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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)


Why do not you share some news and videos of the conflict in your country rather than ruining this thread with your hand-written posts? Everytime I come in looking for some updates I find your ridiculous posts..
He writes whatever he wants.
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Kurds with CC help captured Sarrin.

Jaysh al Fatah starts new offensive in Idlib.

Hezbollah and Iran entered Syria in full force in 2012 to save Assad
Hezbollah entered full force in march 2013. Same time Assad started using starvation policy against Ghouta towns.
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SNHR is completely biased. On its main page, it claims, "Syrian Network for Human Rights is an independent neutrality non-governmental human rights organization,"
but reading any of the reports, one can see the obvious bias. For example, in the June 1 report, one of its recommendation is,
"To press on the states that are supporting government forces such as Russia, Iran,and Lebanon in order to stop the flow of weapons and expertise to government forces after it was proven that these resources are being used in crimes against humanity and war crimes which applies as well on the states and individuals that support extremist groups, PYD forces, and some of the armed opposition factions."

Obviously, no mention of any of the countries that supported, financially, politically, and militarily, to the rise of the terrorists? How does a narrative like that reconcile with the claim that it is an independent neutral organization?
You're looking at it from a biased perspective.
According to all the evidence they have (which is PLENTY), the government forces were using their weapons for war crimes. Therefore, the flow of weapons to them must be stopped.
They also clearly stated that the flow of weapons should stop to others who commit war crimes, such as PYD, some opposition, and extremists. But of course you'll only look at one side.
Ridicilous. USA doesnt share border with ISIS, and have no worry about direct effects of a conflict with them. Contrary to Turkiye.
But anything bad that happens will be blamed on the U.S. - that's what your previous comment about "blackmail" meant, yes?


Turkey, US to create ‘ISIL-free zone’ inside Syria

Turkey and the United States have agreed on a military action plan with the objective of clearing the Turkish-Syrian border of jihadist terrorists in what the two countries have called the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)-free zone.
Turkey's "military action plan" envisages not just killing jihadis but Kurds as well. Which immediately causes split in Turkey's own Kurdish electorate, probably to Erdogan's advantage. I imagine this means that instead of a coalition government a new election will be called in Turkey instead - and the AKP will do better than the last time, having bolstered both its "nationalist" (i.e., anti-Kurdish) base and discouraging Kurds from voting or seeking arrangements with parties other than the AKP. Then maybe he gets those dictator-like powers he sought before the last election, right?

According to all the evidence they have (which is PLENTY), the government forces were using their weapons for war crimes. Therefore, the flow of weapons to them must be stopped.
Giving a knife to a cook helps make a delicious meal. Giving a knife in the hands of a known psychopath promotes murder.
1:36 & 1:52 СС airstrikes at IS positions at Sarrin:

One B-1B worth more than all Assad air force :)
Jaysh al Fateh offensive on the last regime pockets in Idlib near the Ghab plain has taken Tell A'war, Tell Wisat, Tell Elias, & Jazara barrier.

A regime airstrike on Douma killed 6 people today, and injured dozens. Whole block damaged or flattened.

On a happier note...
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Military factories in Safaria, Aleppo blown up. Conflicting reports blaming:

-ISIS rocket shelling
-FSA tunnel bombs
-Turkish Air Strikes


Al Jazeera claiming explosions as result of aerial strikes. ISIS is claiming responsibility though. Claiming 25 homemade rocket barrage.


Гарик Харламов ‏@gentllle_man 1m1 minute agoMoscow, Russia
#Syria update: A'amaq agency: #IS media account claiming bombing of regime's ammunition depot in #Safirah with 25 homemade rockets.

Rami ‏@RamiAlLolah 1h1 hour ago
#BreakingNews Eyewitnesses claim unidentified fighter jets bombarded #Assad army air-defense units in Safira a while ago.. #Aleppo #Syria

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#Iran: A Foreign 'Adviser' was Killed in Syria

Name: Muhammad Ibraheemi
Nationality: Afghan

Source (Farsi): Ahlulbayt News Agency
#Iran: An Imperialist was Killed in Syria

Name: Rouhullah Mousawi
The other one is Jawad Kohsari, he was killed in Iraq's Al-Fallouja. At least he was fighting Da'ish, unlike Gollum who was searching for the Lost Shrine.

Source (Farsi): Ahlulbayt News Agency
#Beirut: The Mutual Relationship Between Iran and Lebanon | Daily News Analysis

Unfortunately, everything he said is true.
Who knows, no one knows what he did to it but his inner circle. It's not like any person who has any dignity will be buying his "Qur'an." So the only "sources" for evidence of his editing will be his "scholars."
He even changed the Trinity (Allah, Souriya, Bashar). Christian children are being baptized using Muslim children blood who are being killed by Bashar and he even ordered the churches to exchange the crucified Jesus with a crucified Hafizh | Bashar. I mean come on.
Why are they so ridiculous?
Nothing ridiculous, but I think you shouldn't reply to any random claim made by anyone unless they get real. For example, they have been trying to say that they 'would have supported the rebels' but they are 'not peaceful | immoderate'. They keep repeating the same baseless allegation and if I had to take it seriously I'll remind everyone of the following :

The regime had been trying to demonize the demonstrations since March 2011 but failed horribly, back in November 2011 when the regime felt losing the international community, Waleed Al-Mu'allim (the Foreign Minister) held a press conference to discredit the anti-regime demonstrations. Al-Mu'allim tried to pass off old footages from outside Syria to discredit the anti-government demonstrations :

1. A video for a supposedly 'terrorist training' in Latakia. It's false, it was videotaped in Bab Al-Tabbané in Lebanon's Tripoli, back in 2008. When the Lebanese heard of that, some people took to streets to protest over the misuse of the video in 2011.

2. A video that shows a man in suffering after having been attacked in Jisr Al-Shughour. Truth is, the video belongs to May 2010 and was videotaped in Ketermaya (Lebanon). The victim is an Egyptian man who was suspected of having committed a crime, he was beaten to death by a crowd.

From March 2011 to November 2011, eight months of supposedly 'terrorist' activities and our super-intelligence couldn't find anything but brought OLD VIDEOS from OUTSIDE SYRIA, and now in 2015 some random apologists who might have never heard of Syria before 2013 are trying to discredit the demonstrations and say 'they were not peaceful'. The Foreign Minister himself was caught lying (let alone the entire 'resistance'), are their fans any better ?. On the other hand, we've got so many videos of the 'resistance' committing crimes against protesters back in 2011.

There is a difference between Al-Assad supporters and Al-Assad apologists.
You're looking at it from a biased perspective.
According to all the evidence they have (which is PLENTY), the government forces were using their weapons for war crimes. Therefore, the flow of weapons to them must be stopped.
They also clearly stated that the flow of weapons should stop to others who commit war crimes, such as PYD, some opposition, and extremists. But of course you'll only look at one side.

Yes, but notice they have ONLY mentioned Lebanon (which they mean Hezbollah), Iran, and Russia. No other states are mentioned by name. This means that they are obviously biased. Several other reports also do the exact same thing.
Rebels captured main objective of the offensive - Frikka and thermal electric plant + many other small villages and barriers.

Apologies. Thats not Frikka but entrance to Frikka:

Wikimapia - Let's describe the whole world!

Thermal plant is not confirmed yet either although they are very close:

In yellow are marked confirmed points. Blue - unconfirmed:

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