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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

besides Hezbollah which was recently taken off.

I don't know if Hezbollah is on that list or whether it is pulled off or not, can you share any document in that regard?

Unlike Nusra or ISIS terrorists, Hezbollah's goal is not ruling Syria. As soon as a political settlement is reached, they will go back to Lebanon and pull out of Syria.
Translation: We all side with Assad and Iran on Syria. All self determined Muslims must be targeted, notice it doesn't mention a specific group or two like you do. It mention those on that 'security council' list. Which are a lot more than just Nusra and ISIS. Of course no Shia group on the list, besides Hezbollah which was recently taken off.

@Saif al-Arab @Dr.Thrax @Ahmed Jo

I've been screaming this is the position for years. And I just told you last week that your countries share same position.
you should learn to read;
it asks to fight the terrorism, it asks for integrity to be respected, it asks for elections controlled by UNO
that's pretty good news for Syrian people.
elections will decide if Assad needs to leave . let the Syrian people decide their future;
I remember the State department pulled them off a while back. Not sure if they put them back on.

State department is not UNSC, you obviously know that. This statement says groups whose name is mentioned by UNSC.

they don't need any since West supports their presence there.

That's funny really, what other lie are you ready to say to justify your agenda?
Statement from today's meeting in Vienna. I think it's a well balanced and reasonable one, but Nusra, ISIS and their supporters are not going to like it. Also, Secular state of Syria will remain intact in any future government. It doesn't mention Assad and it requires defeat of ISIS and Nusra (without mentioning its name, but implying it) in order for any political solution to be implemented.

This statement has nothing in to stop war or even reduce murder by a tiny bit.

I don't know if Hezbollah is on that list or whether it is pulled off or not, can you share any document in that regard?

Unlike Nusra or ISIS terrorists, Hezbollah's goal is not ruling Syria. As soon as a political settlement is reached, they will go back to Lebanon and pull out of Syria.
According to UN Resolution 1701 Hezbollah is illegal and must be disarmed. Yet they are allowed to kill in Syria.
No idiot you learn to read, it says 'secular identity' ie Assad regime to remain, while current partition will stay in place but long term cease fire will be announced. In the 'cease fire' all Sunni groups will be targeted until 'defeat'.
"the rights of all syrians, regardless of religion, must be protected"
"elections will occur under UN supervision"

secular is not equal to assad . lot of other possibilities exist , lot of other people can lead the country.
secular doesn't mean someone sunni cannot rule the country.

it seems you have really problem to understand this is a very good chance for peace and removing Assad.
This statement has nothing in to stop war or even reduce murder by a tiny bit.

Yes it has, the number 9 parapgraph.

You want to end murder? Make rebels stop fighting, because SAA is ready to stop it any minute, it's the rebels that are craving for more blood. Those lunatics are insisting on fighting to last Syrian, even if they win in few years, no one will be alive or living in Syria anymore, so they will start eating each other like the savages they are.

According to UN Resolution 1701 Hezbollah is illegal and must be disarmed. Yet they are allowed to kill in Syria.

UNSC resolutions are worthless if only 5 countries get to decide for the world, that's why you never see a UNSC resolution demanding Israel to return occupied lands or face a military action. Basically it's the rule of jungle, hopefully it will be dismantled or extended to all countries.

And btw, Hezbollah hasn't killed anyone in Syria except rebels, ISIS, Nusra.
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Sorry but you have it wrong. First step is defeat 'terrorist groups' ie every armed Sunni group in the country which will lead to ethnic cleansing of Sunni's. Then the formation of 'inclusive governance' which by then no Sunni's will be in country and 'elections' will just be another scam. Where only certain people are allowed to run and turnout will be very low. No is fooling anyone here.
it is written only fight the terrorist ones, and by terrorist they even say the list used by UNSC (not Assad then)

you have a problem with UNSC list ? which group you don't consider terrrorist and they consider terrorist?
Those 'lunatics' are no 'lunatics', they have indescribable motivation which humans aren't capable of. Nobody knows how they are so determined, so they resort to calling them 'lunatics'. They won't stop until Iranahell, Arab regimes and Israhell come to an end, and when war on religion and good people ends. Morality will be restored to the planet under them.

Inshallah brother, Inshallah. Long live the Caliphate :tup:
Yes it has, the number 9 parapgraph.

You want to end murder? Make rebels stop fighting, because SAA is ready to stop it any minute, it's the rebels that are craving for more blood. Those lunatics are insisting on fighting to last Syrian, even if they win in few years, no one will be alive or living in Syria anymore, so they will start eating each other like the savages they are.
Document says that should be territorial unity and all institutions (including muhabarat, Shabiha and other scum) remained. That means enforcing all that scum on rebels. And one thing u are right: rebels ready to fight unlike Syrian Assad supporters.

UNSC resolutions are worthless if only 5 countries get to decide for the world,
15 countries actually. its only organization which has legal status.

that's why you never see a UNSC resolution demanding Israel to return occupied lands or face a military action.
There is resolution 242 which demands make peace in return for territories and which Hamas and ur scum puppets from PIJ refuse to recognize.

And btw, Hezbollah hasn't killed anyone in Syria except rebels, ISIS, Nusra.
Yeah their Falaq and Volcano rockets are very accurate. And blockade in which Hezbollah actively participated also did not kill any civilian. :tdown: BTW rebels Nusra and even ISIS are mostly Syrians unlike foreign mercenary scum called Hezbollah.
Alliance Syrian air force Mi-24 helicopter gunship bombs mujahids in Aleppo province.

A mosque in Hayyan in Aleppo province has been toppled by Alliance air strike.


During the past month Alliance Russian air force carried out 1391 sorties and destroyed 1623 mujahid infrastructure targets.

Vienna agreement regarding Syria


Alliance air power bringing the pain to mujahids.

Perhaps some totally dumb people still believe

that they are totally dumb as bombs :-)

How stupid is it to come up with such lame excuse? You didn't accept the support of Assad in 2012 and you you still don't do it in 2015. Perhaps god sent Jibrael with revelation upon Jihadists that people supporting Assad in 2012 have stopped doing it in 2015.

But the reality is this that FSA disappeared in 2015 with no support from Syrian people, and thus US is not even able to recruit for FSA. This is a real embarrassment.

What? Have you really read the article or what?
The article gave the full reference to the Polls that were conducted by Arab Gulf State organization, and surely they were not pro Assad.
Do yourself a favor and read the realities before opening up your mouth. It could save you from a lot of embarrassment.
Ah so you're suggesting peoples' opinions can't change over time?
I repeat: Articles from 2012 ARE NOT evidence of Syrians' views in 2015. Any sane human being knows that.
Now, for a survey of refugees (you know, the people running away from the conflict) and who they're running away from):
Care about refugees? Listen to them.
70% are fleeing Assad, 32% ISIS, 18% FSA, 17% Nusra, and 8% Kurds. (Multiple choices allowed.)
And much more on that matter. This, is actually a relevant piece of info, which is recent. Unlike your retarded 2012 crap.
Here's also something relevant, Syrians protesting in Vienna (in front of the "peace talks" meeting):

Once again explain to the readers how this tank column has anything to do with Russia bombing that bridge. In a rational strategic way explain what makes the Russians ignoramuses.

Why are you tap dancing around the subject? You can not even remember what you said in previous posts. Someone posted a video of a Russian air strike on a bridge. You called the Russians ignoramuses then went on to make some sarcastic statements about how Isis would not use armor or tanks to cross the bridge.

I then asked why the Russians are ignoramuses for destroying a bridge that cuts off Isis forces and prevents resuply. You then mention some far away random tank column, I asked you to prove to me that the bridge was destroyed because of this tank column and you failed to do so; moreover, you failed to explain why the Russians are so stupid for destroying a vital bridge that links Isis forces.

So far you have been caught with your pants down :lol:

Nice propaganda :lol: Russia has officially asked the US, NATO block countries and gulf states to confirm those reports and thus far no one has come forwards.

Most western sources are quoting the Syrian observatory for Human rights which is run by one man from his home in the UK, the man has not been in Syria for 15 years.

I recall western and Arab sources accusing Russia of hitting civilian targets by circulating an image that was taken 5 days before Russia started bombing. :lol: there are many countries including Arab and NATO block countries as well as the Syrian Air Force that are bombing ground targets; moreover, "rebel" and government forces are both using mortars, MLRSs, and even artillery yet when a civilian target is hit the blame is placed on Russia dispite no proof or proper investigation. Then again like many other lies that are coming out of western and Arab media sources it would not surprise me if there was no hospitals that were even hit.
Russians are ignoramuses because you're the one who doesn't know context.
500 linked a video of Jaish al Islam training in open desert and noted how Russia, with it's stronk surveillance taktiks, was not able to catch a JAI tank column in the open desert.
Then, some Russian troll posted a video of "accurate Russian airstrikes" in RESPONSE to 500's post about the JAI tank column. The whole video of Russians bombing a bridge was in response to the JAI tank column. And here you are, saying I'm the ignorant one. Idiot.

Since when did Russia need confirmation about something the SAA captured a year ago? NATO or Gulf states don't talk about what rebels capture. Therefore, your argument is stupid. Yet again. How surprising!
Morek has been held since 2014 by the SAA, unless rebels held that town for 1 year, raised the SAA flag, allowed SAA to operate within it, and only to withdraw now 1 year later so SAA can claim full recapture.
I don't care what westerners quote, I never quote SOHR myself, I quote SNHR, an entire network of activists on the ground who provide evidence of their claims. Unlike you Russian trolls.

I can post dozens of videos and pictures of results of Russian bombing, but I cannot due to the threads' restrictions. Otherwise, I can make you look like the complete fool that you are, not that I already haven't proven that point time and time again.

Statement from today's meeting in Vienna. I think it's a well balanced and reasonable one, but Nusra, ISIS and their supporters are not going to like it. Also, Secular state of Syria will remain intact in any future government. It doesn't mention Assad and it requires defeat of ISIS and Nusra (without mentioning its name, but implying it) in order for any political solution to be implemented.

How surprising. ISIS and Nusra, who killed 2,000 civilians max, absolutely must be destroyed.
Assad, who killed 179,000, yeah he can live.
"Secular character" :omghaha:
Me and most other Syrians know who wrote this, and it's definitely someone who is interested in keeping their influence in Syria, and that would be Russia. Not interested in saving Syrian lives or carrying out justice.
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Alliance ground grunts broke into Khan Tuman. Fierce fighting there.


Alliance captured Al-Duwayr in the northern Homs pocket.

Alliance captured Hose Al-'Admil in Damascus province.
Yeah their Falaq and Volcano rockets are very accurate. And blockade in which Hezbollah actively participated also did not kill any civilian. :tdown: BTW rebels Nusra and even ISIS are mostly Syrians unlike foreign mercenary scum called Hezbollah.

Being 'Syrian' doesn't mean one can not be a scum and certainly doesn't give them immunity to do anything they want. They are terrorists, simple as that. About Hezbollah, you are the last person to talk about it, doesn't matter at all. It has zero credibility.

How surprising. ISIS and Nusra, who killed 2,000 civilians max, absolutely must be destroyed.
Assad, who killed 179,000, yeah he can live.
"Secular character" :omghaha:
Me and most other Syrians know who wrote this, and it's definitely someone who is interested in keeping their influence in Syria, and that would be Russia. Not interested in saving Syrian lives or carrying out justice.

Yeah, Assad actually killed 1 billion Syrians, let's see what you'll get by creating random numbers. The best solution for Syria is to remain secular, otherwise it will lead to another war if this one stops, especially considering the number of bloodthirsty thugs willing to kill others for a Caliphate.


Meanwhile, 2 of anti-ISIS activists belonging to famous page, Raqqa is being slaughtered silently were found beheaded in Turkish city of Urfa. It's a very suspicious situation, nobody knows how ISIS might have identified them, but ISIS cells in Turkey are thought to be the culprits.


Nice shot.

Terror of mujahids. Alliance Mi-24 helicopter gunships.

15 nations unveil Syria peace plan

Alliance whitey soldier from Russia.



I thought Peshmarga was in Iraq...YPG and other groups across border don't get along with Turkey even though they deploy from Turkish territory. As for Raqqa, I don't see major offensive there anytime soon. If it does happen, that means Turkey would get lots of credit. Question is Kurds will commit abuses or ethnically cleanse Arabs then turn the land into their own provinces which is why it won't work. Having air support won't help them, because they suck at ground fighting and don't have local support.


Why is media saying US is sending special forces to 'opposition'? They aren't, they're sending them to Kurds in order to force Turkey to end any strikes against Kurdish forces on border. If there are any Arabs involved it would only be a small FSA faction that has no influence.

Jenan MoussaVerified account ‏@jenanmoussa 5h5 hours ago
CNN: "US special forces heading to Kurdish region in N-#Syria." Obviously they cant go anywhere else cz U.S backed FSA too weak 2 host them.

Germany also send "advisors" to PKK in the rabit holes of Iraq. That didn't stop us from busting out those rabid holes. It is confirmed that Germany lost several agents during those attacks. PKK and linked group opened up a war against Turkey so it won't stop our air strikes.
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