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Suggested duties for Indian members of this forum

Here comes the hidden high horsed troll. The one that encourages others to do his dirty work after he launches a bait thread - don’t try to hold the high ground little Indian - you are what all of us need to call out. 2 faced troll that encourages others to troll.
@PAKISTANFOREVER @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan
Here we have this chap pretending to be a voice of reasoning - watch him squirm because he’s been called out again

I think posters like that will be better of on indian forums where they can express their feelings and opinions to their fullest till their hearts' content.
Who brought Gandhi into this conversation by the way?

Bro, you are still not showing understanding.

There are average Indians. Then there are national icons of a country.

Feel free to highlight faults/misdeeds of any individual - no issue.

But insulting national icons? I can see this thread dying very soon.

Emphasis on the term 'sensitivity' - my man.

You are smart enough to get the message, I believe.

This is the antithesis of the thread itself.

You are 100% correct dear brother, however no one should be allowed to stop us from critiquing an open enemy of Pakistan and Quaid e Azam like Gandhi was.

Bro, you are still not showing understanding.

There are average Indians. Then there are national icons of a country.

Feel free to highlight faults/misdeeds of any individual - no issue.

But insulting national icons? I can see this thread dying very soon.

Emphasis on the term 'sensitivity' - my man.

You are smart enough to get the message, I believe.

This is the antithesis of the thread itself.

You want me to show sensitivity towards those with the mindset as below? Read how he expects us Pakistanis to treat his bapu!

Screen Shot 2020-07-18 at 18.22.01.png

Zero tolerance for such people with such views!

I am the last one to stop anybody from doing 'constructive criticism' of any theme. I do not impose censorship on speech.

Indians must understand that some of us lost family and relatives to Gandhi and Nehru's machinations. We are just as angry as Sikhs for that.

Pretty much many people have realized that Gandhi was a sham, all across the world. He is no liberal paragon of virtue.
You want me to show sensitivity towards those with the mindset as below? Read how he expects us Pakistanis to treat his bapu!

View attachment 652131

Zero tolerance for such people with such views!
I see.


That was really ill-informed on your part. WE are not placing statues of Gandhi in Pakistan.

Bro, you are still not showing understanding.

There are average Indians. Then there are national icons of a country.

Feel free to highlight faults/misdeeds of any individual - no issue.

But insulting national icons? I can see this thread dying very soon.

Emphasis on the term 'sensitivity' - my man.

You are smart enough to get the message, I believe.

This is the antithesis of the thread itself.

Gandhi is a national icon for the Indians not Pakistanis.

Why are Indians demanding Pakistanis to respect their icon?

We have the right to carry our own opinion.

Can I go to Bharat rat forum and demand respect for our Quaid-i-Azam ?How long will I survive there?

We are being magnanimous towards the Indians and they should stop making demands on the Pakistanis to change our views.
Kindly remove ALL posts from page 48-59 as suggested by @TheGreatMaratha as it's clear that they are derailing this thread.

I am willing to put this behind me. And expect all Indian users to do the same.

I see.


That was really ill-informed on your part. WE are not placing statues of Gandhi in Pakistan.

I agree but it was in an unrelated thread in response to this user's provocation. And I only did it once in a jocular sense. I didn't really mean it.

This user, Verve, however, responded with that dirty word for Gandhi at least 3-4 times. He wouldn't stop. That's the difference.
I agree but it was in an unrelated thread in response to this user's provocation. And I only did it once in a jocular sense. I didn't really mean it.

This user, Verve, however, responded with that dirty word for Gandhi at least 3-4 times. He wouldn't stop. That's the difference.

Lie some more ... typical banya!
Gandhi is a national icon for the Indians not Pakistanis.

Why are Indians demanding Pakistanis to respect their icon?

We have the right to carry our own opinion.

Can I go to Bharat rat forum and demand respect for our Quaid-i-Azam ?How long will I survive there?

We are being magnanimous towards the Indians and they should stop making demands on the Pakistanis to change our views.
You sure do that. :enjoy:

Look! I am simply reminding members about respecting the established rules of the forum.

If our own do not follow them, foreigners are even less likely to.

Constructive criticism is allowed. No issue.
Gentlemen My take .....

if a code of conduct thread can generate so much anamosity and anger amongst some then it’s really a next to impossible task.
On a Pakistani forum Indians have to understand that some Pakistanis are hot blooded patriots and will vent their anger occasionally touching nerves. Either you accept the status quo or take a back seat to debate - simple.
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