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Sukhoi PAK-FA / FGFA: Updates,News & Discussions

When is the first prototype gonna land in India, I thought was this year.
Send some chills in the neighbourhood :smokin:
I'm still confused about FGFA/PAK-FA.

1. Is both the same project with different name, or FGFA is derivative from PAK-FA based on India requirement?

2. If Indonesia buy PAK-FA from Russia, will India get monetary benefit (from part manufacture, IP right, etc)? If not, can India independently sold FGFA to foreign buyer, competing with PAK-FA sales?

Pak Fa, Russian fighter according to their requirements. FGFA, jointly developed with more Indian requirements and jointly owned. If FGFA is sold we benefit, if Pak Fa is, we don't, just as we benefit if Brahmos is soled, but won't if the Yakhont P800 is.
Pak Fa, Russian fighter according to their requirements. FGFA, jointly developed with more Indian requirements and jointly owned. If FGFA is sold we benefit, if Pak Fa is, we don't, just as we benefit if Brahmos is soled, but won't if the Yakhont P800 is.

Ahh thanks. Another question can India compete with Russia to sold FGFA to foreign buyer? For example if Indonesia open tender looking to buy 5'th gen fighter, can India compete with Russia to supply Indonesia?
Ahh thanks. Another question can India compete with Russia to sold FGFA to foreign buyer? For example if Indonesia open tender looking to buy 5'th gen fighter, can India compete with Russia to supply Indonesia?

No, in any case Russia is the lead partner of the project. But you only need to look at the difference of exports of Su 30 after India bought it and the Su 35 / 34s and you know which fighter has more export potential.
Pak Fa, Russian fighter according to their requirements. FGFA, jointly developed with more Indian requirements and jointly owned. If FGFA is sold we benefit, if Pak Fa is, we don't, just as we benefit if Brahmos is soled, but won't if the Yakhont P800 is.
So when we talk of work share percentage it is purely on FGFA? We don't have nothing to do with PAKFA ?even for the second batch with new engine? What about IP?
So when we talk of work share percentage it is purely on FGFA? We don't have nothing to do with PAKFA ?even for the second batch with new engine? What about IP?

Yes our share is limited to our version, the 2nd batch Pak Fa will however be pretty much the same with out FGFA, both single seat, both with the new engines and other modifcations. But until the next set of contracts is done, we don't know what Indian parts FGFA will have and if the some of them will be included into the 2nd Pak Fa too.
Yes our share is limited to our version, the 2nd batch Pak Fa will however be pretty much the same with out FGFA, both single seat, both with the new engines and other modifcations. But until the next set of contracts is done, we don't know what Indian parts FGFA will have and if the some of them will be included into the 2nd Pak Fa too.

Essentially the FGFA is nothing more than the T-50I. So it would benefit the program if India simply takes deliveries of the standard Russian PAK-FA(just as it did with the Su-30MK) and then moves onto the "Indian" version. Would speed up training and logistics.
Essentially the FGFA is nothing more than the T-50I. So it would benefit the program if India simply takes deliveries of the standard Russian PAK-FA(just as it did with the Su-30MK) and then moves onto the "Indian" version. Would speed up training and logistics.

By the same logic, it would had been faster for us to simply buy the Yakhont P800, but then would we be able to customize it according to our needs with upgrades modifications developed in India and add it to any application we want? No, because Russia is the sole owner of that missile and we will be only an export customer that might be able to demand some minor modifications made by Russia, but remains to be dependent on them to a large extend. Not to mention that we won't get benefits from the exports and had to re-negotiate on the price for every follow order.
Brahmos on the other hand might be based on the Russian missile, but we have the freedom to produce, customize, upgrade and fit it to any application we want. Surely we will use Russian help and they get benefits from it too, but we are not dependent on them and the same goes for FGFA.

Btw, I would rather say that the 2nd Pak Fa batch is more like the Su 30SM, which is a varient of our MKI, since the baseline fighter is developed according to our requirements and the Russians just replaced the foreign systems.

TRV completed testing Kh-58USHK for the PAK FA

Corporation "Tactical Missiles" (TEV) completes the state tests Kh-58USHK vnutrifyuzelyazhnyh placement. The missile is designed to equip the Russian perspective complex tactical aircraft (PAK FA), according to the Military Industrial Courier. As told to the international air show in China CEO Boris Obnosov TRV: "This is absolutely the latest product that has nothing to do with the old X-58, except for the index: it is twice shorter than the X-58 is equipped with a completely different homing. Just now finishing its state tests, including test launches with prototypes of T-50. " According to the head of the corporation, the PAK FA "is the only Russian platform, equipped with anti-radar missiles vnutrifyuzelyazhnyh placement." But it can be mounted on the external hardpoints, said Obnosov.Takzhe Corporation successfully continues to work on the X-74m2 - another new missile, "designed to equip fighter T-50 in the first step," he said. "On the PAK FA will be completely new weapons, - said CEO TRV. - We present here only our new missiles, but not all.
We plan to create a deck version of the T-50

October 27th, 2:17
The Navy plans to use Russian on the future of the new Russian aircraft carrier deck version of the Russian fifth generation fighter T-50 (PAK FA project), said October 25, 2014 on the radio station "Echo of Moscow" Deputy Commander of the Russian Navy armament, Rear Admiral Victor Bursuc.

"The development of the fleet provided by the program of shipbuilding. It - Decked Su and MiG. It is planned and further development of the T-50 (in the deck version)" - said Rear Adm.

According to Mr. Bursuc, the fleet will get a new aircraft carrier after 2030 year.

bmpd - Планируется создание палубного варианта Т-50
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