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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

The main factor which determines victory in conventional war is air force. 2/3 of German air force was destroyed by US and Britain.

The main factor that determined victories in conventional battles of WW2 was artillery, idiot.
The main factor that determined victories in conventional battles of WW2 was artillery, idiot.
When u have air superiority u can destroy ammo supplies before they reach battlefield. By the way more than third of USSR explosives were supplied by USA. That means without the USA USSR would have 1/3 less artillery support (not talking about excellent trucks which helped to bring ammo and carry these guns from one place to another).

Your conjectures have zero value.
What I posted are plain facts.

There are only like 40,000 AKs in Syria. Not everyone who wants to fight can get an AK.
Supaboy, in ME almost every man has AK.

You forget Iraq. Iraq is the biggest source of man power of Alliance. Iraq is the most populous Arab majority country in the ME other than Egypt and it is majority Shia.
Iraqi Shia militias obey Ayatulas. Just cannon fodder, nothing else.
The main factor that determined victories in conventional battles of WW2 was artillery, idiot.
And always by boots in the ground...Air forces have never won a war alone....He supposes to be a tankist...I have my doubt now based on the non sense he is posting..
The main factor which determines victory in conventional war is air force. 2/3 of German air force was destroyed by US and Britain.

And USSR destroyed 4/5 of German infantry. I think that's more effective than carpet bombing civilians which was POLICY. Anyway I don't want to hijack the thread.
And always by boots in the ground...Air forces have never won a war alone....He supposes to be a tankist...I have my doubt now based on the non sense he is posting..

He can be reasonable when the topic is not related to Israel in any way. When it relates to Israel he will turn into a complete asshole.
He can be reasonable when the topic is not related to Israel in any way. When it relates to Israel he will turn into a complete asshole.
Indeed he is...Something is troubling to him...
Alliance ground grunt armed with VSK-94 rifle equiped with thermal sight.


Alliance artillery unleash on mujahids.

Alliance Syrian air force Mi-24 helicopter gunship bombs mujahids in Daraya.

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Alliance Russian air force Il-20M recon plane and Su-24 attack plane over Eastern Ghouta.


Reportage from liberated by SAA town Morek.
SAA has held Morek since a year ago you idiot.

Lame Excuse.
Syrian Army was also not firing bullets or bombing them till the time they have not been supplied weapons from US (the godfather of Jihadies).
So, Jihadies and Saudies and their supporters are showing stupidity while they are even unable to understand a simple thing that US and Israel are using them like Toilet paper.
US is not supplying weapons to Saudia, Qatar, Jordan, Turkey or the Syrian Jihadists while US really support them or their any Islamic Government, but US is supplying them all with weapons while you people are toilet papers.
And US is fully successful due to the stupidity of Arab states and jihadies.
You can see till now not a single bullet has been fired upon Israelies from these Jihadists.

And here again the Jihadist supporters are showing stupidity by thinking that 500 is their supporter while he writes against Assad and Iran.

Here the Syrian people, who were supporting Assad

Oh yeah, get 2 photos from 1 protest in 2012. Sure will support your argument on Syrians' views in 2015.

Your conjectures have zero value.
All organizations by western and arab countries which collect the polling DATA said unanimously that majority of Syrian people support Assad.
While opposition is divided into tens of parts ranging from atheists, nationalists, communists to religious and extreme religious people. In election, none of the opposition leader has even a slightest chance against Assad to win.
That is why US/Saudia are putting pre-condition for talks that Syrian people will not be allowed to choose Assad in the elections. Shame upon US/Saudia for robbing off the Syrian people from their right to choose or not to choose Assad.

Most Syrians back President Assad, but you'd never know from western media
Most Syrians back President Assad – but you'd never know from western media | Jonathan Steele | Comment is free | The Guardian


Suppose a respectable opinion poll found that most Syrians are in favour ofBashar al-Assad remaining as president, would that not be major news? Especially as the finding would go against the dominant narrative about the Syrian crisis, and the media considers the unexpected more newsworthy than the obvious.

Alas, not in every case. When coverage of an unfolding drama ceases to be fair and turns into a propaganda weapon, inconvenient facts get suppressed. So it is with the results of a recent YouGov Siraj poll on Syria commissioned by The Doha Debates, funded by the Qatar Foundation. Qatar's royal family has taken one of the most hawkish lines against Assad – the emir has just called for Arab troops to intervene – so it was good that The Doha Debates published the poll on its website. The pity is that it was ignored by almost all media outlets in every western country whose government has called for Assad to go.

The key finding was that while most Arabs outside Syria feel the president should resign, attitudes in the country are different. Some 55% of Syrians want Assad to stay, motivated by fear of civil war – a spectre that is not theoretical as it is for those who live outside Syria's borders. What is less good news for the Assad regime is that the poll also found that half the Syrians who accept him staying in power believe he must usher in free elections in the near future. ...
Using an article from an Assad supporter from 4 years ago - very neutral and relevant.

Russia has finally bombed a terrorist group - by accident.
Russian helicopters killed 7 Hezbollah in a FF incident. More need to happen.
MSF (the same people who were hit by US in Kunduz and Saudi in Yemen) have stated 12 hospitals have been hit purposely by Russia since September 30th, of which 6 MSF were directly affiliated with. 35 Patients and Hospital staff were martyred.
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The source stated that 120,000 Syrians were "displaced" only a dishonest liar with no integrity would blatantly lie. Nice try though, not surprised though, you are always making up things and as so in your mind displaced means ethically cleansed.

U claimed that black cloud proves it did not hit water. My video shows explosion ion water and it has black cloud. As for water jet, it happened because it was in deep water unlike and not in river.

This is beyond stupid. You made a claim that a Russian aircraft missed its target (a bridge over water) when I called you out and asked why the water had no wake, your best answer is....an incoherent, irrational and scientifically void rant that makes no sense whatsoever.

Again how does a bomb drop into a river yet the water is completely calm?

Israel uses precise bombs in cities not barrels.

You seem to forget what Israeli bombs did in Lebanon, how about I post some picture?

The subject was a Jaish al Islam tank column 500 km south of the Euphrates, in the Eastern Qalamoun desert. It had absolutely nothing to do with ISIS. But hey, Russians will continue to be Ignoramuses, no matter what I do :omghaha:

Once again explain to the readers how this tank column has anything to do with Russia bombing that bridge. In a rational strategic way explain what makes the Russians ignoramuses.

This entire conversation about the JAI tank column was never about ISIS.

Why are you tap dancing around the subject? You can not even remember what you said in previous posts. Someone posted a video of a Russian air strike on a bridge. You called the Russians ignoramuses then went on to make some sarcastic statements about how Isis would not use armor or tanks to cross the bridge.

I then asked why the Russians are ignoramuses for destroying a bridge that cuts off Isis forces and prevents resuply. You then mention some far away random tank column, I asked you to prove to me that the bridge was destroyed because of this tank column and you failed to do so; moreover, you failed to explain why the Russians are so stupid for destroying a vital bridge that links Isis forces.

So far you have been caught with your pants down :lol:

Aww, ran out of an argument so you make fun of the mentally ill? I expected more, then again, you're pro-putin Russian. Expectations too high maybe.

Don't try to play innocent or put words in my mouth. You have called Russians "baboons" "ignoramuses" and many other nasty things and now you play innocent by telling me you "expected more". As for you accusing me of making fun of the mentally ill, that is a fabrication by you, I mentioned that people in your part of the world have low IQ scores, I specifically called them challenged (nice way of saying dumb) not mentally ill and I only did this after your constantly made remarks about Russians being dumb. So please spare me your crocodile tears.[/QUOTE]

SAA has held Morek since a year ago you idiot.

Oh yeah, get 2 photos from 1 protest in 2012. Sure will support your argument on Syrians' views in 2015.

Using an article from an Assad supporter from 4 years ago - very neutral and relevant.

Russia has finally bombed a terrorist group - by accident.
Russian helicopters killed 7 Hezbollah in a FF incident. More need to happen.
MSF (the same people who were hit by US in Kunduz and Saudi in Yemen) have stated 12 hospitals have been hit purposely by Russia since September 30th, of which 6 MSF were directly affiliated with. 35 Patients and Hospital staff were martyred.

Nice propaganda :lol: Russia has officially asked the US, NATO block countries and gulf states to confirm those reports and thus far no one has come forwards.

Most western sources are quoting the Syrian observatory for Human rights which is run by one man from his home in the UK, the man has not been in Syria for 15 years.

I recall western and Arab sources accusing Russia of hitting civilian targets by circulating an image that was taken 5 days before Russia started bombing. :lol: there are many countries including Arab and NATO block countries as well as the Syrian Air Force that are bombing ground targets; moreover, "rebel" and government forces are both using mortars, MLRSs, and even artillery yet when a civilian target is hit the blame is placed on Russia dispite no proof or proper investigation. Then again like many other lies that are coming out of western and Arab media sources it would not surprise me if there was no hospitals that were even hit.
The source stated that 120,000 Syrians were "displaced" only a dishonest liar with no integrity would blatantly lie. Nice try though, not surprised though, you are always making up things and as so in your mind displaced means ethically cleansed.
Shia coalition displaced 120,000 Sunni civilians. If that does not count as ethnic cleansing then what?

This is beyond stupid. You made a claim that a Russian aircraft missed its target (a bridge over water) when I called you out and asked why the water had no wake, your best answer is....an incoherent, irrational and scientifically void rant that makes no sense whatsoever.
My claim is based on the fact that cloud is left to the bridge. U said thast it cant be a water coz cloud is dark. But murky water makes dark cloud.

Again how does a bomb drop into a river yet the water is completely calm?
Why it should not be calm?

You seem to forget what Israeli bombs did in Lebanon, how about I post some picture?
Israel targeted only specific buildings.

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