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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Wait a minute, for a second I wanted to say why do you lie? Then I remembered, almost everything you write here is a lie, hence no problem.
Obviously, you bring no evidence to back up your claim. I would like you to bring tangible, and respectable evidence (i.e. not Al-Masdar, SANA, PressTV, RT, or whatever other retarded channel you worship) that the rebels are somehow responsible for this entire mess, and that they are the ones who shot civilian protesters, bombed cities with the Air Force indiscriminately, flattened entire blocks with Scud missiles and artillery, used chemical weapons, released ISI prisoners...I'd like to see how you can put that blame on the rebels. I'd like to see how you can put the blame the rebels for an Air Force plane killing 7 of my family members, how the rebels executed my grand uncle in 1982, how the rebels killed another 3 of my family (yes, the total number is now 10 killed by this current Asshead) through artillery...I'd like to see, how all of these scenarios, are completely and utterly at the hands of the rebels, and that Iran, Assad, Hezbollah, are completely free of any responsibility, even though they are the very ones who started armed conflict in the first place and prolonged it. Please do bring on your "evidence" since you seem so confident.
Wasn't it something that ISIS did ?
AFAIK, ISIS did not edit the Qur'an.
But going with your logic....
"Israel oppresses Palestinians, therefore we must do so too!" - Iran
Although you guys have already succeeded at doing that. :)
Obviously, you bring no evidence to back up your claim. I would like you to bring tangible, and respectable evidence (i.e. not Al-Masdar, SANA, PressTV, RT, or whatever other retarded channel you worship) that the rebels are somehow responsible for this entire mess, and that they are the ones who shot civilian protesters, bombed cities with the Air Force indiscriminately, flattened entire blocks with Scud missiles and artillery, used chemical weapons, released ISI prisoners...I'd like to see how you can put that blame on the rebels. I'd like to see how you can put the blame the rebels for an Air Force plane killing 7 of my family members, how the rebels executed my grand uncle in 1982, how the rebels killed another 3 of my family (yes, the total number is now 10 killed by this current Asshead) through artillery...I'd like to see, how all of these scenarios, are completely and utterly at the hands of the rebels, and that Iran, Assad, Hezbollah, are completely free of any responsibility, even though they are the very ones who started armed conflict in the first place and prolonged it. Please do bring on your "evidence" since you seem so confident.

I was talking about your claim that Assad 'edited' Quran, as if he changed it or something. :what:

This 'Assad bad' rebels good debate? I have had it hundreds of times here. This war is beyond that now. I have just arrived home now and am too tired for that again. This mess could have been stopped if foreign countries did not try to 'enforce revolution down the throats of Syria by all means possible. For your info, Iran/Hezbollah entered the scene after other foreigners started meddling in Syria. Had it not happened, perhaps a peaceful resolution would have been achieved or one side had already won the battle.
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rocket assisted mortar?
I was talking about your claim that Assad 'edited' Quran, as if he changed it or something. :what:

This 'Assad bad' rebels good debate? I have had it hundreds of times here. This war is beyond that now. I have just arrived home now and am too tired for that again. This mess could have been stopped if foreign countries did not try to 'enforce revolution down the throats of Syria by all means possible. For your info, Iran/Hezbollah entered the scene after other foreigners started meddling in Syria. Had it not happened, perhaps a peaceful resolution would have been achieved or one side had already won the battle.
Who knows, no one knows what he did to it but his inner circle. It's not like any person who has any dignity will be buying his "Qur'an." So the only "sources" for evidence of his editing will be his "scholars."

Oh please.
These are official statistics according to SNHR:
186,000 civilians killed total
177,000 killed by regime.
That was as of early 2015.
That leaves 9,000 civilian deaths to be shared by rebels, ISIS, Kurds, Druze, and Nusra.
But but but Assad is a good guy! :(
Hezbollah and Iran entered Syria in full force in 2012 to save Assad, after the Damascus Volcano operation to free Damascus failed (thanks to them, + Republican guard and Air Force + inferior rebel organization, tactics, training, and even manpower.)
Hezbollah, was involved ever since 2011, albeit a lot less than 2012.
Nusra, was involved ever since September 2011, but really gained traction only in late-2012, *after* the failed rebel assault.

Why do not you share some news and videos of the conflict in your country rather than ruining this thread with your hand-written posts? Everytime I come in looking for some updates I find your ridiculous posts..
Who knows, no one knows what he did to it but his inner circle. It's not like any person who has any dignity will be buying his "Qur'an." So the only "sources" for evidence of his editing will be his "scholars."

Oh please.
These are official statistics according to SNHR:
186,000 civilians killed total
177,000 killed by regime.
That was as of early 2015.
That leaves 9,000 civilian deaths to be shared by rebels, ISIS, Kurds, Druze, and Nusra.
But but but Assad is a good guy! :(
Hezbollah and Iran entered Syria in full force in 2012 to save Assad, after the Damascus Volcano operation to free Damascus failed (thanks to them, + Republican guard and Air Force + inferior rebel organization, tactics, training, and even manpower.)
Hezbollah, was involved ever since 2011, albeit a lot less than 2012.
Nusra, was involved ever since September 2011, but really gained traction only in late-2012, *after* the failed rebel assault.

Bashar and friends are way lesser evil than terrorist scum.

SAA will be victorious :agree:


Why do not you share some news and videos of the conflict in your country rather than ruining this thread with your hand-written posts? Everytime I come in looking for some updates I find your ridiculous posts..
Why are they so ridiculous? I know what I say is hard to grasp for the nationalistic Arabs...but eh. Fine, I'll grant you your wish.
Southern Storm firing DShKs at regime positions:
Clashes in Dara'a:
Shelling military positions in Damascus with mortars:
Hell Cannon shells Fua'a and Kefarya:
A music video if you're into these kinds of things:
Hell Cannons being used in Direct Fire in Aleppo:
Mortar shells + MG fire:
‫جبهة الأصالة والتنمية عاصفة الجنوب استهداف عصابات الأسد في درعا اصدار رقم {2}‬‎ - YouTube
Islamic Front in 1 week:
‫الجبهة الإسلامية في أسبوع [68] 26-7-2015‬‎ - YouTube
Shelling military base in Nubl and Zahraa:
‫الفوج الأول || حلب || استهداف ثكنات حزب اللات والحرس الثوري الإيراني في معسكري نبل والزهراء‬‎ - YouTube
Shelling Assad-regime positions in Aleppo:
‫الفوج الأول || حلب || دك معاقل قوات الاسد بقذائف المدفعية على جبهة عزيزة‬‎ - YouTube

Is that enough? :)

Bashar and friends are way lesser evil than terrorist scum.

SAA will be victorious :agree:
So...Bashar kills 177,000 people (including 10 of my family members), while the rest of the 5 factions kill 9,000 combined...but Bashar is better.
How about you stick to the United States, you clearly have no idea what happens outside of it. When a 16 year old knows more than you you're doing it wrong.
So...Bashar kills 177,000 people (including 10 of my family members), while the rest of the 5 factions kill 9,000 combined...but Bashar is better.
How about you stick to the United States, you clearly have no idea what happens outside of it. When a 16 year old knows more than you you're doing it wrong.

blame the rebels and foreign dogs and the international community.

when the opposition holes up in cities and towns and hide amongst civilians and won't let them leave that's on them.

it's not like two armies hashing out in the open on even ground.
blame the rebels and foreign dogs and the international community.

when the opposition holes up in cities and towns and hide amongst civilians and won't let them leave that's on them.

it's not like two armies hashing out in the open on even ground.
Ah that retarded argument again.
If you're in a hostage situation, you don't blow up the entire building with the hostages inside, you go in tactically and defeat the kidnappers. Obviously this is purely metaphorical, since the rebels aren't taking any innocents hostage, but that's your claim.
Ah that retarded argument again.
If you're in a hostage situation, you don't blow up the entire building with the hostages inside, you go in tactically and defeat the kidnappers. Obviously this is purely metaphorical, since the rebels aren't taking any innocents hostage, but that's your claim.

you make it sound easy. just go in and kill the kidnappers.

urban combat is a death trap. especially when the enemy has RPGs and ATGMs

shame SAA doesn't have precision weapons and has to resort to dumb bombs and rockets, but so does the opposition. they shell indiscriminately as well do they not?
you make it sound easy. just go in and kill the kidnappers.

urban combat is a death trap. especially when the enemy has RPGs and ATGMs

shame SAA doesn't have precision weapons and has to resort to dumb bombs and rockets, but so does the opposition. they shell indiscriminately as well do they not?
It is pretty easy. You look at all special ops teams in hostage situations, they suffer minimal casualties (usually 0 on most missions) and some injured, but most of the time they're fine. An Army could easily do the same with the right training.
ATGMs are rarely used in Urban combat. They're useless there.
Regime had plenty of RPGs and weapons for the rebels' RPGs, too. So there goes that.
SyAAF does have precision weapons, they've used them sparsely, but most of the time they use dumb weapons.
Here are the following areas shelled indiscriminately by the rebels:
Nubl, Zahraa, Kefarya, Fua'a. All 4 are fortified regime villages with most civilians evacuated. That doesn't justify the indiscriminate shelling in any way, shape, or form, but it kills a lot less than regime's shelling. Rebels aim at regime targets, but since most weaponry they use is old or DIY, it often isn't accurate or just misfires.
Who knows, no one knows what he did to it but his inner circle. It's not like any person who has any dignity will be buying his "Qur'an." So the only "sources" for evidence of his editing will be his "scholars."

Oh please.
These are official statistics according to SNHR:
186,000 civilians killed total
177,000 killed by regime.
That was as of early 2015.
That leaves 9,000 civilian deaths to be shared by rebels, ISIS, Kurds, Druze, and Nusra.
But but but Assad is a good guy! :(
Hezbollah and Iran entered Syria in full force in 2012 to save Assad, after the Damascus Volcano operation to free Damascus failed (thanks to them, + Republican guard and Air Force + inferior rebel organization, tactics, training, and even manpower.)
Hezbollah, was involved ever since 2011, albeit a lot less than 2012.
Nusra, was involved ever since September 2011, but really gained traction only in late-2012, *after* the failed rebel assault.

SNHR is completely biased. On its main page, it claims, "Syrian Network for Human Rights is an independent neutrality non-governmental human rights organization,"
but reading any of the reports, one can see the obvious bias. For example, in the June 1 report, one of its recommendation is,
"To press on the states that are supporting government forces such as Russia, Iran,and Lebanon in order to stop the flow of weapons and expertise to government forces after it was proven that these resources are being used in crimes against humanity and war crimes which applies as well on the states and individuals that support extremist groups, PYD forces, and some of the armed opposition factions."

Obviously, no mention of any of the countries that supported, financially, politically, and militarily, to the rise of the terrorists? How does a narrative like that reconcile with the claim that it is an independent neutral organization?
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