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Syria militants exhume grave of Prophet’s companion

Stop living in denial, they are Muslims, you are different not them. Understand this.
you better stop supporting terrorism, the only different is wahhabis who are destroying these shrines while both shiah and sunni are praising them and participate in Pilgrimages.
the very first Muslims who started building tombs for holy men and praising them where sunnis, the first tomb of prophet was created with "Umar ibne Khattab" (vafaol vafaol samhudi وفاء الوفاء سمهودی volume 2 page 541,544), but probably you think your sources (provided by U.K) of Islam is more accurate of the sahabe. but of course I know destroting Islam and creating bunch of terrorists like Al-Qaeda and Al-Nusrah is your plan and duty.
earlier in this topic you talked about your fathers and it's funny cause even father of Muhammad_ibn_Abd_al-Wahhab asked people to don't have any relationship with this creature, and also his brother "Sulayman ebne abulwahhab" wrote a book "zavaeghol elahiiah ضوائق الالهیه" in rejecting and condemning his brother's beliefs.
It's impossible for FSA to do it, while SAA who destroyed mosques burned Quraan, committed many blasphemous acts are likely the ones who did it:

FSA say it's SAA who did it. Another thing, a video has been recently leaked showing SAA disguised as FSA to commit such crimes in order to blame them:

Question who are you going to ask for help when the same you support today come for you.
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You asked for one instance where our Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam did himself or encouraged others to " visit graves ".
I am quoting here two instances. Let us see whether you accept it or deny the truth.

1) Syyeduna Rasolullah Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam said: "One who perform HAJJ after me and then visits my grave, that means he visits me in my life". (Daar Qutni, Baheeqi, Mishkaat, Tibrani Fiss Sageeril Ausat, Majma' al zawaid)

2) Hazrat Muhammad Bin Noman Radi ALLAH Anho narrates that Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said: "ALLAH forgives the sins of those , who on fridays regularly visits the grave of his mother and father or any one of them and his name will be recorded amongst those who exercise kindness with parents". (Baheeqi, Mishkaat, Ziaul Hadeeth - Page No: 108).

If you really believe that the life of our Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is the best example, you should accept it. Visiting graves is permissible and a very beneficial act, but We Muslims believe it is not compulsory. But You should also not stop other Muslims from visiting graves.

So you got nothing from either the Quran or Sahi Bukhari.

Lets us discuss what you have written in 1 & 2.

I agree with 1, sure every time I will do Haj I will visit the prophet's Rowdha.

and 2 is a given, for the prophet encouraged people to see the end of those who have died before you and get fear from the day of judgement.

There is no doubt about that, our prophet showed us to offer "FATIHA" for those who parted from this world.

Agree ? there is nothing to disagree.

Now tell me, data sab is your parent you'd like to go visit his grave ? or Ghareeb Nawaz is your parent u'd like to visit his grave ?

The way of the prophet was to offer FATIHA for the dead, and ask for the forgiveness of their souls. going to their grave is not a must, you can do that from your own home also.

Please now show me how the way of the prophet is followed @ Data sab, ghareeb Nawaz, or any other shrines

and please try to be logical and truthful, don't lie, and don't twist words of the prophet.

1. Search youtube for a video of ghareeb nawaz, or or data sab, or other shrines, and tell me HOW and where is that conduct proven from our prophet's life.

2. I asked you before and I am asking you again, show me 1 single instance where our prophet did himself or encouraged people to go to the graves. You have still to show me anything.

Visiting graves is beneficial only for those who have died, not for you.

Don't take half cooked sentences and twist them to suit your will. This is what the Shia & qadyani do.
yes, many shrines are under sunni custody, cause like shiah these shrines are valuable to them too, and this is another fact that proves wahhabis aren't sunni.

You (the Shia Tvelwer sect) are the equivalent of Jehovah's Witnesses in Christianity. Stop talking in the name of Sunnis like me that want nothing to do with you.

Your beliefs and practices are completely alien to 90 percent of all Muslims worldwide. You are a tiny minority much like Jehovah's Witnesses are in Christianity. Do you understand this?

There is nothing called Wahhabism. Nobody calls himself a Wahhabi. What you are referring to is the Hanbali fiqh which is one of the 4 traditional madahib in Sunni Islam.

Go worship your fake Ayatollah's and nonsense and leave us Muslims alone. You belong in Iran and the Shia world. Not the Sunni world. We will reject your believes whenever you try to spread the nonsense to Sunni areas be they Arab or non-Arab. You are free to practice whatever you like in your own lands.

Every single Shia "scholar" has lost in every single theological debate to Sunni scholars. Time and time again. So don't even try.

Learn from your fellow Iranian and leave the superstition before it will be too late.

Source? Everyone here is up in arms that a "shrine" would have been touched. That's a primary source....you know what that is?

Idolatry is not just images....perhaps you might look it up.

I know what idolatry is but you do not know what Islam is, people usually refrain from speaking on things they know little about.
Shia's put more emphasis on Ahle Bayt and 12 masoomeen than Prophet (P.B.U.H) or Allah. I rarely heard Shia Praying to Allah by reciting Darood e Ibrahimi first which is recommended by Prophet (P.B.U.H) in several Hadith, They always says, Ya Ali Madad, Ya Hussain Madad. Is Ahle bayt and your 12 masoomens more important than Allah and His Prophet? (P.B.U.H)

And as usual Shias favourite tag line Sunnis have no problem with Shias. When you Shias will curse Abu Bakr Umar Usman, Ayesha (R.A) on loudspeakers from your imam bargah, sunni blood will boil, when we see you tube videos of your majalis and amount of cursing you do, plus amount of cursing you do on 9th and 10th muharram, then what do you expect, Other sects of Islam shower their Love on you after hearing all these craps?

Yea I agree they should only say Ya Allah Madad, all Muslims actually should and cursing sahaba has been banned by twelver imams and is more prevalent in Pakistani Shia, who should be banned from cursing by GOP as well.
I have also seen many munazaras between Wahabis and Sunnis, and Wahabis got defeated badly. Wahabis is the new minority sect in Islam. They don't follow Islam. If they were following Islam, then why did they kill innocent Sunni Muslims of Madina and Taif . Does Islam permit killing of human beings ? If not, Why Wahabis killed Muslims ? After knowing this fact, Will you still say they are following Islam in its purest form. Islam does not permits killing of human beings.

He is a sikh trying to spread fitna.

@al-Hasani bro he's just trolling and you thank him, he ain't even Muslim lol.
He is talking about wahabbis and you say wahabbis don't exist yet you thank him so which is it? :azn:
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He is a sikh trying to spread fitna.

@al-Hasani bro he's just trolling and you thank him, he ain't even Muslim lol.
He is talking about wahabbis and you say wahabbis don't exist yet you thank him so which is it? :azn:

LOL, ironical thanks. I know this guy. Which of them are we talking about because there are 4-5 Indians at once. Hard to keep track of their trolling.;)

Also when people refer to Wahhabis here then they refer to the Hanbali fiqh which is 1 of the 4 traditional Sunni madahib. All 4 only have small differences and only practical. So anyone who follows either of the 4 madahib is a Sunni.
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You (the Shia Tvelwer sect) are the equivalent of Jehovah's Witnesses in Christianity. Stop talking in the name of Sunnis like me that want nothing to do with you.

Your beliefs and practices are completely alien to 90 percent of all Muslims worldwide. You are a tiny minority much like Jehovah's Witnesses are in Christianity. Do you understand this?

There is nothing called Wahhabism. Nobody calls himself a Wahhabi. What you are referring to is the Hanbali fiqh which is one of the 4 traditional madahib in Sunni Islam.

Go worship your fake Ayatollah's and nonsense and leave us Muslims alone. You belong in Iran and the Shia world. Not the Sunni world. We will reject your believes whenever you try to spread the nonsense to Sunni areas be they Arab or non-Arab. You are free to practice whatever you like in your own lands.

Every single Shia "scholar" has lost in every single theological debate to Sunni scholars. Time and time again. So don't even try.

Learn from your fellow Iranian and leave the superstition before it will be too late.

Iranian Shia writer becomes Sunni [Eng Subs] - YouTube
Your BS doesn't need reply. about your video and the lame wahhabi, all of his claims about being an ex-shiah from northern Iran is fake, his accent proves this. I guess all wahhabis are as lame as this one, I just point to three of his BS.
1.he said shiah believes that Imams are everywhere so whatever we say is heard by them. BS, Imams aren't everywhere, but there are angels who would transfers our words to them.
2.about language: this one can be chosen of the Joke of the year. How our souls speak if they don't have mouth? and how they hear if they don't have ear? you are imagining after-death world as this world too that people need mouth and ears and translators? Gosh.
3.when you even doubt about the long life of messiah how could you believe in judgement day. if your God can't give a long life to messiah, then he can bring you back to the life too, so by denying the "Ma'ad (hereafter)" you aren't even Muslim.
I am a Sunni Muslim of the Shafi'i fiqh and from the Meccan branch of the Hashemite tribe. Who are you?

I can guarantee you that 99,9 % of all of my fellow Sunnis do not agree with your outrageous practices and consider them alien to Islam as do 90 percent of the worlds Muslims. If not they would worship your fake Ayatollah's like you Shia Twelvers do and engage in other un-Islamic practices. You can do whatever you like in your own lands (those of Iran) but we will not allow for that alien sect to gain foothold in our lands.

We form 90 percent of the worlds Muslims while you are a tiny sect. Much like my comparison with the Jehovah's Witnesses.

Of course you lose your temper because your outrageous practices are coming into light and the messenger is a fellow Iranian and former Shia himself.

The video shows the true and everything he said are your believes.

But we Muslims do not care as long as you keep your sect to yourself because it is not welcomed in Sunni lands.

Also is that all you can write? 2 hours after I posted that video? I know that you looked at this page since that time, LOL.

Let me post this great video again.

Iranian Shia writer becomes Sunni [Eng Subs] - YouTube

Maybe if you see it more than once you will leave the superstition.

I know that you sit in Iran and live in censorship etc. But you believe that you Ayatollah is infallible which is enough for me not to waste time with you. You are taking partners besides that of Allah (swt) and he has no equal or partners!

Stop your superstitious believes before it is too late.
Yea I agree they should only say Ya Allah Madad, all Muslims actually should and cursing sahaba has been banned by twelver imams and is more prevalent in Pakistani Shia, who should be banned from cursing by GOP as well.
our supreme leader has condemned any offensive words to Sahaba and wives of prophet, in fact respecting to beliefs of other religious is part of Islam, but wahhabis are using this just as an excuse for their crimes.
I am a Sunni Muslim of the Shafi'i fiqh and from the Meccan branch of the Hashemite tribe. Who are you?

I can guarantee you that 99,9 % of all of my fellow Sunnis do not agree with your outrageous practices and consider them alien to Islam as do 90 percent of the worlds Muslims. If not they would worship your fake Ayatollah's like you Shia Twelvers do and engage in other un-Islamic practices. You can do whatever you like in your own lands (those of Iran) but we will not allow for that alien sect to gain foothold in our lands.

We form 90 percent of the worlds Muslims while you are a tiny sect. Much like my comparison with the Jehovah's Witnesses.

Of course you lose your temper because your outrageous practices are coming into light and the messenger is a fellow Iranian and former Shia himself.

The video shows the true and everything he said are your believes.

But we Muslims do not care as long as you keep your sect to yourself because it is not welcomed in Sunni lands.

Also is that all you can write? 2 hours after I posted that video? I know that you looked at this page since that time, LOL.

Let me post this great video again.

Iranian Shia writer becomes Sunni [Eng Subs] - YouTube

Maybe if you see it more than once you will leave the superstition.

I know that you sit in Iran and live in censorship etc. But you believe that you Ayatollah is infallible which is enough for me not to waste time with you. You are taking partners besides that of Allah (swt) and he has no equal or partners!

Stop your superstitious believes before it is too late.
I was reading comments from 5 pages before also I'm downloading some big files, my connection is slow I had to download your video first, and it got quite time.

but what I wrote is enough for you, you just have nothing to say but accusing, even so we deny worshiping shrines you keep repeating your words, In Iran we have Shafi'i too and none of them confirms your BS. you just have to pretend to be able to defend your dirty thoughts.
watch and burn

also cause you mentioned about shafei:
Shafie leader: "Every day I went beside of Abu Honaifa's grave and asked for consecration. whenever I had a problem I would pray 2 rokat Namaz and would resort to him and my problem would be solved".
مناقب ابوحنیفه خوارزمی volume 2 page 199
المنتظم ابن جوزی volume 16 page 1100
وفیات الاعیان ابن خلكان volume 5 page 414
دول الاسلام page 92
Stop your superstitious believes before it is too late.

what do you mean ? you're going to kill all of us?
you are going to act like talibans with shias in Afghanistan: convert , leave the country or die. ?
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