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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

One day after arranging for U.S. use of Incirlik, so now instead of bombing ISIS themselves they will be backing up Turkish forces. Can't be a coincidence...has this been Turkey's strategy all along, to get the Arabs to fight themselves to the death and then step in as the "savior" of the few survivors, backed by much more effective U.S. air support? Is this the new Ottoman Empire at work?

Obama probably blackmailed Erdogan to open Incirlik base. But today's clashes was small scale contrary to media outcry. Deliberate overstatement of what has happened. USA tries to use TAF as pawn.


Alawites & Assyrians fight together against Kurds. Nice.
Obama probably blackmailed Erdogan to open Incirlik base. But today's clashes was small scale contrary to media outcry. Deliberate overstatement of what has happened. USA tries to use TAF as pawn.


Alawites & Assyrians fight together against Kurds. Nice.
It was Sootoro who fought, who are regime allied. Sutoro still allied with Kurds. Christians split as always, just like everyone else in the country.
It looks like no body has an answer why do the foreign 'advisers', 'protectors of the lost shrine', 'resisters', 'volunteers' or whatever nonsensical term you use, why do they attack the rebels rather than Da'ish in Al-Raqqa, Tadmur, Al-Hasaka or Deir Al-Zour ?, those are the orphans of the last rebel-held district in Homs, and reason why the 'moderate resistance' leveled large areas of the city :

WARNING: Shiites of Ameer Al-Mu'mineen (as), please, for the love of Ahlul-Bayt (as) do NOT watch or read anything, you may lose your head at some point and we'll be blamed for it.

#Homs: Your Happiness is Our Eid | Besieged, Rebel-Held Al-Wa'er District
- July 18th, 2015
Summary :
(01:25) - Little 'zionists' are training, some of the lyrics are :
"To Heaven We Will Go ... Martyrs in the Millions" - "عـالـجنــة رايـحـين ... شـهـداء بالـمـلايـيـن"
Those were ones of the first lyrics used by the people of Dar'a in 2011 after they had been massacred several times and some children were killed. They never said 'Alawites to grave ... Christians to Lebanon', they just said that they (Sunnis) are going to Heaven by millions, no one else was going anywhere.
(02:35) - The same little 'zionists' are training, this time performing the 'foreign' Da'ishi dance.
(08:54) - A little 'zionist' reads some of Surat Yaseen, unfortunately, I'm surprised that the Holy Qur'an has become a sign of being 'immoderate | terrorist | Islamist', that's the logic of those who consider themselves 'moderate Muslims' of an 'Islamic' country.
Should have sung anything from scums like Haifa Wehbe to prove herself not 'Wahhabi' for those 'moderate Muslims' and the wannabe 'heroes' | 'resisters'.
(12:27) - The same 'Takfiris' are performing, the remix version of the stinky Saleel Al-Sawarim 'nasheed' can be heard in the background. Don't forget about that 'evil' flag in the background which is a million times worse than that of Da'ish.
(13:38) - Beware!, a bearded guy!.
(13:42) - A woman in a blue jeans, it looks like the 'brothers' of Taliban are not as 'good' as Taliban. They forgot to 'crucify' her.

You know what being 'moderate' is all about ?, it is when you scratch the head of your child and enjoy seeing them bleed. Have so much blood ?, I'd suggest volunteering but don't tell me that foreigners (Iranians | Afghans | Azerbaijanis | et alii) care for those orphans more than their parents, who had been killed by the barrels of compassion. These are the 'cannibals | terrorists' whom @Syrian Lion was so very happy to see them being killed and their homes being destroyed back in 2014 (here or here).
Iraq's Mawsil is a part of Sham, while Syria's Deir Al-Zour is a part of Iraq, everything was done by France and Britain :

Author: Ali Al-Tantawi (Arabic: علي الطنطاوي)
Book title: Memories | Thikrayat (Arabic: ذكريات)
Volume: 4
Page(s): Partially from (152)

You can find the book here.
True. But I still don't know why would anyone rush into this thread with a pro-giraffe avatar ?, a recruited troll.
I'd suggest Al-Alam and Press TV, they both are 'indigenous Syrian' and their HQs are in Tehran, 'Syria'.
Or a 'high quality news network' like Al-Masdar News which is a random website run by one sectarian clown whose name is Leith Abou Fadel :

He claims to be Aleppan and lives in Ayn Anoub, Lebanon (oh no he is 'not' exiled at all !). I can clearly see another goat thief up there.

@Dr.Thrax, do you have any idea what nasheed is being played at (12:30) ?, any help is highly appreciated and thank you anyway (btw it's a children nasheed :ashamed:).
Thank you, everywhere insha'Allah.
Sorry for my late reply, I am too busy.
Great Post!
But I only know military nasheeds, sorry. I'll ask around and see if anyone else knows.

In other news, IS sent a carbomb against Nusra in Azaz. It killed no one but the suicidal idiot, Alhamdulilah. Rebels have also taken the al-Moura and al-Karazat checkpoints in Zabadani, continuing their hit and run strategy, which is working flawlessly vs. Hezbollah.
Meanwhile, there was a huge Ghab plain battle that was widely unreported in English but was reported in Arabic. Rebels essentially have won the Ghab plain.

They lost Khirbet al Naqus and Tall Wisat but they gained a whole lot of other villages.
Just as I said. Turkey is not going to be used as a pawn against Russia/Iran in Syria. Turkey has its own security issues with PKK terrorists. As long as Obama doesn't drop bombs on PKK for the bombing they did in Suruc we shouldn't trust the US. At this point I don't trust the US for one bit. We already got burnt by the US by siding with them in the first place. They dragged us in the mess and now they are supporting PKK and what not.
One day after arranging for U.S. use of Incirlik, so now instead of bombing ISIS themselves they will be backing up Turkish forces. Can't be a coincidence...has this been Turkey's strategy all along, to get the Arabs to fight themselves to the death and then step in as the "savior" of the few survivors, backed by much more effective U.S. air support? Is this the new Ottoman Empire at work?

If so, somebody somewhere seriously messed up the calculations. Guess who that someone might be?
(Hint: He loves twitter so much :lol:)
Funeral of 3 PKK/YPG terrorists. Not an Islamic funeral. PKK apparently achieved to reshape Kurds' traditions.

America is much better with regards to racism than so much of the Arab world. You know this even if you don't admit it. The way that many Arabs treat those of African descent is disgraceful, much more so than anything that happens here. Racism and bigotry are highlighted here because it's a society that always evaluates itself and tries to advance despite how much the more hateful parts of the populace resist those advances.
it is so true.
and for Europe there is much racism but indeed it can be explained by so much of foreign population changed the "faces" of the countries . Europe changed . in a century it won't be anymore a white people region . white people will be less and less and their culture / civilizations are just getting more and more insignificant
just for exemple religion in France: their religion disappears , islam is growing very fast
they can see it quite easily too

the strong changes in societies are not the best way for peace
especially when there is such change in a society with no "equality for everyone" like in France , a country where to be well born (from specific social classes) is very important for success in life. (not at all like in USA
where people can still succeed and build something)
as French say themselves: France is good for the people who don't want to work and ask social help
and USA is good for the people who want to work hard
so guess i prefer USA
it is so true.
and for Europe there is much racism but indeed it can be explained by so much of foreign population changed the "faces" of the countries . Europe changed . in a century it won't be anymore a white people region . white people will be less and less and their culture / civilizations are just getting more and more insignificant
just for exemple religion in France: their religion disappears , islam is growing very fast
they can see it quite easily too

the strong changes in societies are not the best way for peace
especially when there is such change in a society with no "equality for everyone" like in France , a country where to be well born (from specific social classes) is very important for success in life. (not at all like in USA
where people can still succeed and build something)
as French say themselves: France is good for the people who don't want to work and ask social help
and USA is good for the people who want to work hard
so guess i prefer USA

Can you enlighten us on the situation of France more, please?

Most of the sources say: 5-6% Muslim Berbers, 4% Blacks.
Obama probably blackmailed Erdogan to open Incirlik base. But today's clashes was small scale contrary to media outcry. Deliberate overstatement of what has happened. USA tries to use TAF as pawn.
More like Turkey using the USA as its pawn and scape-goat, isn't it?
Can you enlighten us on the situation of France more, please?

Most of the sources say: 5-6% Muslim Berbers, 4% Blacks.

85% white French, rest mostly North African and black. About 15% total, including Asians.

Turkey, US to create ‘ISIL-free zone’ inside Syria

Turkey and the United States have agreed on a military action plan with the objective of clearing the Turkish-Syrian border of jihadist terrorists in what the two countries have called the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)-free zone.

This action plan was part of a comprehensive deal between the two allies which has been seen a “a game changer” in the fight against ISIL by the United States administration, whose warplanes will be able to use this region’s most strategic military base in İncirlik as part of its aerial campaign against jihadist positions.
The ISIL-free zone will be 98 kilometers long and 40 kilometers wide and situated between the Mare-Jarablus line. A good portion of this area is currently under ISIL control, and Turkey already vowed it would not tolerate the jihadists posing a threat to the Turkish border.

Sources emphasized they have opted to call it the “ISIL-free zone” instead of a “security or safe zone” because the objections raised by Washington, who refrained from giving the wrong message to the Syrian regime, as well as Russia and Iran. The idea of the name is to show that the main objective of this Turkish-American joint fight is eliminating ISIL in this particular area and not fighting the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

The aerial campaign will be largely carried out by U.S. jets deployed to the İncirlik base and Turkish participation will be considered only when necessary, sources stressed. However, this aerial protection will not be classified as an effort to build a no-fly zone over Syrian airspace. Together with aerial strikes, Turkish long-range artillery units will also be used if necessary.

Turkey had already reinforced its military presence along the Turkish border, especially across the Mare-Jarablus line, after ISIL began to advance to northwestern Syria in a bid to threaten the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and to spark a fresh refugee influx towards Turkey.

FSA to control the emptied zone

The plan crafted by Ankara and Washington foresees the deployment of FSA units to this area if ISIL is completely cleared from that particular zone, which would both prevent the Syrian Democratic Union Party (PYD) from further expanding its influence towards the West and create a safe environment for either sheltering Syrians fleeing violence or those who want to return to their homelands.

Turkey is currently hosting at least 1.8 million Syrians in its territories, with around 265,000 of them in refugee camps. There have been concerns ISIL’s drive through the populous Western parts of Syria could spark fresh refugee inflows into Turkey.

Turkey, US to create ‘ISIL-free zone’ inside Syria - DIPLOMACY
Groupes ethniques en France — Wikipédia
only immigrants and direct children of immigrants themselves are 19%
40% of new born kids are from direct immigrants (one parent at least immigrant)
it means they make two more times kids . sorry being OT ; :D

Well, let's hope they integrate into society and call themselves French after a while.
Confused Assad supporters on this forum


make fake pictures, add "mehr news in it " and publish it only in fanatics websites (mostly salafis and saudi ones)
then you get what is named " an extremist anti shia propaganda"
at least the good point of it is that it shows how you hate shias
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