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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

I am not 'crying; but merely post facts, that so called anti-ISIS campaign resulted in increasing ISIS and 120 K civilian refugees. Additional 700 K civilians from regime controlled areas are now without electricity, water and gas because ISIS cut of the road.

Its not Kuwaiti source but Al Rai correspondent Elijah Magnier, who is well known Hezbollah fanboy.

Oh stop shedding crocodile tears please. Nobody takes you seriously.

Where were you when the Saudis brutally killed civilians in Yemen? Where were you when muslims were dying in Burma or India? Youre not fooling anyone with your sudden care of syrian civilians. Drop the act. Its pathetic

Also Israel has killed thousands of innocent Palestinians. You have zero right to talk about civilian casualties because your country is run by mass murdering psychopaths.

Israel killed more Palestinians in 2014 than in any other year since 1967 | World news | The Guardian

Where are your crocodile tears for them? Please.

Lastly, the tweet you posted had a link to a kuwaiti source hence its unreliable. If you insist in spreading propaganda atleast step up your game. its not the 90s anymore.

My advice, stop embarrassing yourself. Everyone in the world knows your true face.

Stop lying and have a backbone for once in your life.

And just to clear, I only replied to you because I am bored out of my mind. Otherwise I consider you a terrible propaganda machine with zero knowledge of actually military matters. You also have an extremely limited understanding of what geo politics are currently at play.

Its like talking to a 12 year old who just picked up a copy of call of duty and thinks he knows what wars and geo politics are about.
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Oh stop shedding crocodile tears please. Nobody takes your seriously.

Where were you when the Saudis brutally killed civilians in Yemen? Where were you when muslims were dying in Burma or India? Youre not fooling anyone with your sudden care of syrian civilians. Drop the act. Its pathetic

Also Israel has killed thousands of innocent Palestinians. You have zero right to talk about civilian casualties because your country is run by mass murdering psychopaths.

Israel killed more Palestinians in 2014 than in any other year since 1967 | World news | The Guardian

Where are your crocodile tears for them? Please.
Its u who are shedding crocodile tears right now, while cheering for mass murder in Syria. Neither Gaza nor Yemen produce millions of refugees like Syria, not even remotely close.

Lastly, the tweet you posted had a link to a kuwaiti source hence its unreliable. If you insist in spreading propaganda atleast step up your game. its not the 90s anymore.

My advice, stop embarrassing yourself. Everyone in the world knows your true face.

Stop lying and have a backbone for once in your life.
Once again you should learn who is Elijah Magnier. He lives in Belgium (before that lived in 10 years in Baghdad) and he is one of the biggest Hezbollah/Shia fanboys in internet with close ties to them.
Its u who are shedding crocodile tears right now, while cheering for mass murder in Syria. Neither Gaza nor Yemen produce millions of refugees like Syria, not even remotely close.

Once again you should learn who is Elijah Magnier. He lives in Belgium (before that lived in 10 years in Baghdad) and he is one of the biggest Hezbollah/Shia fanboys in internet with close ties to them.

So its okay to kill thousands if the rest dont become refugees? Amazing logic genius. This is the reason you are not taken seriously.

Again, I dont care who or what XYZ is. Source is weak.

Honestly, talking to you is like talking to a child. No knowledge about the world he is in yet thinks he knows everything. Youre not even good at your primary purpose which is spreading propaganda.

Go back to propaganda school and learn some new tricks. This is getting old.
I am not 'crying; but merely post facts, that so called anti-ISIS campaign resulted in increasing ISIS and 120 K civilian refugees. Additional 700 K civilians from regime controlled areas are now without electricity, water and gas because ISIS cut of the road.

Its not Kuwaiti source but Al Rai correspondent Elijah Magnier, who is well known Hezbollah fanboy.

You mean ar-ray (anti-HZ) international correspondent is hz fanboy? Do you think we are stupid?
It is like saying white house speaker is HZ fanboy.
1)Russia says no country can use military force in Syria without government approval

2)BREAKING: White House to announce troop deployment in Syria - Reuters

Just read Elijah Magnier conversation in Reddit, to see he is a rebel supporter.

Just google his name and read what he says.

There is no limit for the lies @500 says in this forum.

1)Russia says no country can use military force in Syria without government approval

2)BREAKING: White House to announce troop deployment in Syria - Reuters


That is for ISIS, not Asad. And it is not for sure yet.
Just read Elijah Magnier conversation in Reddit, to see he is a rebel supporter.

Just google his name and read what he says.

There is no limit for the lies @500 says in this forum.

This is why if an Israeli says the sky is blue, people will run outside to check.
U.S. to send Special Operations forces to Syria

Washington (CNN)The United States is set to deploy troops on the ground in Syria for the first time to advise and assist rebel forces combating ISIS, multiple officials said Friday.

A senior administration official said that the U.S. would be deploying "fewer than 50" U.S. Special Operations forces to Kurdish-controlled territory in northern Syria. The American troops will help local Kurdish and Arab forces fighting ISIS with logistics and are planning to bolster their efforts.

The deployment of U.S. Special Operations forces is the most significant escalation of the American military campaign against ISIS to date.

The U.S. Special Operations forces will first be deployed to northern Syria to help coordinate local ground forces and U.S.-led coalition efforts to fight ISIS, the senior administration official said.

The U.S. will also boost its military footprint in confronting ISIS in Syria by deploying A-10 and F-15 fighter jets to an airbase in Turkey. And the U.S. is also eying the establishment of a Special Forces task force in Iraq to boost U.S. efforts to target ISIS and its leaders. President Barack Obama has also authorized enhancing military aid to Jordan and Lebanon to help counter ISIS.

The U.S. has bombed targets in Syria since September 2014 without stopping ISIS, and it has largely failed in a mission to recruit and train moderate rebels in Syria to take on the terror group. In recent months, the U.S. has also bolstered its aid to local forces, air-dropping weapons, ammunition and other supplies to rebel forces inside Syria.

Obama has long resisted an American military presence on the ground to combat ISIS in Iraq and Syria but has reluctantly escalated U.S. involvement in that fight over time since launching the military effort in 2014.

U.S. Special Ops have previously conducted some secretive missions on the ground in Syria as well. But the deployment marks the first permanent presence of U.S. ground troops in Syria since the U.S. began leading an international effort last year to confront ISIS, the militant Islamist group which now controls broad swaths of territory in Iraq and Syria.

The troops are set to be deployed to Syria in the coming days, according to these officials.

The decision comes on the heels of the first death of an American military service member in the fight against ISIS. Master Sgt. Joshua Wheeler died last week in Iraq as he and other American Special Operations forces conducted a raid to rescue hostages held by ISIS.

The troops to be sent to Syria are not expected to serve on the front lines with rebel forces.

But they are entering a very hot combat zone and have the right to engage the enemy if they come under fire. They could also join Syrian and Kurdish forces on raids if they get explicit permission from Washington.

The stepped-up U.S. military involvement in Syria also comes amid a redoubling of diplomatic efforts to reach a resolution to the multi-year conflict between the Syrian government and rebel forces, which ISIS has exploited to expand its base in the country.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has been holding meetings in recent days with U.S. allies in the region and recently agreed to give Iran a role in the peace talks, which also include Russia, Turkey, Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

Iran and Russia have supported the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad even as Assad has been accused of committing war crimes against his own people, including the indiscriminate bombing of civilian areas.

Russia entered the military fray earlier this month by deploying forces to Syria and launching a bombing campaign that it claims has been targeting ISIS. But the locations of Russian airstrikes have led U.S. military officials to say they believe the Russian effort is aimed more at bolstering Assad's hold on power than fighting ISIS.

Russia's military involvement in Syria has been greeted in Washington with a mixture of caution and criticism, with Obama warning Russia earlier this month that its airstrikes in Syria would suck it into a "quagmire."

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told CNN Thursday that he believed Russian President Vladimir Putin didn't have a long-term plan for his country's military involvement in Syria, saying he thinks "he is kind of winging this day to day."

U.S. to send Special Operations forces to Syria - CNNPolitics.com
So its okay to kill thousands if the rest dont become refugees? Amazing logic genius. This is the reason you are not taken seriously.
You can count both by number of killed: thousands in Yemen and Gaza, HUNDREDS of thousands in Syria. Refugees are also excellent indication of humanitarian crisis in Syria.

Just read Elijah Magnier conversation in Reddit, to see he is a rebel supporter.

Just google his name and read what he says.

There is no limit for the lies @500 says in this forum.
Can u bring example of his "rebel support"? I am waiting.

For example here he retweting this cartoon:


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Can u bring example of his "rebel support"? I am waiting.

That awkward moment when your lie is revealed.
Are you kidding? Did you read his reddit conversation?
Do you know what arrray international correspondent is? They can't get the job by supporting HZ?
That awkward moment when your lie is revealed.
Are you kidding? Did you read his reddit conversation?
Do you know what arrray international correspondent is? They can't get the job by supporting HZ?
* I just brought example of Elijah being anti-rebel.
* You failed to provide any example of him being pro rebel.

Conclusion: you are even a bigger loser than the guy on ur avatar. :enjoy:
You can count both by number of killed: thousands in Yemen and Gaza, HUNDREDS of thousands in Syria. Refugees are also excellent indication of humanitarian crisis in Syria.

Oh look, we only killed thousands of men, women and children and injured/maimed many more. They killed more!!! Theyre worse-er!! or something. Don't mind the duration of the fighting. Or how many players are involved. Or the simple fact that the population of Syria is larger. NUMBERS!!!!

Seriously, the more you talk the more you sound like a joke.

Also I love how you dont even mention the fact that the genocide against Palestinians has created hundreds of thousands of Palestinians refugees around the world. Very convenient but youre israeli so we can expect nothing but lies.

And again, I dont care who XYZ is. You posted a kuwaiti website and want us to believe what it says? Keep looking for better sources, Im sure there will be some western tabloid youll link to next.

Again, all this is why you will never be taken seriously by anyone.

Propaganda FAIL.

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