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IAF Sukhoi Su-30MKI, Mirage 2000 Fighter Jets Crash in Madhya Pradesh's Morena; Wreckage Spotted


Quit taking pot shots, they are unbecoming.
This is the risk that men undertake in this line of work.
Machines malfunction, and accidents happen,

We have had our share. Some years back 2 mushaqs collided mid air. We lost 4 pilots (one a very good friend of mine). Back in the 80s 2 mirages collided while peeling off in formation. 1 pilot died.
W/C (later on G/C) Tabriz survived.

So shit happens. Even if it was DACT there are strict rules on minimum altitude (the deck) and how close to each other you can get.

However if you are doing close formation flying with a much larger aircraft and you are in its jet wash or slip stream, that can cause sudden turbulence.
Shaheed ki jo maut hai voh qaum ki Hayat hai.Allah jannat ul firdaus Ata farmaye.Ameen.

Not for idol worshippers, you genius
So what are the likely possibilities:

1. They were flying in formation and collided.
2. Navigational error by ground controller.
3. Merge/aerobatics gone wrong.
My money on #1.
Not upto level of Salala where everyone was effed up.

Salala wasn't done by you pajeet

Sit down
My money on #1.

#1 makes sense when you conside that people are referring to 2 x Su30MKI + 1 Mirage 2000 lost in a collison .... with the indian media trying to cover up the 3rd loss as a Mig21 loss ??

Looks like they were trying with a Mirage 2000 in lead, with 2 x Su30MKI following formation ..
DACT is part of training, for all modern air forces. Moreover, dogfighting, guns only, is still very relevant in several scenarios.

Mirages have excellent dogfighting capabilities at slow speeds, I once played havoc with a real PAF Viper pilot while I was flying a mirage. Guns only of course. And on a real simulator. 1 on 1. Even though I was ultimately shot down, but I did make the other guy run for his money...

In PAF circles, there is a famous training incident in which own mirages beat own F16s. 2 v 2. Guns only....
Those sims(if nothing has changed since I know who built them) aren’t exact flight models for the Mirages. They use DCS as their base so they are using the M2k with some modding to reduce performance a little.

Why the hell would they be going into the merge for dogfight training, in a BVR world?

Seems weird to me.

Also, why the hell would you put a mirage into a merge against a su30?
The IAF trains for all scenarios and by being proficient on guns in a 1v1 situation they will hone skills needed for merging with high off boresight missiles. Your folly is assuming they did not practice BVR as well.

Also, the M2k can dogfight with the Su-30 to simulate going against a higher performing aircraft not to mention the PLAAF has a massive number of Su-30 variants.

Why the hell would they be going into the merge for dogfight training, in a BVR world?

Seems weird to me.

Also, why the hell would you put a mirage into a merge against a su30?
Flanker dogfighting capabilities are somewhat exaggerated tbh. A Mirage 2k can take a su30 head on if the pilot knows his stuff
Size su30 is larger than pakistan economy
It also crashes quickly like Pakistan's economy in the hands of idiots.
We have had our share. Some years back 2 mushaqs collided mid air. We lost 4 pilots (one a very good friend of mine). Back in the 80s 2 mirages collided while peeling off in formation. 1 pilot died.
W/C (later on G/C) Tabriz survived.

So shit happens. Even if it was DACT there are strict rules on minimum altitude (the deck) and how close to each other you can get.

However if you are doing close formation flying with a much larger aircraft and you are in its jet wash or slip stream, that can cause sudden turbulence.
Collisions can happen anytime with no planned scenario of course. Vipers recovering back to base having flown during Swift Retort had almost a similar event....
Serial troll
Registered just 4 days ago (probably after your previous ID was blocked) and trying facesaving by trolling Pakistan's economy. 😜
Means you do not want to stay on PDF again.
Looks your feelings got hurt ? Sensitive people .

But still can't help a fellow mig21 bison against Pakistani F16s and runs away complaining low fuel
Lol looks you too got some feelings hurt on mention of economy . Very sensitive .
Wha? Already...!

The first month hasn't even ended.

[Challo, 2023 ka account khol gaya. Ab een kay Crashes ka ambaar lag jana hai]
Speculating here, but if you lose visual track of the other aircraft in either close formation flying or during acm, the likelihood of a collision is pretty significant.
The other thing is, we don't know exactly how many aircraft were airborne and in the vicinity. Congested airspace leaves little room for error.
Similar accidents happen in most large air forces, like below with USAF.

Still glad there are two less 4th gen fighters available for the IAF
Lol looks you too got some feelings hurt on mention of economy . Very sensitive .

Shut up pajeet

Oh you already are
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