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Suggested duties for Indian members of this forum

hahaha ... I need to dig out that post of mine where I said you lot will blame us ... and queue! First Shanti/u whatever the F he is, and how you ... who is next with the blame gun?
Of the people who are part of this code, only 1 member has broken it yet. So yes, we are still quite successful in our endeavors despite all the hostile things said to us.
Gandhi is not my LORD...he's just a revered figure and national icon. We don't worship him. Just like Quaid e Azam is your icon.

I'm here to expose your lies everytime, son!
Why call him son? You see that’s a form of belittling and trying to put down someone - debate without that yaar
No, it won't be.

"Repeat offenders" will be dealt with.

Trust me on this.

I am greatly appreciative of the moderation on this forum. You guys are phenomenal.

I just wish we can put a lid on some of these dramabazi posters for good.

Hope things get better here as I have seen great improvement. I am sure @PAKISTANFOREVER @Musings @letsrock @Verve @Morpheus will agree.
Don’t please make assessments on me - I several pages pointed out it was commendable what the the likes of Joe and Shantanu we’re trying to achieve here but w u lad find it difficult - I have just got involved to this level because I cannot agree with the fact that some people like Ghandi should be talked about in a negative manner - this is a forum yaar and people have difference of opinion - crushing that is a no IMO. Remove the abuse and personal attacks but don’t set a code of conduct about a person that some don’t find as an icon of history.

Agree with the bolded part. You get it, why don't these other users?
hahaha ... I need to dig out that post of mine where I said you lot will blame us ... and queue! First Shanti/u whatever the F he is, and how you ... who is next with the blame gun?

At the end it is all the fault of Pakistanis for not falling in line and agreeing to Indian point of view.
The spelling is Mahatma Gandhi not Ghandi.

Many White people and even Indians spell it that way. And actually in Gujarati language that spelling is accepable.

But these users definitely do it to MOCK Mahatma Gandhi. But I don't have a problem with this misspelling, as much as I dislike it.
Why are Pakistanis in this thread???
Why should Pakistanis not be allowed an opinion on any thread on Pakistan defence forum?
Indians are allowed to soft troll on for example the shortage of petrol or threads relating to corruption in Pakistan etc without mods setting limits or asking why are Indians on this thread?
Why can’t Pakistanis have a say on what code of conducts Indians should be adhering to?
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