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SUPER sukhoi



You'll see parts of it's EW system, that's about it.
All these specs are nice but I'm rather interested to know whether this upgrade will include "slime lights", every a/c in the West has them and they are increasingly present on Indian Mil a/c also:






The RMAF's SU-30MKMs have them also:


why so interested in slime lights ?? I might sound silly but I am unaware if any other benefit of it apart from night formation flying.
why so interested in slime lights ?? I might sound silly but I am unaware if any other benefit of it apart from night formation flying.
The purpose of any light is just that- illumination during low light/pitch back conditions.

I just think it makes sense for the Su-30s to have them from a flight safety point of view (never Russia's priority) not just for formation flying but for IFR too.

It is a rather trivial detail I am aware but it is the small things that can make a difference sometimes.
hats why F-15 with RCS of 15sqm was unchallenged. Latest F-15 E have the RCS of 3-5 Sqm so its unlikely that the MKI would gets the RCS of 1sq m.

I think the similar plan is in place for MKI. If MKI's RCS can be reduced to 1/5 th like F 15, It shall have a significant advantage in BVR combat. And the upgrades are planned in same line of F 15.
I think the similar plan is in place for MKI. If MKI's RCS can be reduced to 1/5 th like F 15, It shall have a significant advantage in BVR combat. And the upgrades are planned in same line of F 15.

We cannot alter the material from aluminium to carbon composite ..

It will be expensive and time consuming ..

Better Ram painting , internalization of some antennas , other simple sorts only will do I think..

Are we going to induct any more Su 30 mki ? No,
We are moving on to pak fa/ FGFA .. So no need for these costly major upgrades

And western neighbour haven't got anything that will outmatch our current su30 mki..
We cannot alter the material from aluminium to carbon composite ..

It will be expensive and time consuming ..

Better Ram painting , internalization of some antennas , other simple sorts only will do I think..

Are we going to induct any more Su 30 mki ? No,
We are moving on to pak fa/ FGFA .. So no need for these costly major upgrades

And western neighbour haven't got anything that will outmatch our current su30 mki..

MKIs are not only Pakistan specific. We always have china in mind when we purchase hitech defense stuff.
I don't think so. The use of RAM coating, could not lower the RCS of MKI to 1 Square Metre. With cannard its not possible, nor any need for that. No body i mean no govt, OEM, airforce, gives the actual RCS of any fighter plane in the whole world. But people talks about RCS like an experts. RCS what you are talking about 1sqm is only from front 180 degree, and what about the RCS from the bellow, which SAM will target and from the Sides from which most of the aerial attacks takes place.
LOL "With canard it's not possible to reduce RCS to 1sqm? Have you seen most stealthily 4th Gen fighter. As of now first is EF and comes Rafale. Now Google and read about pictures of both.
On topic. Super Sukois full reports not yet released. If Massive fighters like MKI has to be reduced RCS then major change in airframe will be needed. Think about Su35 weapon systems and avionics upgraded with major change in airframe not just to carry Bramos but also to reduce RCS. If all goes well Indian Airforce will be far ahead of Chinese fighters for many years to comes.
LOL "With canard it's not possible to reduce RCS to 1sqm? Have you seen most stealthily 4th Gen fighter. As of now first is EF and comes Rafale. Now Google and read about pictures of both.
On topic. Super Sukois full reports not yet released. If Massive fighters like MKI has to be reduced RCS then major change in airframe will be needed. Think about Su35 weapon systems and avionics upgraded with major change in airframe not just to carry Bramos but also to reduce RCS. If all goes well Indian Airforce will be far ahead of Chinese fighters for many years to comes.

Janab False Flagger there is no way I can answer your query, and the country you support and its all whether friend is getting SU 35 which have RCS of 1 sq metre for sure. But to answer your post here it is

Super Sukhoi will most probably goes with the upgraded Bar N01 AESA Radar, if so the cannard is not going to be removed. If you are considering the use of the cannard in Rafale and still have low RCS, then the Rafale's cannard is designed well and positioned in the perfectly as compared to MKI. In case of EF the cannard is very small.
The size of the MKI also makes it difficult to reduced its RCS considerably. Now if you argue Su 35 then pls read my earlier post for the answer.

Super Sukhoi rull reports have not yet released, but what we heard or what we speculate from its model, is that Super Sukhoi well be upgraded with internal Jammer- virgilus jammer, 2 wing tip Escort jammer, ariel decoy, MAW, RWR,LWS, Shiva ASPJ Pod, upgraded mission computer, upgraded display computer, glass cockpit. As far as the airframe strengthening is concerned, the Super Sukhoi after strengthening could carry KH-31, KH-35 for SEAD mission and for DEAD with 3 Brahmos NG(mini).

Now Super Sukhoi Su30MKI would be carrying out SEAD, DEAD, and Anti-ship role and ground attack but still it won't be the strike fighter, like Su-35, nor dedicated ground attack fighter like Su-34 because it is not certified to fly at low level with full load, and will be delivering the weapons from the strandoff range. And during SEAD and DEAD mission, the Virgilus Aesa based jammer, Escort jammer, and aerial decoy and its sensors will help Super Sukhoi when flying at high altitude.
LOL "With canard it's not possible to reduce RCS to 1sqm? Have you seen most stealthily 4th Gen fighter. As of now first is EF and comes Rafale. Now Google and read about pictures of both.
On topic. Super Sukois full reports not yet released. If Massive fighters like MKI has to be reduced RCS then major change in airframe will be needed. Think about Su35 weapon systems and avionics upgraded with major change in airframe not just to carry Bramos but also to reduce RCS. If all goes well Indian Airforce will be far ahead of Chinese fighters for many years to comes.

He's parroting words of Prasun K Sengupta.Now,Prasun is a reasonable person,knowledgeable too but he can't be right every time.
He's parroting words of Prasun K Sengupta.Now,Prasun is a reasonable person,knowledgeable too but he can't be right every time.

So what does prasun saheb says about RCS reduction of Super Sukhoi with cannard. Applying better RAM coating, use of composite, how much you can lower the RCS of the MKI with the huge airframe and belly. And the most important Question Which Country, OEM, pilot discloses the true RCS of the fighter plane at particlular frequency.
So what does prasun saheb says about RCS reduction of Super Sukhoi with cannard. Applying better RAM coating, use of composite, how much you can lower the RCS of the MKI with the huge airframe and belly. And the most important Question Which Country, OEM, pilot discloses the true RCS of the fighter plane at particlular frequency.

Size literally doesn't matter that much when the discussion is about RCS!!
@knight11 : Bro @Ind4Ever is not a false flagger... Btw he was first to break the story of he hearing from source about 2 Su35 in India for the "Su35 Stealth" 5th Gen project..

On topic
Frankly speaking present RCS claims for MKI ranges from 19-23m2 (claimed in public sources and no official records anywhere) so even with the upgrade it comes to 5m2 as Su35 basic 4.5 gen version is then i believe that should be more or less acceptable. Beyond this, the requirement of reduction will be far too cost intensive and its an MLU not a new bird acquisition so we should consider that aspect too..
So what does prasun saheb says about RCS reduction of Super Sukhoi with cannard. Applying better RAM coating, use of composite, how much you can lower the RCS of the MKI with the huge airframe and belly. And the most important Question Which Country, OEM, pilot discloses the true RCS of the fighter plane at particlular frequency.
Well when rcs of upgraded Mig-29s can be reduced from 5 sqm to 1-1.5 sqm that too without coating, rcs of MKIs can be reduced to 4-5 sqm or even less is no big deal. I once asked this to Saurav Jha and he said that with coating and few little and doable tweaks in airframe, can do this.
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