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Sukhoi PAK-FA / FGFA: Updates,News & Discussions

Btw, HAL is not the developer of LCA, they are only the manufacturer. DRDO is the developer and ADA the designer of HAL, so problems in the design and development can't be blamed at HAL!

REeee COGNIZE!!!!!!!! good to hear these words, (not absolving anyone of their failures) But I fully agree with your views here......
REeee COGNIZE!!!!!!!! good to hear these words, (not absolving anyone of their failures) But I fully agree with your views here......

EVERYBODY knows it. What did that do ? The idea is to keep LCA a failure. What did ANYONE do about it ? HAL and ADL and DRDO were not short of land, cash, lavish quarters in prime bangalore, government privileges ???? Is THAT not the only problem ?
REeee COGNIZE!!!!!!!! good to hear these words, (not absolving anyone of their failures) But I fully agree with your views here......

I always seperate where credit or criticism is due and at LCA too many confuse the name "HAL LCA Tejas" with responsibility of HAL. But more interesting would be more infos on HAL's contribution to FGFA, any chance that you can shed some light on that?
I always seperate where credit or criticism is due and at LCA too many confuse the name "HAL LCA Tejas" with responsibility of HAL. But more interesting would be more infos on HAL's contribution to FGFA, any chance that you can shed some light on that?
Right now, I have no info on that.... may be in a month or so...
IAF grounds entire Sukhoi-30 fleet, Safety Checks on


नई दिल्ली। भारत ने अपने फाइटर प्लेन सुखोई-30 की उड़ान पर रोक लगा दी है। हाल ही में पुणे के पास हुए प्लेन क्रेश के बाद ही यह फैसला लिया गया है। सुखोई-30 विमानों की तकनीकी जांच की जाएगी। सूखोई-30 के 200 विमानों के बेड़े को तकनीकी जांच करके क्लिनचिट मिलने के बाद उड़ान के लिए हरी झंडी दिखाई जाएगी।

भारतीय वायुसेना ने बताया कि हाल ही में पुणे में हुए विमान हादसे के बाद बेड़े की उड़ान रोक दी गई है और इसकी जांच की जा रही है। यह पड़ताल के बाद ही उड़ान भर पाएगा। उन्होंने यह नहीं बताया कि किन तकनीकी पहलुओं की जांच की जा रही है। देश के पास मौजूद लड़ाकू विमानों के बेड़े का लगभग एक-तिहाई हिस्सा सुखोई-30 का है।

पिछले हफ्ते एक सुखोई-30 एमकेआई पुणे के नजदीक दुर्घटनाग्रस्त हो गया था और शुरूआती जांच में पता चला कि यह हादसा मानवीय गलती के चलते नहीं, बल्कि फ्लाई-बाई तार प्रणाली में समस्या के चलते हुआ था। भारतीय वायु सेना ने प्रेस को जारी एक बयान में पायलटों विंग कमांडर एस मुंजे और फ्लाइंग ऑफिसर अनूप सिंह की भूमिका पर उंगली उठाई थी। साथ ही बताया कि सुखोई30 एमकेआई विमान दुर्घटना की जांच की जा रही है। हादसे के असल कारण के बारे में जानने के लिए कोर्ट ऑफ इंक्वायरी चल रही है। संयोगवश दो पायलटों में से एक पहले हुए एक सुखोई-30 हादसे से भी जुड़े हैं।

पहले भी हादसों के शिकार हुए सुखोई
साल 2009 से यह पांचवां सुखोई 30 एमकेआई हादसा है और बेड़े को पहले भी कम-से-कम दो बार उड़ान भरने से रोका जा चुका है। - See more at: patrika
India's Delayed FGFA Deal May Get The Focus During Putin’s India Visit

India and Russia may finally settle on a number of delayed defense deals including the Fifth Generational Fighter Aircraft (FGFA) program during Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to India this December.Putin met with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi during the BRICS summit in July where both leaders reportedly agreed that the $30 billion program to build 200 jets should move forward.In 2010, a preliminary design agreement was signed between India’s Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. (HAL) and Russia’s Sukhoi Design Bureau to jointly produce the FGFA for use by both countries.

However, a final agreement is still pending because the Indian Air Force hasn’t approved the design and workload between both companies is still under debate.

Sukhoi and India plan to sign another contract in the framework of the joint project for the construction of a fifth generation multipurpose combat jet, Alexander Klementyev, a Sukhoi deputy director general said.

“We hope the contract [for experimental design works] will be signed soon,” he was quoted as saying.

Fifth Generational Fighter Aircraft (FGFA)

Meanwhile, joint productions of all future projects is expected to be the new norm in Indo-Russian relations after Moscow last year offered to set up manufacturing facilities in the country for joint production of defence hardware in emerged earlier this year.The two countries are reportedly on the brink of signing various new defence deals this year such as the contract to integrate the Brahmos cruise missile aboard the multifunctional fighter Su-30MKI, the joint development of the Multirole Transport Aircraft (MTA), a $471 million contract to supply Invar Anti Tank Guided Missiles to the Indian army and a $ 3 billion deal to procure 42 new Su–30 MKI combat aircraft and 71 Mi–17V5 medium-lift helicopters.Technology transfer issues will also figure in the talks. Russia has been unwilling to provide technology transfer of the Smerch multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) to India.

India's Delayed FGFA Deal May Get The Focus During Putin’s India Visit | ASIAN DEFENCE NEWS
The system will increase the combat effectiveness and survivability of the aircraft

KRET delivered the first batch of innovative systems of Himalaya electronic warfare (EW) for the next-generation frontline aircraft system(PAK FA) T-50. It improves noise immunity and combat survivability of the aircraft and significantly neutralizes the effect of technologies for reduction of visibility of enemy aircraft.

Himalaya system is so integrated in the aircraft system that it performs the function of so-called "smart skin".

Himalaya EW systems for T-50 were developed by Kaluga Research Radio Engineering Institute (KNIRTI) and manufactured by another company of the Group - Stavropol Radioplant “Signal”. This unique aircraft system is a key element of the fifth-generation fighter jet, which will reduce the overall weight of the aircraft and increase its survivability and combat effectiveness.

Electronics for the PAK FA are developed by the V.V. Tikhomirov Scientific Research Institute of Instrument Design. Specialists of the Institute are currently working on designing the avionic system (radar system) for PAK FA with active phased arrays (APAR).

The new radar system has 1526 transmit-receive modules, which provides the aircraft with a greater detection range, multi-channel target tracking and use of missile weapons.

PAK FA is Russia's fifth-generation multirole fighter jet. The use of composite materials and innovative technologies, aerodynamic configuration of aircraft, engine characteristics provide an unprecedentedly low level of radar, optical and infrared visibility. This allows to significantly enhance its combat effectiveness for both air and ground targets at any time of day or night and in any weather conditions.

Recently, Russia has been conducting test flights of the fifth-generation fighter aircraft. According to the current plan, the supplies of the fighter jet to the armed forces will begin in 2016.
IAF should get 3-4 squadrons of T-50 straight away as RuAF is getting. Induct FGFA when it is ready. It will give required push to IAF to achieve air dominance in the region.
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