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Sunni ISIS murdered 500 Yazidi, make 300 women sex slave

Nightmare for the rest of us,

and, I doubt it's as easy as that. There is not one active insurgency group that has been quelled satisfactorily in the recent past, even though superpowers and big armies have been at them for years.

Because they are trying to quell them with armies, which is the stupidest thing in this side of the galaxy.
Deafening silence......................:angel:

Stupid post .
your implying that Pakistanis are happy with isis when you know for a fact how Pakistan is dealing with there brethren the ttp
Because they are trying to quell them with armies, which is the stupidest thing in this side of the galaxy.

No, they have thrown everything at them, even attempted to give them a whole country or territories to run on their own. The net outcome is still zilch.
Stupid post .
your implying that Pakistanis are happy with isis when you know for a fact how Pakistan is dealing with there brethren the ttp

Sorry i am not as intelligent as u:drag:
No, they have thrown everything at them, even attempted to give them a whole country or territories to run on their own. The net outcome is still zilch.

Never in history was an idea quelled forcefully, and those people are driven by an idea, you fight an idea with an opposing idea, a more attractive idea. And for this particular idea it is best fought with opening of minds. Throwing Bombs at them will only propagate the idea like an echo, over and over and over and over again.

People do not understand the idea that is driving them, none of you really does, and once you do understand it you will find why it makes so much sense, at least to them. And once you understand only then can you fight it. Ideas spread like a virus, from one person to another and to another, and it is this very idea which is the danger, the person carrying the idea, is a harmless, innocent, and quite honestly an intelligent person.

Imagine it this way, there is this virus that creates Zombies, these zombies when infected will go after every human being alive, some humans are more susceptible to this virus than others, never in any fiction was the Zombie apocalypse reversed by killing each and every single zombie, because that is impossible, it always has and will always be with a "cure". Now to develop this cure you must understand the disease. And if you never do find a cure, you will be eaten by zombies eventually.
Let us agree that these individuals who make up the rank of ISIS' paramilitary force do not represent the continuity of Sunni Muslims. I've many Muslim friends in my university, many of whom were the ones who introduced me encouraged me to read the Q'uran as well as the poems of Rummi. Neither of my friends (one is from Jeddah, KSA; and others are from Iraq and Egypt) ever espoused such violence. No, I believe that the True Islam has been molded into something truly un-Islamic as in the ideologies of these ISIS.

These ISIS members even made a promise that they would blacken Saudi Arabia and destroy the Kabbah. These people are heretics, and have distorted the words of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), who espoused peace with fellow Muslims and respect towards the People of the Book.
Never in history was an idea quelled forcefully, and those people are driven by an idea, you fight an idea with an opposing idea, a more attractive idea. And for this particular idea it is best fought with opening of minds. Throwing Bombs at them will only propagate the idea like an echo, over and over and over and over again.

People do not understand the idea that is driving them, none of you really does, and once you do understand it you will find why it makes so much sense, at least to them. And once you understand only then can you fight it. Ideas spread like a virus, from one person to another and to another, and it is this very idea which is the danger, the person carrying the idea, is a harmless, innocent, and quite honestly an intelligent person.

Imagine it this way, there is this virus that creates Zombies, these zombies when infected will go after every human being alive, some humans are more susceptible to this virus than others, never in any fiction was the Zombie apocalypse reversed by killing each and every single zombie, because that is impossible, it always has and will always be with a "cure". Now to develop this cure you must understand the disease. And if you never do find a cure, you will be eaten by zombies eventually.

Of course, but the idea is a medieval one and so strong that it permeates every other idea including modernity and moderation , it labels everything else apostate, and kufr and murtads - basically enemies of Islam. The only way you can break apart that idea is break apart the idea behind the religion. They draw inspiration from it, they will beat any moderate in a religious discussion.

They have already drawn the battle lines and dug the trenches - you are with them or against them. They have divided the world between two camps. How do you go about diluting their stand without diluting their belief?
Of course, but the idea is a medieval one and so strong that it permeates every other idea including modernity and moderation , it labels everything else apostate, and kufr and murtads - basically enemies of Islam. The only way you can break apart that idea is break apart the idea behind the religion. They draw inspiration from it, they will beat any moderate in a religious discussion.

They have already drawn the battle lines and dug the trenches - you are with them or against them. They have divided the world between two camps. How do you go about diluting their stand without diluting their belief?

Belief is but a fleeting whim of an uncultured mind, you can easily change their beliefs if you know how to, I am yet to meet one of them which I could not beat in a religious discussion, after all at one point the same education they draw inspiration from I was better at it than the lot of them. Of course being good at something and believing it are a two totally unrelated topics.

It is quite easy to convince them, or at the very least make them doubt themselves, and no one would fight for something they doubt in. You believe that their idea comes from their religion, and I as someone who has washed his hands of all religions will say that the idea is in fact superimposed on the religion, because religion is but a tool for a goal.
Belief is but a fleeting whim of an uncultured mind, you can easily change their beliefs if you know how to, I am yet to meet one of them which I could not beat in a religious discussion, after all at one point the same education they draw inspiration from I was better at it than the lot of them. Of course being good at something and believing it are a two totally unrelated topics.

It is quite easy to convince them, or at the very least make them doubt themselves, and no one would fight for something they doubt in. You believe that their idea comes from their religion, and I as someone who has washed his hands of all religions will say that the idea is in fact superimposed on the religion, because religion is but a tool for a goal.

There are a few active supporters of the Islamic re-emergence , the Islamic caliphate - rather the idea, @Zarvan, @kobiraaz, some more in the shadows, many have tried convincing them for years.

The idea is too great for them and the idea permeates both the living and the dead world, see, this is where most are wrong in trying to bring about change - they have an answer and a reasoning for everything and every action and all will be backed by scripture quotes and sources. They have a solution and a labeling for everything and every bit of that solution leads to what they see as the final outcome or the final showdown - which your teacher dreamt about.

The idea itself isn't feeble - otherwise it wouldn't have driven people (many ordinary folks who turned into zombies) to do the grizzly beheading's and the killings and also never have even a fleeting thought of regret.

You believe that their idea comes from their religion, and I as someone who has washed his hands of all religions will say that the idea is in fact superimposed on the religion, because religion is but a tool for a goal.

The idea is attached to the religion, superimposed and used as a source - there is no other justification.
There are a few active supporters of the Islamic re-emergence , the Islamic caliphate - rather the idea, @Zarvan, @kobiraaz, some more in the shadows, many have tried convincing them for years.

The idea is too great for them and the idea permeates both the living and the dead world, see, this is where most are wrong in trying to bring about change - they have an answer and a reasoning for everything and every action and all will be backed by scripture quotes and sources. They have a solution and a labeling for everything and every bit of that solution leads to what they see as the final outcome or the final showdown - which your teacher dreamt about.

The idea itself isn't feeble - otherwise it wouldn't have driven people (many ordinary folks who turned into zombies) to do the grizzly beheading's and the killings and also never have even a fleeting thought of regret.

Dont have time to read the whole thread. Have asked journalists about the topic. They said claims are not concrete or verified yet. I will come back to the thread after getting proof.
Dont have time to read the whole thread. Have asked journalists about the tropic. They said claims are not concrete or verified yet. I will come back to the tread after getting proof.

You might want to have a word with @Mosamania, i am not in the know.
@illusion8 , @Mosamania ,

Perhaps we can try to understand this phenomena as infiltrative heresy? In Christendom, there have been many a great heresies throughout its existence: I would like to call into reference some of the great ones: Gnosticism, Sabellianism, Arianism, Monophysitism, Iconoclasm, Jansenism. Many of which were put down by the sword. The phenomena happening in the Middle East as in the case of ISIS is not unique to Islam. For an entire millenia, Christendom , too, was wrecked with heretical movements that were violently put to the sword.
You might want to have a word with @Mosamania, i am not in the know.

I already had and yes i am a confused man about IS. I know what they do, how they do - i Just dont know whether they are legitimate caliphate or Not. So whenever people spread fake news about them i correct them , because a lie is a lie. But i dont ask people to support them. Khallas.
What ISIS is doing is not Islam, Islam don't allow to any harm to civilians and even soldiers if they surrender.

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