkey will have problems...economic and security.
Actually Russian ammo factories are working 24h a day now because they have not enough bombs for Assad.
So Ayatulas enforce burkas in their country and fight against burkas in Syria? :cheesy:
Wow, you obviously don't know what a Burqa is, how many times should someone be embarrassed?

Show me one single evidence that Iran has ever enforced Burqa. What's the best thing to do when you have no info about something? You simply don't talk about it.

's a Sunnah, that's like saying no men need to grow beards anymore because it isn't with our time(although that's style preference not related to religion). Sunnah is encouraged but no mandatory. However you know the minimum for women's dressing in Islam. And it is to be observed if you claim to follow Islam. Back at the time of the Prophet people got married, today no one gets married and has premartial relations, does that mean we can do so? Not according to Islam, as these tenets aren't subject to time.

However if I am wrong and Islam can be reformed, then what will happen is what happened with every other religion, which is all of it was reduced to just a single belief and all tenets were scrapped. At that point might as well be atheist.

The examples you brought are somethings that are prohibited in Islam. But enforcing something that is not mandatory is a whole another story. Burqa is NOT a mandatory thing in Islam, it's just tradition of Arabs.
Not Russia, but coalition of UK, Russia and USA. Russia alone would not have a chance.

So Ayatulas enforce burkas in their country and fight against burkas in Syria? :cheesy:

They captured 2/3 of Syria against Russian armed and trained Assadists. If they had 1% of Assad weapons they would capture the rest.

Actually Russian ammo factories are working 24h a day now because they have not enough bombs for Assad.
The women in shia iran and shia Iraq and Lebanon have more rights than the sunni women.

Shia don't wear niqab but since you are a stupid Zionist I don't blame you

The shia sect give women more rights than the sunni sect
The examples you brought are somethings that are prohibited in Islam. But enforcing something that is not mandatory is a whole another story. Burqa is NOT a mandatory thing in Islam, it's just tradition of Arabs.

Burqa is not an "Arab tradition" as it is not even an Arab word! It's a Persian word. This is why it is worn in Afghanistan and was once worn in Iran too.

The most conservative dress in the Arab world is the Niqab and a minority of women where that and there is nothing wrong with them wearing that.

Lastly headscarfs are not an Arab tradition as this type of headgear was worn by almost all women in the ME in pre-Islamic times too and in most other places of the world.

Headscarf - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just because the first use of headscarf is reported to have been used in Southern Iraq by Semites, like most else that was recorded the earliest in history, it does not mean that it was solely limited to the Arab world.

The women in shia iran and shia Iraq and Lebanon have more rights than the sunni women.

Shia don't wear niqab but since you are a stupid Zionist I don't blame you

The shia sect give women more rights than the sunni sect


Most Shia women in Iraq, Lebanon and Iran wear an Abaya or Hijab.

Since there are 1.5 billion Sunnis, you can find among them the least observing Muslims and the most observing Muslims.

It's complete and utter bullshit that Sunni women have fewer rights than Shia women. Total nonsense.

Sunni women in nearby Kuwait, Syria and Jordan have more freedom than the average Shia Arab woman from Basra, Karbala, Najaf, Amarah, Kut, Nasiriyah, Samawa etc. Southern Iraq is conservative and so is Southern Lebanon and many parts of Iran.

Stop making it sound like you don't wear any headscarfs or live in liberal paradises. I can quickly mention much more "liberal" majority Sunni Muslim nations than the 3 or so Shia majority nations out there. The only exception is Azerbaijan and that's due to Soviet influence. Just like in Central Asia.

Sunni Muslim women can do whatever Shia Muslim women can and probably more than that. They for sure have more important positions out there.
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Wow, you obviously don't know what a Burqa is, how many times should someone be embarrassed?

Show me one single evidence that Iran has ever enforced Burqa. What's the best thing to do when you have no info about something? You simply don't talk about it.

Now u will tell me that sacks that ayatulas force women to wear are better than their ISIS counterpart sacks. :lol:

As for embarrassment, here ur propagandist retards:

ISIS heavy attack on Al-Safira city (part of their plan to help rebels in South Aleppo) failed, at least 50 terrorists killed (pics of corpses already out).

Burqa is not an "Arab tradition" as it is not even an Arab word! It's a Persian word. This is why it is worn in Afghanistan and was once worn in Iran too.

The most conservative dress in the Arab world is the Niqab and a minority of women where that and there is nothing wrong with them wearing that.

Lastly headscarfs are not an Arab tradition as this type of headgear was worn by almost all women in the ME in pre-Islamic times too and in most other places of the world.

Just because the first use of headscarf is reported to have been used in Southern Iraq by Semites, like most else that was recorded the earliest in history, it does not mean that it was solely limited to the Arab world.


Most Shia women in Iraq, Lebanon and Iran wear an Abaya or Hijab.

Since there are 1.5 billion Sunnis, you can fine among them the least observing Muslims and the most observing Muslims.

It's complete and utter bullshit that Sunni women have fewer rights than Shia women. Total nonsense.
Dear @Saif al-Arab I think you are more intelligent than that.

When I say Burqa, I mean anything that covers women's faces, it can be a Niqab or a veil or anything else. burqa is just the most popular name.

Burqa is not used in Iran (when I say it's not, I mean less than 0.1% of women use it, so yes there are exceptions and even if it was, they are not forced to do it), while it is popular in Arab countries, Pakistan and Afghanistan. I have visited Saudi Arabia and I saw how almost all Saudi women in Mecca in Medina wore them (maybe not in other cities), but still it is used widely.

Don't take me wrong, I have zero problem with a Burqa, women are free to use them if they like it, it's totally up to them to decide. What I criticized here is enforcing something by force that is not mandatory in Islam, like wearing a burqa.

Hope you don't misunderstand me about burqa or think it's a bad thing or I have a problem with it.
when you read Serpentines and his friends comments you get impression he is liberal democrat from Switserland

dude you're mulla boy from iran who are you kidding? :omghaha:
Russian bears seem in love with these bullshit, so here I have another one for you that you will be 'crazily' in love with:

''Saudi Arabia and Turkey are spending huge sums to open their path into the Ukrainian army's missile depots to transfer the surface-to-air SAM-8 and SAM-9 missile systems to Northern Syria to strengthen FSA, the Arabic-language Lebanese al-Akhbar reported on Tuesday.


The daily underlined that the Ukrainian army officials are opposed to Russia and its military strikes against FSA in Syria.

According to al-Akhbar, certain sources have revealed that the Saudi-Turkish plan has already made so much success that Russia has revised contingency plans after assessments showed a strikingly higher possibility that their helicopters could be targeted by these anti-aircraft missiles now.'' :tup:

I find such news tastier than bullshit with no proof:
Parents receive body of first Russian to die in Syria, doubt suicide| Reuters

You better ask Natasha how Turkish Airlines work instead some bullshit :dirol::

Only Russians drunk on Vodka and Iranians highh on heroin would be foolish enough to believe such absurd news.

Earlier today the geniuses "discovered" that Mossad and the Saudi Arabian intelligence was behind the Mina Stampede to kill some "Iranian and Iraqi "scientists" that nobody has heard about. This is what we are witness to almost daily. It's getting beyond ridiculous.

Oh, did I mention that the GCC and Turkey apparently transferred 1000 ISIS fighters from Syria to Yemen in planes?:lol:

That was ALSO "reported" just today.

Only a minority of women wear that. Most women in KSA wear a Niqab or a Hijab. Nice attempt at trolling though. Besides those 5 women that you posted have more honor than many of your women who spread their legs at first sight or look like plastic dolls with 1 ton of makeup and 100 plastic operations.
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Only a minority of women wear that. Most women in KSA wear a Niqab or a Hijab. Nice attempt at trolling though.
stop your crap. people are enough educated to know you are the worst country for women.
and ours is one of the worst too.

enough of your bullshit propaganda.
ISIS heavy attack on Al-Safira city (part of their plan to help rebels in South Aleppo) failed, at least 50 terrorists killed (pics of corpses already out).

Dear @Saif al-Arab I think you are more intelligent than that.

When I say Burqa, I mean anything that covers women's faces, it can be a Niqab or a veil or anything else. burqa is just the most popular name.

Burqa is not used in Iran (when I say it's not, I mean less than 0.1% of women use it, so yes there are exceptions and even if it was, they are not forced to do it), while it is popular in Arab countries, Pakistan and Afghanistan. I have visited Saudi Arabia and I saw how almost all Saudi women in Mecca in Medina wore them (maybe not in other cities), but still it is used widely.

Don't take me wrong, I have zero problem with a Burqa, women are free to use them if they like it, it's totally up to them to decide. What I criticized here is enforcing something by force that is not mandatory in Islam, like wearing a burqa.

Hope you don't misunderstand me about burqa or think it's a bad thing or I have a problem with it.

I just want to be as factual as possible.

You were wrong when you said that Burqa is an Arab tradition. It has nothing to do with Arabs as this is not even an Arabic word but a Persian one. Burqas are worn in Afghanistan and that part of the world.

Neither have Arabs invented headscarfs. Women in pre-Islamic times in all of the ME and most of the world wore some type of headscarf.

A niqab and abaya, which many Shia women wear, are almost identical. So there is no difference there either.

I have seen Baloch women in Iran wear a niqab btw.

Most women in the Arab world wear a simple hijab while the second most preferred dress (outside of no headscarf at all) is a hijab. In KSA most wear a Niqab and a Hijab.

I personally believe that women can wear what they want to wear as long as it is decent. I just don't see a point of highlighting niqab as something bad when an abaya which is worn by A LOT of Shias in Iraq, Lebanon and Iran, is almost identical.

Lastly there are more important matters to discuss I just reacted mainly to Salman's ridiculous post.

stop your crap. people are enough educated to know you are the worst country for women.
and ours is one of the worst too.

enough of your bullshit propaganda.

You have no clue about KSA. Most women wear a regular niqab or a hijab. You sound mental at times.

Also this below are some of the traditional dresses that women from KSA wear or used to wear. Educate yourself a bit. Arabs have some of the most diverse traditional dresses and KSA is not any different.

Oasis Unedited: Mansoojat: The Virtual Museum of #Saudi Arabia's Traditional Costumes > Featured in Oasis Magazine

Here is an entire thread about the rich Arab heritage of traditional clothing:

Traditional clothing from the Arab world.

EDIT: Yes, SOURCED materials are "crap and lies". That's right, illiterate 42 year old troll.:lol: And indeed most women in KSA do not wear a niqab or hijab either, lol.

@Falcon29 that guy is a mental case. Why he constantly comments on Arab topics that he has no business with is beyond me.
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crap and lies. as usual.

"traditional " doesn't mean this is what most women wear.
we have traditional clothes in Iran too but sadly women mostly wear the bad black stupid official dress.
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