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Suspected death of an Israeli army general who participated in terrorizing gen. Soleimani

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Nothing new from Muslim baby killer regime in Iran. They are tough on Muslims and more than willing to contribute to deaths of millions of Muslims, but will never target US or Israel. So they put these fake stories in their media of fake shadow war, where by now they eliminated most of US top brass and Israeli one, and Palestine liberation will commence any second.

They are doing this propaganda for domestic consumption among Arabs. They put fake stories to turn around to Muslims in region, and tell them see, we are fighting Israel and US and therefore we must kill you now and kill another thousands of Muslims in Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Yemen. This Muslim baby-killer regime is no different than the Zionist regime, both thirsty for Muslim blood. Muslims will not forget what they did and tomorrow is not far. They will be on receiving of eye for eye punishment. Their culture and books are vile and will need to be fixed.
As always Falcon is at the side of America and Israel. Nd he's supposed to be a Palestinian. People in PDF are already starting to find out wat kind of guy you are. You are overdoing your moves and this will cost you cuz soon no one here will support you at all.
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As always Falcon is at the side of America and Israel. Nd he's supposed to be a Palestinian. People in PDF are already starting to find out wat kind of guy you are. You are overdoing your moves and this will cost you cuz soon no one hear will support you at all.

Iran is at side of America, Israel, India, Russia and everyone who is anti-Islam/Muslim:

India likely to start full operations at Iran's Chabahar port by May end

Iranian drone shot down by PAF, confirms FO

Syria war: Alarm after 33 Turkish soldiers killed in attack in Idlib

Exclusive: U.S. probe of Saudi oil attack shows it came from north - report

Iran: Halt Execution of 33 Sunnis
You are overdoing your moves and this will cost you cuz soon

Lol, are you trying to threaten me? For believing in God and not fake-religious atheist regimes like the one in Iran?
Iran is at side of America, Israel, India, Russia and everyone who is anti-Islam/Muslim:

India likely to start full operations at Iran's Chabahar port by May end

Iranian drone shot down by PAF, confirms FO

Syria war: Alarm after 33 Turkish soldiers killed in attack in Idlib

Exclusive: U.S. probe of Saudi oil attack shows it came from north - report

Iran: Halt Execution of 33 Sunnis

Lol, are you trying to threaten me? For believing in God and not fake-religious atheist regimes like the one in Iran?
Hey I never threatened you. It's you who threatens everybody here. I said that it wil cost you cuz those who watch ur back right now wil no longer support ur made up inflammatory theories. As well as you labeling ppl ATHEIST.

You are spreading a bad stench everywhere. And if you think you can push against everybody and there's not gunna Be a counter push than you mistaken.

You are talking about another one of ur fictional theory that Iran and America are friends. Will you be able to say this in front of a 1000 intellectuals wordwide , along with thousands of attendees? Do you know how you wil Be laughed at. In fact they will think that there's something wrong in your head. Cuz this conspiracy theory of yours is on par with conspiracy theories such as the nazis are on the moon or that there's mythical land called shambala beneath the earth.

You are literally preaching a conspiracy theory here by saying Iran and America are friends. This doesn't even deserve a laughter. Remember one this people on PDF are not fools. You are exposing yourself to them every day.
Hey I never threatened you. It's you who threatens everybody here. I said that it wil cost you cuz those who watch ur back right now wil no longer support ur made up inflammatory theories. As well as you labeling ppl ATHEIST.

You are spreading a bad stench everywhere. And if you think you can push against everybody and there's not gunna Be a counter push than you mistaken.

You are talking about another one of ur fictional theory that Iran and America are friends. Will you be able to say this in front of a 1000 intellectuals wordwide , along with thousands of attendees? Do you know how you wil Be laughed at. In fact they will think that there's something wrong in your head. Cuz this conspiracy theory of yours is on par with conspiracy theories such as the nazis are on the moon or that there's mythical land called shambala beneath the earth.

You are literally preaching a conspiracy theory here by saying Iran and America are friends. This doesn't even deserve a laughter. Remember one this people on PDF are not fools. You are exposing yourself to them every day.

US gave Iraq to Iran, to do genocide against Muslims, Iranian-led militias are nationalists who killing what they see as anti-Persia people:

One of Baghdad's most deadly sectarian pogroms, which saw at least 40 people, apparently all Sunnis, killed by Shia militants in a rampage in a Baghdad suburb last weekend, has further damaged sectarian relations in Iraq.

Witnesses said gunmen, some masked, set up roadblocks and stopped motorists in the mainly Sunni suburb of Jihad, near Baghdad airport, demanding to see identity cards. Those with Sunni names were shot dead; Shias were released.

40 die in Baghdad massacre as Shia militia go on rampage | Guardian Weekly | guardian.co.uk



Also, all this speak for itself. Only attacking Muslim nation's infrastructure and Muslim people/soldiers, never attacking Israel or US. You are not some religious regime, IR is nationalist regime which will gladly work with anti-Muslim regimes and do anti-Muslim violence across whole region for sake of Persian nationalism. :

India likely to start full operations at Iran's Chabahar port by May end

Iranian drone shot down by PAF, confirms FO

Syria war: Alarm after 33 Turkish soldiers killed in attack in Idlib

Exclusive: U.S. probe of Saudi oil attack shows it came from north - report

Iran: Halt Execution of 33 Sunnis
US gave Iraq to Iran, to do genocide against Muslims, Iranian-led militias are nationalists who killing what they see as anti-Persia people:

One of Baghdad's most deadly sectarian pogroms, which saw at least 40 people, apparently all Sunnis, killed by Shia militants in a rampage in a Baghdad suburb last weekend, has further damaged sectarian relations in Iraq.

Witnesses said gunmen, some masked, set up roadblocks and stopped motorists in the mainly Sunni suburb of Jihad, near Baghdad airport, demanding to see identity cards. Those with Sunni names were shot dead; Shias were released.

40 die in Baghdad massacre as Shia militia go on rampage | Guardian Weekly | guardian.co.uk



Also, all this speak for itself. Only attacking Muslim nation's infrastructure and Muslim people/soldiers, never attacking Israel or US. You are not some religious regime, IR is nationalist regime which will gladly work with anti-Muslim regimes and do anti-Muslim violence across whole region for sake of Persian nationalism. :

India likely to start full operations at Iran's Chabahar port by May end

Iranian drone shot down by PAF, confirms FO

Syria war: Alarm after 33 Turkish soldiers killed in attack in Idlib

Exclusive: U.S. probe of Saudi oil attack shows it came from north - report

Iran: Halt Execution of 33 Sunnis
You are posting articles that are not relevant to your CLAIMS. This is the trademark old school DECEPTION. And you categorically are preaching a very sectarian perspective here on PDF. People are taking notice. You are self righteously dividing people in groups. Your post right here has an incredible sectarian narrative.

Your are promoting and extremely sectarian narrative and people will resist you here. People are waking up to wat u are doing here Falcon. Stop SECTARIANISM.
This tread is spammed by the comments of falcon.

This thread is fake news. OP is twisting the news and made up fake headline which is against rules. If Iran or Iran-led militias want credit for attacks against Israel, they must actually do attacks on Israel. Fake Twitter propaganda and chatter in Telegram groups does not amount to attacks on Israel. Iran and Iran-led militias have hundreds of thousands of tanks, rockets, drones, ballistic missiles, and can easily attack Israel whenever they want to. But, instead they reserve these weapons for Muslims in Muslim nations, and settle for fake propaganda stories about Israel.
You are posting articles that are not relevant to your CLAIMS. This is the trademark old school DECEPTION. And you categorically are preaching a very sectarian perspective here on PDF. People are taking notice. You are self righteously dividing people in groups. Your post right here has an incredible sectarian narrative.

Your are promoting and extremely sectarian narrative and people will resist you here. People are waking up to wat u are doing here Falcon. Stop SECTARIANISM.

This is sectarnism and terrorism, only started as a result of Iran's revolution. Nothing changed in Israel since 1979, Israel got infintely stronger. Muslim nations on other hand have been devastated, war in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Gulf region, Lebanon, etc.... Ever since Iranian regime came into power by France.

This is called terrorism, ISIS did this in 2013, Iran-led militias in Iraq did it before them. Do you support this? Yes or no?:

One of Baghdad's most deadly sectarian pogroms, which saw at least 40 people, apparently all Sunnis, killed by Shia militants in a rampage in a Baghdad suburb last weekend, has further damaged sectarian relations in Iraq.

Witnesses said gunmen, some masked, set up roadblocks and stopped motorists in the mainly Sunni suburb of Jihad, near Baghdad airport, demanding to see identity cards. Those with Sunni names were shot dead; Shias were released.

40 die in Baghdad massacre as Shia militia go on rampage | Guardian Weekly | guardian.co.uk


This thread is fake news. OP is twisting the news and made up fake headline which is against rules. If Iran or Iran-led militias want credit for attacks against Israel, they must actually do attacks on Israel. Fake Twitter propaganda and chatter in Telegram groups does not amount to attacks on Israel. Iran and Iran-led militias have hundreds of thousands of tanks, rockets, drones, ballistic missiles, and can easily attack Israel whenever they want to. But, instead they reserve these weapons for Muslims in Muslim nations, and settle for fake propaganda stories about Israel.

This is sectarnism and terrorism, only started as a result of Iran's revolution. Nothing changed in Israel since 1979, Israel got infintely stronger. Muslim nations on other hand have been devastated, war in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Gulf region, Lebanon, etc.... Ever since Iranian regime came into power by France.

This is called terrorism, ISIS did this in 2013, Iran-led militias in Iraq did it before them. Do you support this? Yes or no?:

One of Baghdad's most deadly sectarian pogroms, which saw at least 40 people, apparently all Sunnis, killed by Shia militants in a rampage in a Baghdad suburb last weekend, has further damaged sectarian relations in Iraq.

Witnesses said gunmen, some masked, set up roadblocks and stopped motorists in the mainly Sunni suburb of Jihad, near Baghdad airport, demanding to see identity cards. Those with Sunni names were shot dead; Shias were released.

40 die in Baghdad massacre as Shia militia go on rampage | Guardian Weekly | guardian.co.uk


This guy is crossing all lines. HE has put a bad stench in each of his posts Nd ruined the thread.

And why does he have problem the the name topic of the thread? The title says "Suspected Death", what is wrong with that ? There's actual speculation going on in the media that Iran may be involved . He is going on and on about his objection to anything that we do. Which is totally unfair and forceful.

I am saying this from my own judgement that we get banned for far softer offenses. He is heating up the sectarian hate in this forum to boiling point . Check al his previous posts and read them. He calls whoever he wants an atheist. This can't be allowed.

I call on the mods and admins to take decisive action against this individual. He is only doing himself harm. People on PDF are not fools, they are smart and educated and can clearly see what he is doing.

@waz @PakSword @AgNoStiC MuSliM @WebMaster @LeGenD @Foxtrot Alpha
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This guy is crossing all lines. HE has put a bad stench in each of his posts Nd ruined the thread.

And why does he have problem the the name topic of the thread? The title says "Suspected Death", what is wrong with that ? There's actual speculation going on in the media that Iran may be involved . He is going on and on about his objection to anything that we do. Which is totally unfair and forceful.

I am saying this from my own judgement that we get banned for far softer offenses. He is heating up the sectarian hate in this forum to boiling point . Check al his previous posts and read them. He calls whoever he wants an atheist. This can't be allowed.

Stop doing sectarnaism in this forum, it is you guys who doing sectariansm 24/7 in this forum and attacking/degrading Muslim nations and Muslim people all the time. This thread is fake with altered headline, it is a random Israeli soldier who had heart failure during training exercise and had nothing to do with US killing of Soliemeni:

This is fake altered headline, to make it seem like Iran and its militias are doing weekly hits on Israel, for domestic propaganda purposes, to exonerate themselves from owing up to their rhetoric against Israel and prove to local people that they even intend to fight them. On ground they are only active in 6+ regional conflicts in Muslim nations And they open threads like these then degrade Muslim nations and dehumanize them based off fake altered propaganda.
@waz this Zionist falcon29 is a well known enemy of every Shia Muslim. You can go through its posts and see the Negative ratings received for insulting Shias. A well known sectarian that insults and accuses all Iranian members of this forum. In the meantime quotes Israeli sources as proof such as Jerusalem post, Haaretz and other Israeli mouthpieces.
These planned attacks against Israelis here and there without any doubt will be covered up by the Zionist media.
We do not insist on making points, these threads are just a hint to our friends allowing them to know that we overtly/covertly respond to every Israeli atracks/claims.
In order to keep these threads clean, please stop the one sided insults of this well known member, otherwise, people would lose hope in having a healthy discussions in this platform.
About the Israeli Gaza conflict, this Zionist member pretending of being a Palestinian Patriot, insulted all Iranian posters in the thread without any reason.
Please give us the hope that we can keep the threads clean without being derailed and if you see the thread is not authentic then please close it as per the forum rules. There is no need to Listen to a Zionist troll that spreads sectarian non Sense in all the threads opened in Iranian defense froum and the Middle East section.
Thanks and regards.
I must say, Islamic Iran is really putting to shame every other country in this regard. Not only is Iran the only state actor to massively support the Palestinian Resistance, which is why both the leaders and the rank-and-file of these organizations have been showering Iran with praise and expressing their deep solidarity with Tehran, but Iran will even directly strike at zio-American interests and assets. Hats off! A true source of inspiration for Muslim governments worlwide. Contemporary Iran and her civilization give real meaning to the term 'Islamic'.
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@SalarHaqq @Muhammed45 ...friends..do you know of any genuine Palestinian member in this forum...I am surprised that we do not hear from them...are there any residing in Iran that are member in this PDF
@SalarHaqq @Muhammed45 ...friends..do you know of any genuine Palestinian member in this forum...I am surprised that we do not hear from them...are there any residing in Iran that are member in this PDF
There were decent members among Arabs talking friendly, one was from KSA that i can't Remember his exact nickname. An other one was kuwaitigirl, both of them were attacked and insulted for talking friendly about Iran and Iranians. They were being called bitches, traitors to Arabs, etc. Hence left the forum.
On the other hand These anti-Iran Arab Zionists were being led by Al-Hasani aka Saif-Al-Arab and so on from KSA and it was almost when we were at the pick of Syrian war. That troll had tens of nicknames in this forum.
No decent Arab guy dares to speak friendly of Iran in this forum. They will be accused of being Rafidis, traitors, non-Arabs etc.
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