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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Ali Khamenei, the current leader of Iran says: Accusing Muslims of being a 'Wahabi' was Colonialism's tactic. The book was written by him decades ago (46 years ago).

He says in his book: "Musalmanan dar nahzat azadi Hindustan (Muslims in the Indian freedom cause)" pg. 35-36:

یکی از حربه های کوبنده ای که دستگاه استعمار بر ضد این جمعیت (علمای هند) بکار می برد ، متهم کردن آنان به وهابی گری بود ... ... و تاکنون همچنان این حربه باقی است و نقش شیطانی خود را که همان ایجاد فاصله میان قشرهای وسیع مسلمین است ایفا می کند .
"One of the tactics the Colonialism would use against this community (Scholars of India) was accusing them of being 'Wahabis'...and to this day this tactic remains and plays its satanic role in creating differences between the large segments of Muslims".

Today he and Shia scholars use this satanic tactic against Sunni Muslims.
If u think the animals who are killing people of Syria and Syrian army are muslim and are not Wahhabis, then u are an idiot. Anyone who encourage, fatwa to kill or jihad against muslims or support their terror idea is a Wahhabi.
If u think the animals who are killing people of Syria and Syrian army are muslim and are not Wahhabis, then u are an idiot. Anyone who encourage, fatwa to kill or jihad against muslims or support their terror idea is a Wahhabi.

mussana is extremist wahabi trash. He has a deep hatred of Shia and Iran and believes somehow Shia muslims are working with america and israel yet he ignores sunni arabs countries alliance with USA and tacit support of Israel. He's on various disqus enabled websites spreading hate.
mussana is extremist wahabi trash. He has a deep hatred of Shia and Iran and believes somehow Shia muslims are working with america and israel yet he ignores sunni arabs countries alliance with USA and tacit support of Israel. He's on various disqus enabled websites spreading hate.
and he is so courageous that he is using false flag. typical extremist.
If u think the animals who are killing people of Syria and Syrian army are muslim and are not Wahhabis, then u are an idiot. Anyone who encourage, fatwa to kill or jihad against muslims or support their terror idea is a Wahhabi.

I like how Iranians accuse anyone working against them as "Wahabi" and takfiring them, the exact same thing as ISIS, Iranians and ISIS are two sides of the same coin.
I like how Iranians accuse anyone working against them as "Wahabi" and takfiring them, the exact same thing as ISIS, Iranians and ISIS are two sides of the same coin.
that's the problem with the saudi hatred towards Iranians: instead of saying "some of the Iranians or shia extremists" they say "Iranians"
ISIS is an extremist group
Iranian is not an extremist group
And this guy he walked on my nerves by his stupid comment which says that ALL religious people in Iran are extremists. that's the problem of people fantasming and who never been in Iran to meet bad AND good guys. world is not black or white. so is for Iran. and so is for shias.
that's the problem with the saudi hatred towards Iranians: instead of saying "some of the Iranians or shia extremists" they say "Iranians"
ISIS is an extremist group
Iranian is not an extremist group
And this guy he walked on my nerves by his stupid comment which says that ALL religious people in Iran are extremists. that's the problem of people fantasming and who never been in Iran to meet bad AND good guys. world is not black or white. so is for Iran. and so is for shias.

I agree I should have written "Some" thank you for correcting me. I don't ever want to fall in the generalizing people category, it is first step towards hate and I literally have myself psychological therapy to rid myself of generalizing Iranian hate.

Hate is a very dark path that eventually leads to an extremist point of view, and I would hate to fall back in it again, but this forum is clearly bad in that regard.

Again thank you for correcting me.
mussana is extremist wahabi trash. He has a deep hatred of Shia and Iran and believes somehow Shia muslims are working with america and israel yet he ignores sunni arabs countries alliance with USA and tacit support of Israel. He's on various disqus enabled websites spreading hate.
He's also active in Aljazeera comments section
I like how Iranians accuse anyone working against them as "Wahabi" and takfiring them, the exact same thing as ISIS, Iranians and ISIS are two sides of the same coin.

Yes, it's quite amusing. Crying about Takfirism all while being engaged in that more than any other nationality on PDF. Once anyone ever says a bad word about their lovely regime or country they are labeled as a "Wahhabi" regardless of where they are from, their political views, religion etc.

Anyway Daesh and the Mullah regime and their supporters are indeed two sides of the same coin or at least the same currency.

A theocratic isolated hellhole hellbent on exporting terrorism and sectarianism while crying about the same when their proxies are targeted or when they face a similar monster (Daesh). A regime outside of religion that is famous for oppressing its ethnic minorities. A fascist regime.

This can happen when you are a small ethnic minority in the MENA region and when you are a Shia as victimhood is a key component of that sect.

In any case we should be cautious here and not forget that Shia Islam originates in Hijaz and that there are more Arab Shias than Farsis but their Shia Islam is not even remotely close to Khomeini's (a Indian/Farsi falsely claiming to be a Sayyid) invention which is the "Wilayat al Faqih" and that the Shia heartland is in Najaf and Karbala and the majority of the Mullah's there reject that Farsi invention.

Our or at least my problem is not with Shias at all. Hell not even with Farsis outside the anti-Arab ones. It's the Mullah regime and their system (recent sect within Shia Islam), foreign policy and their supporters that are the problem. In regards to the Arab world. What they do within their own country is their problem and I got nothing to do with it.

Daesh arose due to Western political failures in the ME and the meddling of the Mullah's. Anyway Daesh as a movement is temporary and has no chance of becoming a regional player on the long run unless Syria turns into a new Afghanistan (maybe the Mullah's should meddle there instead to help their starving and poverty ridden cousins the Tajiks) or Somalia.

The Mullah's project of limiting Arab Sunni Muslim hegemony in the Levant is a mission that was doomed to fail from the get go and will have bigger repercussions than benefits on the long run for the Mullah's. The longer they try to prevent that the more powerful the repercussions will be. Mark my words.

The Syrians will regain their freedom from the Child-Murderer (Al-Assad) and the terrorist groups that came to life inside Syria thanks to his crimes (Daesh, Al-Nusra) and the Shia terrorist militias. It can't be otherwise as most Syrians are not supporting either of those 3. At most just choosing the "best of the worst" depending on which Syrian you ask.

Ultimately all the regimes and dictators in the Arab and Muslim world will be removed and maybe then we will see real progress! Until then our region will be on fire. The sooner this happens the lesser violent the aftermath will be. While the longer the current situation will continue the more difficult it will be to extinguish the fire! We owe the next generation a better region because there is a big possibility that they will be even worse than the Child-Murderer, Daesh and other terrorist groups and dictators that are made up by the current generation or past generations. The next generations will be more vicious and eager to revenge past crimes and injustices. A never ending story in other words. It is our damn duty to stop this from happening if we can at the end of the day. At least I believe so. Because nobody in the region is going anywhere.

Think about it for a second. My two quick cents.

P.S: To the usual vandals:

There is no need to report my post (I have not broken any forum rules) and thus make my post disappear. I have stored it and will just post it again if this happens. So don't try.
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This ape came all the way from Morocco to blow up himself today in front of a natural gas and electricity plant in Eastern Homs, disrupting electricity supplies to nearby towns for some time.

7 killed and 9 injured, mostly civilians and some plant guards.


Lucifer is raping him in hell, I hope.
This ape came all the way from Morocco to blow up himself today in front of a natural gas and electricity plant in Eastern Homs, disrupting electricity supplies to nearby towns for some time.

7 killed and 9 injured, mostly civilians and some plant guards.


Lucifer is raping him in hell, I hope.

At least he died while doing it. Can you say the same about those pilots that are dropping barrel bombs on a daily basis and killing thousands of civilians in the process and doing much bigger damage to the infrastructure?

Nor is anybody here supporting what he did, crying for him let alone cheering for Daesh. For your information then Daesh has been 100 times more successful at not only killing the legitimate Syrian opposition but also damaging their cause more than anything else.

I heard that a Iranian terrorist from the IRCG got killed today by a sniper. I am sure that thousands of relatives of people killed by the current Mullah regime inside Iran and outside of it are rejoicing and wishing him hell too.

Anyway good riddance to both. May they kill each other to the last man standing.
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At least he died while doing it. Can you say the same about those pilots that are throwing barrel bombs on a daily basis and killing thousands of civilians in the process and doing much bigger damage to the infrastructure?

Nor is anybody here supporting what he did, crying for him let alone cheering for Daesh. For your information then Daesh has been 100 times more successful at not only killing the legitimate Syrian opposition but also damaging their cause more than anything else.

I heard that a Iranian terrorist from the IRCG got killed today by a sniper. I am sure that thousands of relatives of people killed by the current Mullah regime inside Iran and outside of it are rejoicing and wishing him hell too.

Anyway good riddance to both. May they kill each other to the last man standing.

Calm down Hasani, calm down. If I answer you, you are going to write a long tirade here, or a novel maybe as an answer, so just leave it. Whatever you say is true, ok?

PS: Just as a reminder, that guy ho was killed was an Iranian Arab, and he was a commander, not a soldier. He successfully led various operations around Samarra and other areas against Daesh which killed hundreds of IS scums... and guess what? Most probably many of those obliterated IS were Saudi citizens, which is very common in IS, so go figure who he really killed, what he did and who the real terrorists are.

On topic: TOW missiles which are supposed to end up in 'moderate' hands... wait what?

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