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SUPER sukhoi

Well when rcs of upgraded Mig-29s can be reduced from 5 sqm to 1-1.5 sqm that too without coating, rcs of MKIs can be reduced to 4-5 sqm or even less is no big deal. I once asked this to Saurav Jha and he said that with coating and few little and doable tweaks in airframe, can do this.
@Ind4Ever Sorry brother for quoting you as false flager.
@PARIKRAMA thanks brother
Janab False Flagger there is no way I can answer your query, and the country you support and its all whether friend is getting SU 35 which have RCS of 1 sq metre for sure. But to answer your post here it is

Super Sukhoi will most probably goes with the upgraded Bar N01 AESA Radar, if so the cannard is not going to be removed. If you are considering the use of the cannard in Rafale and still have low RCS, then the Rafale's cannard is designed well and positioned in the perfectly as compared to MKI. In case of EF the cannard is very small.
The size of the MKI also makes it difficult to reduced its RCS considerably. Now if you argue Su 35 then pls read my earlier post for the answer.

Super Sukhoi rull reports have not yet released, but what we heard or what we speculate from its model, is that Super Sukhoi well be upgraded with internal Jammer- virgilus jammer, 2 wing tip Escort jammer, ariel decoy, MAW, RWR,LWS, Shiva ASPJ Pod, upgraded mission computer, upgraded display computer, glass cockpit. As far as the airframe strengthening is concerned, the Super Sukhoi after strengthening could carry KH-31, KH-35 for SEAD mission and for DEAD with 3 Brahmos NG(mini).

Now Super Sukhoi Su30MKI would be carrying out SEAD, DEAD, and Anti-ship role and ground attack but still it won't be the strike fighter, like Su-35, nor dedicated ground attack fighter like Su-34 because it is not certified to fly at low level with full load, and will be delivering the weapons from the strandoff range. And during SEAD and DEAD mission, the Virgilus Aesa based jammer, Escort jammer, and aerial decoy and its sensors will help Super Sukhoi when flying at high altitude.
Dude nice to know that am false flaggers :P. Meanwhile I just gave you an example for maintaining stealth features even with Canard. As I said. To get less RCS Super Sukois has to undergo major modifications in airframe other than just an avionics upgrade. Multi role function addition is well known so no need to keep discussing about it as full spec of super Sukois. Do you have another other details on airframe modification? Will canards be omitted or not. Thanks

@knight11 : Bro @Ind4Ever is not a false flagger... Btw he was first to break the story of he hearing from source about 2 Su35 in India for the "Su35 Stealth" 5th Gen project..

On topic
Frankly speaking present RCS claims for MKI ranges from 19-23m2 (claimed in public sources and no official records anywhere) so even with the upgrade it comes to 5m2 as Su35 basic 4.5 gen version is then i believe that should be more or less acceptable. Beyond this, the requirement of reduction will be far too cost intensive and its an MLU not a new bird acquisition so we should consider that aspect too..

Am expecting major changes in airframe... Other than avionics upgrades. Last time I heard cost has escalated again during discussion as PakFa technology is maturing every passing day. Indian Airforce heavily relying on MKIs and planning to add anything possible which can improve its BVR. Very secretive project and incomplete so. We can't expect major breaking news on Airframe front
Dude nice to know that am false flaggers :P. Meanwhile I just gave you an example for maintaining stealth features even with Canard. As I said. To get less RCS Super Sukois has to undergo major modifications in airframe other than just an avionics upgrade. Multi role function addition is well known so no need to keep discussing about it as full spec of super Sukois. Do you have another other details on airframe modification? Will canards be omitted or not. Thanks
Sir, the removal of canards will depends on the Radar weight. As you know the canards was added to provide the lift to the nose to take the heavy weight of the BARS N-01 Pesa radar which is around 500 KG. Now AESA is confirmed for Super Sukhoi upgrade program, for that there are two option either upgrading Bars to AESA BARS or choosing other AESA. Going for upgrading AESA makes sense in which the Antenna would be replaced with new antenna, upgrading with more powerful radar computer for faster image processing, and upgrading the software for better and more modes.
@amardeep mishra could you comment on the radar upgrade process from PESA to AESA.

DRDO have already developed Tin Irridium Oxide Compound aka RAM coating which could be applied for the RCS reduction, and facilities is with HAL for applying the RAM coating uniformely but I heard that Russians have developed one of the best Ram coating which can lower the RCS considerably. For Mig21 bison, the russian ram coating was upplied which lowers its RCS to 1/10th of the normal Mig21, may be thats why during COPE-INDIA exercise the US F-15 with conventional radars was getting problems detecting the bison.
As far as what I believe is that RCS depends on the frequency of the Radar also, so for the pulse dopler radars, ram coating could be developed for a range of frequency, but not for all ranges, and won't be that much effective in case of Aesa or Pesa radars. Looking at the big belly of MKI and its two wedge shaped air intake, 2 big heavy canards and the heavy load of weapons mounted on its 13 pylons I don't have faith in considerable RCS reduction nor the weapons goind to loaded is designed with low RCS.

In case of Raffale the weapons loaded in its pylon are very close to its wings and the fuel tanks are designed with low RCS in mind, read somewhere the MICA-IR also have low RCS when mounted.

@Omega007 hope you appreciate thats its not a comment of prasun that I have just made
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could you comment on the radar upgrade process from PESA to AESA.

As i said i am not in electronics anymore,i dont really know what is happening with sukhoi upgrade program.I am however interested in indian radar R&D efforts.I might be able to answer a couple of questions pertaining to that
Am expecting major changes in airframe... Other than avionics upgrades. Last time I heard cost has escalated again during discussion as PakFa technology is maturing every passing day. Indian Airforce heavily relying on MKIs and planning to add anything possible which can improve its BVR. Very secretive project and incomplete so. We can't expect major breaking news on Airframe front
If major changes of airframe is there it will result in the cost escallation. Better go for airframe strengthening, new r-77pd bvr, and other long range strandoff weapons, jammers like Virgilus- same with the Eurofighter, and engine upgrade to have better MTO life and reliability to give better availability.

As i said i am not in electronics anymore,i dont really know what is happening with sukhoi upgrade program.I am however interested in indian radar R&D efforts.I might be able to answer a couple of questions pertaining to that
Sir its not for the super sukhoi update rather what is needed for the converting Pesa radar into Aesa radar.
sukhoi up gradation to cost around 50-55 million $ per air craft ? :o:

Why the heck are delaying another LCA line with private player. .. .:angry:
sukhoi up gradation to cost around 50-55 million $ per air craft ? :o:

Why the heck are delaying another LCA line with private player. .. .:angry:
Confirm order and airforce and navy commitment to support the program by ordering MK1 trainer over hawk
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