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Survey on Caliphate in Pakistan

Can majority or for that matter any Pakistani tell me..if they adopt Caliphate system of governance..who will appoint the first caliph?
Can majority or for that matter any Pakistani tell me..if they adopt Caliphate system of governance..who will appoint the first caliph?

My guess is they will go to where it stopped.

The last Kaliph was Abdülmecid II of the Ottoman Empire.

They will go to secular Turkey and ask around for Abdul's family opinion on the next caliph. LOL
You can't vote if you're illiterate.

So, no. In Pakistan's case, majority doesn't rule. At all.

what about the 'majority educated people'

you may have been living in your pind in punjab, come to karachi, majority of them support shariah
Overwhelming Majority of Pakistan wants the Khilafah System, Rejected Western Democracy, only two percent want Islamic democracy.
MMERB's latest survey on the Governance in Pakistan.
Islamic caliphate 53%
Islamic democracy 2%
Democracy 11%
Kingdom 6%
Martial Law 22%

If this makes you sleep at night then so be it but it's actually laughable in today's times. Better to wake up and smell the coffee.
Pakistan isn't ready for Sharia yet , we need an Islamic Democracy as Quaid wanted and if Khilafat is needed it has to stem from the democracy.

During his interview on the 18th December 1943, the Quaid told Mr. Beverley Nicholas that Islam is not merely a religious doctrine but a realistic and practical code of conduct in terms of everything important in life, of our history, our heroes, our art, our architecture, our music, our laws, and our jurisprudence. In all these things our outlook is not only fundamentally different but often radically antagonistic to the Hindus. There is nothing in life which links us together. Our names, our clothes, our food, they are all different; our economic life, our educational ideas our treatment of women, our attitude of animals – we challenge each other at every point of the compass. Take one example, the eternal question of the cow, we eat the cow, the Hindus worship it.

MA- Jinnah
caliphate in modern era?

What is next? slavery system?

Overwhelming Majority of Pakistan wants the Khilafah System, Rejected Western Democracy, only two percent want Islamic democracy.
MMERB's latest survey on the Governance in Pakistan.
Islamic caliphate 53%
Islamic democracy 2%
Democracy 11%
Kingdom 6%
Martial Law 22%
"People get the government they deserve."

I think Pakistani people deserve better. It is the successive governments that have molded the Pakistani people and not the other way round.
caliphate in modern era?

What is next? slavery system?

The Islamic caliphate has no expiration date and has no limitations and is not bounded by geography, historical and political era, social desires, ideologies, and other important factors. It is an everlasting force whether alive or dead in the present.

Only the ignorant don't know better.
It's not exactly related but here goes:
If you can feel the pulse of time right now, it is very easy to see that CONSIDERABLE changes would take place in the whole world. You are basically going to see every new day as a landmark in progression towards this entirely new re-organisation/ makeover of the planet Earth.

Things are moing very fast, anything is possile.
What's your source for all this? I don't know why people keep on harping about Khilafah System when we all know that it will fail miserably.
my dear lady dance it won't fail even if it fails it won't be as bad as thiswestren democracy did and for all the Muslims rejecting and opposing it god says in QURAN "habib key do ya deen mera raaasta hai" so why don't u all say it key do ya deen mera raaasta hai !!!!!!!
What's your source for all this? I don't know why people keep on harping about Khilafah System when we all know that it will fail miserably.

What if you (Musalmans of this country) get a leader (a messiah if you will...) the like of which the world hasn't seen in recent history, would such a leader be able to steer Muslim Ummah to greatness?
my dear lady dance it won't fail even if it fails it won't be as bad as thiswestren democracy did and for all the Muslims rejecting and opposing it god says in QURAN "habib key do ya deen mera raaasta hai" so why don't u all say it key do ya deen mera raaasta hai !!!!!!!

Please explain how it won't fail? Who will be the had of the Khilafah System? Did any one take into account that are a a lot different sects of Islam and different ethnic groups that make up Muslim? Have you surveyed the Muslim world and asked them if they want a Khilafah System? In today's world it's just not feasible, its every man for himself.We should be just focusing on how to better Pakistan rather then a worrying about how to form an "Ummah" or a "Khilafah System"
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